redis wrapper removed. pretty safe to say that we didn't really need it in the first place.

psychobunny 12 years ago
parent d77ab9048d
commit fb83913670

@ -1,90 +1,93 @@
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js');
(function(Categories) {
// An admin-only function. Seeing how we have no control panel yet ima leave this right here. sit pretty, you
Categories.create = function(data, callback) {
RDB.incr('global:next_category_id', function(cid) {
var slug = cid + '/' + utils.slugify(;
RDB.rpush('categories:cid', cid);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':name',;
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':description', data.description);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':icon', data.icon);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':blockclass', data.blockclass);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('category:slug:' + slug + ':cid', cid);
if (callback) callback({'status': 1});
Categories.edit = function(data, callback) {
// just a reminder to self that name + slugs are stored into topics data as well.
Categories.get = function(callback) {
RDB.lrange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(cids) {
Categories.get_category(cids, callback);
Categories.get_category = function(cids, callback) {
var name = [],
description = [],
icon = [],
blockclass = [],
slug = [];
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
name.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':name');
description.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':description');
icon.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':icon');
blockclass.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':blockclass');
slug.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':slug');
if (cids.length > 0) {
.exec(function(err, replies) {
name = replies[0];
description = replies[1];
icon = replies[2];
blockclass = replies[3];
slug = replies[4];
var categories = [];
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
'name' : name[i],
'cid' : cids[i],
'slug' : slug[i],
'description' : description[i],
'blockclass' : blockclass[i],
'icon' : icon[i],
/*'topics' : [0,1], later
'latest_post' : {
'uid' : 1,
'pid' : 1,
timestamp and shit
callback({'categories': categories});
} else callback({'categories' : []});
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js');
(function(Categories) {
// An admin-only function. Seeing how we have no control panel yet ima leave this right here. sit pretty, you
Categories.create = function(data, callback) {
RDB.incr('global:next_category_id', function(err, cid) {
var slug = cid + '/' + utils.slugify(;
RDB.rpush('categories:cid', cid);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':name',;
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':description', data.description);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':icon', data.icon);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':blockclass', data.blockclass);
RDB.set('cid:' + cid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('category:slug:' + slug + ':cid', cid);
if (callback) callback({'status': 1});
Categories.edit = function(data, callback) {
// just a reminder to self that name + slugs are stored into topics data as well.
Categories.get = function(callback) {
RDB.lrange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) {
Categories.get_category(cids, callback);
Categories.get_category = function(cids, callback) {
var name = [],
description = [],
icon = [],
blockclass = [],
slug = [];
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
name.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':name');
description.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':description');
icon.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':icon');
blockclass.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':blockclass');
slug.push('cid:' + cids[i] + ':slug');
if (cids.length > 0) {
.exec(function(err, replies) {
name = replies[0];
description = replies[1];
icon = replies[2];
blockclass = replies[3];
slug = replies[4];
var categories = [];
for (var i=0, ii=cids.length; i<ii; i++) {
'name' : name[i],
'cid' : cids[i],
'slug' : slug[i],
'description' : description[i],
'blockclass' : blockclass[i],
'icon' : icon[i],
/*'topics' : [0,1], later
'latest_post' : {
'uid' : 1,
'pid' : 1,
timestamp and shit
callback({'categories': categories});
} else callback({'categories' : []});

@ -1,248 +1,261 @@
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
marked = require('marked'),
user = require('./user.js'),
config = require('../config.js');
(function(Posts) {
Posts.get = function(callback, tid, current_user, start, end) {
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = start + 10;
var post_data, user_data, thread_data, vote_data, viewer_data;
//compile thread after all data is asynchronously called
function generateThread() {
if (!post_data ||! user_data || !thread_data || !vote_data || !viewer_data) return;
var posts = [];
for (var i=0, ii=; i<ii; i++) {
var uid = post_data.uid[i],
pid =[i];
'pid' : pid,
'uid' : uid,
'content' : marked(post_data.content[i] || ''),
'post_rep' : post_data.reputation[i] || 0,
'timestamp' : post_data.timestamp[i],
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(post_data.timestamp[i]),
'username' : user_data[uid].username || 'anonymous',
'user_rep' : user_data[uid].reputation || 0,
'gravatar' : user_data[uid].picture,
'fav_star_class' : vote_data[pid] ? 'icon-star' : 'icon-star-empty',
'display_moderator_tools' : uid == current_user ? 'show' : 'none'
'locked': parseInt(thread_data.locked) || 0,
'deleted': parseInt(thread_data.deleted) || 0,
'pinned': parseInt(thread_data.pinned) || 0,
'topic_id': tid,
'expose_tools': viewer_data.reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread ? 1 : 0,
'posts': posts
// get all data for thread in asynchronous fashion
RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', start, end, function(pids) {
var content = [], uid = [], timestamp = [], pid = [], post_rep = [];
for (var i=0, ii=pids.length; i<ii; i++) {
content.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':content');
uid.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':uid');
timestamp.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':timestamp');
post_rep.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':rep');
Posts.getFavouritesByPostIDs(pids, current_user, function(fav_data) {
vote_data = fav_data;
.get('tid:' + tid + ':title')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_name')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':deleted')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':pinned')
.exec(function(err, replies) {
post_data = {
pid: pids,
content: replies[0],
uid: replies[1],
timestamp: replies[2],
reputation: replies[3]
thread_data = {
topic_name: replies[4],
locked: replies[5] || 0,
category_name: replies[6],
category_slug: replies[7],
deleted: replies[8] || 0,
pinned: replies[9] || 0
user.getMultipleUserFields(post_data.uid, ['username','reputation','picture'], function(user_details){
user_data = user_details;
user.getUserField(current_user, 'reputation', function(reputation){
viewer_data = {
reputation: reputation
Posts.reply = function(socket, tid, uid, content) {
Posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
if (pid > 0) {
RDB.rpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Successful',
message: 'You have successfully replied. Click here to view your reply.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
user.getUserFields(uid, ['username','reputation','picture'], function(data){
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();'topic_' + tid).emit('event:new_post', {
'posts' : [
'pid' : pid,
'content' : marked(content || ''),
'uid' : uid,
'username' : data.username || 'anonymous',
'user_rep' : data.reputation || 0,
'post_rep' : 0,
'gravatar' : data.picture,
'timestamp' : timestamp,
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(timestamp),
'fav_star_class' :'icon-star-empty'
} else {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Unsuccessful',
message: 'Your reply could not be posted at this time. Please try again later.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
Posts.create = function(uid, tid, content, callback) {
if (uid === null) return;
RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked', function(locked) {
if (!locked || locked === '0') {
RDB.incr('global:next_post_id', function(pid) {
// Posts Info
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':content', content);
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime());
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':rep', 0);
RDB.incr('tid:' + tid + ':postcount');
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':posts', pid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid, 'postcount', 1);
if (callback)
} else {
Posts.favourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(uid_of_poster) {
Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) {
if (hasFavourited == false) {
RDB.sadd('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', 1);
RDB.incr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (room_id) {'event:rep_up', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
Posts.unfavourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(uid_of_poster) {
Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) {
if (hasFavourited == true) {
RDB.srem('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', -1);
RDB.decr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (room_id) {'event:rep_down', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
Posts.hasFavourited = function(pid, uid, callback) {
RDB.sismember('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid, function(hasFavourited) {
Posts.getFavouritesByPostIDs = function(pids, uid, callback) {
var loaded = 0;
var data = {};
for (var i=0, ii=pids.length; i<ii; i++) {
(function(post_id) {
Posts.hasFavourited(post_id, uid, function(hasFavourited){
data[post_id] = hasFavourited;
loaded ++;
if (loaded == pids.length) callback(data);
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
marked = require('marked'),
user = require('./user.js'),
config = require('../config.js');
(function(Posts) {
Posts.get = function(callback, tid, current_user, start, end) {
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = start + 10;
var post_data, user_data, thread_data, vote_data, viewer_data;
//compile thread after all data is asynchronously called
function generateThread() {
if (!post_data ||! user_data || !thread_data || !vote_data || !viewer_data) return;
var posts = [];
for (var i=0, ii=; i<ii; i++) {
var uid = post_data.uid[i],
pid =[i];
'pid' : pid,
'uid' : uid,
'content' : marked(post_data.content[i] || ''),
'post_rep' : post_data.reputation[i] || 0,
'timestamp' : post_data.timestamp[i],
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(post_data.timestamp[i]),
'username' : user_data[uid].username || 'anonymous',
'user_rep' : user_data[uid].reputation || 0,
'gravatar' : user_data[uid].picture,
'fav_star_class' : vote_data[pid] ? 'icon-star' : 'icon-star-empty',
'display_moderator_tools' : uid == current_user ? 'show' : 'none'
'locked': parseInt(thread_data.locked) || 0,
'deleted': parseInt(thread_data.deleted) || 0,
'pinned': parseInt(thread_data.pinned) || 0,
'topic_id': tid,
'expose_tools': viewer_data.reputation >= config.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread ? 1 : 0,
'posts': posts
// get all data for thread in asynchronous fashion
RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', start, end, function(err, pids) {
var content = [], uid = [], timestamp = [], pid = [], post_rep = [];
for (var i=0, ii=pids.length; i<ii; i++) {
content.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':content');
uid.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':uid');
timestamp.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':timestamp');
post_rep.push('pid:' + pids[i] + ':rep');
Posts.getFavouritesByPostIDs(pids, current_user, function(fav_data) {
vote_data = fav_data;
.get('tid:' + tid + ':title')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_name')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':deleted')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':pinned')
.exec(function(err, replies) {
post_data = {
pid: pids,
content: replies[0],
uid: replies[1],
timestamp: replies[2],
reputation: replies[3]
thread_data = {
topic_name: replies[4],
locked: replies[5] || 0,
category_name: replies[6],
category_slug: replies[7],
deleted: replies[8] || 0,
pinned: replies[9] || 0
user.getMultipleUserFields(post_data.uid, ['username','reputation','picture'], function(user_details){
user_data = user_details;
user.getUserField(current_user, 'reputation', function(reputation){
viewer_data = {
reputation: reputation
Posts.reply = function(socket, tid, uid, content) {
Posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
if (pid > 0) {
RDB.rpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Successful',
message: 'You have successfully replied. Click here to view your reply.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
user.getUserFields(uid, ['username','reputation','picture'], function(data){
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();'topic_' + tid).emit('event:new_post', {
'posts' : [
'pid' : pid,
'content' : marked(content || ''),
'uid' : uid,
'username' : data.username || 'anonymous',
'user_rep' : data.reputation || 0,
'post_rep' : 0,
'gravatar' : data.picture,
'timestamp' : timestamp,
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(timestamp),
'fav_star_class' :'icon-star-empty'
} else {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Reply Unsuccessful',
message: 'Your reply could not be posted at this time. Please try again later.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
Posts.create = function(uid, tid, content, callback) {
if (uid === null) return;
RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked', function(err, locked) {
if (!locked || locked === '0') {
RDB.incr('global:next_post_id', function(err, pid) {
// Posts Info
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':content', content);
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime());
RDB.set('pid:' + pid + ':rep', 0);
RDB.incr('tid:' + tid + ':postcount');
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':posts', pid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid, 'postcount', 1);
if (callback)
} else {
Posts.favourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) {
Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) {
if (hasFavourited == false) {
RDB.sadd('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', 1);
RDB.incr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (room_id) {'event:rep_up', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
Posts.unfavourite = function(io, pid, room_id, uid) {
RDB.get('pid:' + pid + ':uid', function(err, uid_of_poster) {
Posts.hasFavourited(pid, uid, function(hasFavourited) {
if (hasFavourited == true) {
RDB.srem('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid);
user.incrementUserFieldBy(uid_of_poster, 'reputation', -1);
RDB.decr('pid:' + pid + ':rep');
if (room_id) {'event:rep_down', {uid: uid_of_poster, pid: pid});
Posts.hasFavourited = function(pid, uid, callback) {
RDB.sismember('pid:' + pid + ':users_favourited', uid, function(err, hasFavourited) {
Posts.getFavouritesByPostIDs = function(pids, uid, callback) {
var loaded = 0;
var data = {};
for (var i=0, ii=pids.length; i<ii; i++) {
(function(post_id) {
Posts.hasFavourited(post_id, uid, function(err, hasFavourited) {
data[post_id] = hasFavourited;
loaded ++;
if (loaded == pids.length) callback(data);

@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
(function(RedisDB) {
var PRODUCTION = false,
ERROR_LOGS = true,
redis = require('redis'),
config = require('../config.js'),
db = redis.createClient(config.redis.port,, config.redis.options);
RedisDB.db = db;
// todo (holy cow): append,auth,bgrewriteaof,bgsave,bitcount,bitop,blpop,brpop,brpoplpush,client kill,client list,client getname,client setname,config get,config set,config resetstat,dbsize,debug object,debug segfault,decrby,discard,dump,echo,eval,evalsha,exec,exists,expireat,flushall,flushdb,getbit,getrange,getset,hdel,hexists,hget,hgetall,hincrby,hincrbyfloat,hkeys,hlen,hmget,hmset,hset,hsetnx,hvals,incrby,incrbyfloat,info,lastsave,lindex,linsert,llen,lpop,lpushx,lrem,lset,ltrim,migrate,monitor,move,mset,msetnx,object,persist,pexpire,pexpireat,ping,psetex,psubscribe,pttl,publish,punsubscribe,quit,randomkey,rename,renamenx,restore,rpop,rpoplpush,rpush,rpushx,sadd,save,scard,script exists,script flush,script kill,script load,sdiff,sdiffstore,select,setbit,setex,setnx,setrange,shutdown,sinter,sinterstore,sismember,slaveof,slowlog,smembers,smove,sort,spop,srandmember,srem,strlen,subscribe,sunion,sunionstore,sync,time,ttl,type,unsubscribe,unwatch,watch,zadd,zcard,zcount,zincrby,zinterstore,zrange,zrangebyscore,zrank,zrem,zremrangebyrank,zremrangebyscore,zrevrange,zrevrangebyscore,zrevrank,zscore,zunionstore
// done: get, set, incr, decr, del, mget, multi, expire, lpush, lrange, keys
function return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler) {
if (error !== null) {
if (error_handler !== null) {
} else if (PRODUCTION === false) {
throw new Exception('RedisDB Error: ' + error);
} else if (ERROR_LOGS === true) {
console.log('RedisDB Error: ' + error);
} else {
RedisDB.set = function(key, value, expiry) {
db.set(key, value);
if (expiry !== undefined) RedisDB.expire(key, expiry);
RedisDB.get = function(key, callback, error_handler) {
db.get(key, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.mget = function(keys, callback, error_handler) {
db.mget(keys, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.multi = function() {
return db.multi();
RedisDB.keys = function(pattern, callback, error_handler) {
return db.keys(pattern, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.del = function(key, callback) {
RedisDB.expire = function(key, expiry) {
db.expire(key, expiry);
// Atomic Operations
RedisDB.incr = function(key, callback, error_handler) {
db.incr(key, function(error, data) {
if (callback) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.decr = function(key) {
// Lists
RedisDB.lpush = function(key, item) {
db.lpush(key, item);
RedisDB.rpush = function(key, item) {
db.rpush(key, item);
RedisDB.lrange = function(key, start, end, callback, error_handler) {
db.lrange(key, start, end, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
// Sets
RedisDB.sadd = function(key, item) {
db.sadd(key, item);
RedisDB.srem = function(key, item) {
db.srem(key, item);
RedisDB.sismember = function(key, item, callback, error_handler) {
db.sismember(key, item, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
(function(RedisDB) {
var PRODUCTION = false,
ERROR_LOGS = true,
redis = require('redis'),
config = require('../config.js'),
RedisDB = redis.createClient(config.redis.port,, config.redis.options);
//RedisDB.db = db;
// todo (holy cow): append,auth,bgrewriteaof,bgsave,bitcount,bitop,blpop,brpop,brpoplpush,client kill,client list,client getname,client setname,config get,config set,config resetstat,dbsize,debug object,debug segfault,decrby,discard,dump,echo,eval,evalsha,exec,exists,expireat,flushall,flushdb,getbit,getrange,getset,hdel,hexists,hget,hgetall,hincrby,hincrbyfloat,hkeys,hlen,hmget,hmset,hset,hsetnx,hvals,incrby,incrbyfloat,info,lastsave,lindex,linsert,llen,lpop,lpushx,lrem,lset,ltrim,migrate,monitor,move,mset,msetnx,object,persist,pexpire,pexpireat,ping,psetex,psubscribe,pttl,publish,punsubscribe,quit,randomkey,rename,renamenx,restore,rpop,rpoplpush,rpush,rpushx,sadd,save,scard,script exists,script flush,script kill,script load,sdiff,sdiffstore,select,setbit,setex,setnx,setrange,shutdown,sinter,sinterstore,sismember,slaveof,slowlog,smembers,smove,sort,spop,srandmember,srem,strlen,subscribe,sunion,sunionstore,sync,time,ttl,type,unsubscribe,unwatch,watch,zadd,zcard,zcount,zincrby,zinterstore,zrange,zrangebyscore,zrank,zrem,zremrangebyrank,zremrangebyscore,zrevrange,zrevrangebyscore,zrevrank,zscore,zunionstore
// done: get, set, incr, decr, del, mget, multi, expire, lpush, lrange, keys
function return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler) {
if (error !== null) {
if (error_handler !== null) {
} else if (PRODUCTION === false) {
throw new Exception('RedisDB Error: ' + error);
} else if (ERROR_LOGS === true) {
console.log('RedisDB Error: ' + error);
} else {
RedisDB.set = function(key, value, expiry) {
db.set(key, value);
if (expiry !== undefined) RedisDB.expire(key, expiry);
RedisDB.get = function(key, callback, error_handler) {
db.get(key, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.mget = function(keys, callback, error_handler) {
db.mget(keys, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.multi = function() {
return db.multi();
RedisDB.keys = function(pattern, callback, error_handler) {
return db.keys(pattern, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.del = function(key, callback) {
RedisDB.expire = function(key, expiry) {
db.expire(key, expiry);
// Atomic Operations
RedisDB.incr = function(key, callback, error_handler) {
db.incr(key, function(error, data) {
if (callback) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
RedisDB.decr = function(key) {
// Lists
RedisDB.lpush = function(key, item) {
db.lpush(key, item);
RedisDB.rpush = function(key, item) {
db.rpush(key, item);
RedisDB.lrange = function(key, start, end, callback, error_handler) {
db.lrange(key, start, end, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);
// Sets
RedisDB.sadd = function(key, item) {
db.sadd(key, item);
RedisDB.srem = function(key, item) {
db.srem(key, item);
RedisDB.sismember = function(key, item, callback, error_handler) {
db.sismember(key, item, function(error, data) {
return_handler(error, data, callback, error_handler);

@ -1,303 +1,306 @@
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js'),
configs = require('../config.js'),
categories = require('./categories.js');
(function(Topics) {
Topics.get_by_category = function(callback, category, start, end) {
Topics.get = function(callback, category_id, start, end) {
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = start + 10;
//build a proper wrapper for this and move it into above function later
var range_var = (category_id) ? 'categories:' + category_id + ':tid' : 'topics:tid';
RDB.db.smembers(range_var, function(err, tids) {
var title = [],
uid = [],
timestamp = [],
slug = [],
postcount = [],
locked = [],
deleted = [],
pinned = [];
for (var i=0, ii=tids.length; i<ii; i++) {
title.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':title');
uid.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':uid');
timestamp.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':timestamp');
slug.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':slug');
postcount.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':postcount');
locked.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':locked');
deleted.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':deleted');
pinned.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':pinned');
var multi = RDB.multi()
.get('cid:' + category_id + ':name');
if (tids.length > 0) {
multi.exec(function(err, replies) {
category_name = replies[0];
var topics = [];
if (tids.length > 0) {
title = replies[1];
uid = replies[2];
timestamp = replies[3];
slug = replies[4];
postcount = replies[5];
locked = replies[6];
deleted = replies[7];
pinned = replies[8];
user.get_usernames_by_uids(uid, function(userNames) {
for (var i=0, ii=title.length; i<ii; i++) {
'title' : title[i],
'uid' : uid[i],
'username': userNames[i],
'timestamp' : timestamp[i],
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(timestamp[i]),
'slug' : slug[i],
'post_count' : postcount[i],
'lock-icon': locked[i] === '1' ? 'icon-lock' : 'none',
'deleted': deleted[i],
'pinned': parseInt(pinned[i] || 0), // For sorting purposes
'pin-icon': pinned[i] === '1' ? 'icon-pushpin' : 'none'
// Float pinned topics to the top
topics = topics.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.pinned - a.pinned;
'category_name' : category_id ? category_name : 'Recent',
'show_topic_button' : category_id ? 'show' : 'hidden',
'category_id': category_id || 0,
'topics': topics
else {
'category_name' : category_id ? category_name : 'Recent',
'show_topic_button' : category_id ? 'show' : 'hidden',
'category_id': category_id || 0,
'topics': []
} = function(socket, uid, title, content, category_id) {
if (!category_id) throw new Error('Attempted to post without a category_id');
if (uid === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'Since you are unregistered, your post is awaiting approval. Click here to register now.',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 7500,
clickfn: function() {
return; // for now, until anon code is written.
RDB.incr('global:next_topic_id', function(tid) {
// Global Topics
if (uid == null) uid = 0;
if (uid !== null) {
RDB.db.sadd('topics:tid', tid);
} else {
// need to add some unique key sent by client so we can update this with the real uid later
RDB.lpush('topics:queued:tid', tid);
var slug = tid + '/' + utils.slugify(title);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':title', title);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime());
RDB.set('topic:slug:' + slug + ':tid', tid);
// Posts
posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
if (pid > 0) RDB.lpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':topics', tid);
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'You have successfully posted. Click here to view your post.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
// in future it may be possible to add topics to several categories, so leaving the door open here.
RDB.db.sadd('categories:' + category_id + ':tid', tid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', category_id);
categories.get_category([category_id], function(data) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_name', data.categories[0].name);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug', data.categories[0].slug);
Topics.lock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as locked
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':locked', 1);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_locked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.unlock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as locked
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':locked');
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unlocked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.delete = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':deleted', 1);
Topics.lock(tid, uid);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_deleted', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.restore = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':deleted');
Topics.unlock(tid, uid);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_restored', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
} = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':pinned', 1);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_pinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.unpin = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':pinned');
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unpinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.move = function(tid, cid, socket) {
RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':cid', function(oldCid) {
RDB.db.smove('categories:' + oldCid + ':tid', 'categories:' + cid + ':tid', tid, function(err, result) {
if (!err && result === 1) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', cid);
categories.get_category([cid], function(data) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_name', data.categories[0].name);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug', data.categories[0].slug);
socket.emit('api:topic.move', { status: 'ok' });'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_moved', { tid: tid });
} else {
socket.emit('api:topic.move', { status: 'error' });
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js'),
configs = require('../config.js'),
categories = require('./categories.js');
(function(Topics) {
Topics.get_by_category = function(callback, category, start, end) {
Topics.get = function(callback, category_id, start, end) {
if (start == null) start = 0;
if (end == null) end = start + 10;
//build a proper wrapper for this and move it into above function later
var range_var = (category_id) ? 'categories:' + category_id + ':tid' : 'topics:tid';
RDB.smembers(range_var, function(err, tids) {
var title = [],
uid = [],
timestamp = [],
slug = [],
postcount = [],
locked = [],
deleted = [],
pinned = [];
for (var i=0, ii=tids.length; i<ii; i++) {
title.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':title');
uid.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':uid');
timestamp.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':timestamp');
slug.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':slug');
postcount.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':postcount');
locked.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':locked');
deleted.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':deleted');
pinned.push('tid:' + tids[i] + ':pinned');
var multi = RDB.multi()
.get('cid:' + category_id + ':name');
if (tids.length > 0) {
multi.exec(function(err, replies) {
category_name = replies[0];
var topics = [];
if (tids.length > 0) {
title = replies[1];
uid = replies[2];
timestamp = replies[3];
slug = replies[4];
postcount = replies[5];
locked = replies[6];
deleted = replies[7];
pinned = replies[8];
user.get_usernames_by_uids(uid, function(userNames) {
for (var i=0, ii=title.length; i<ii; i++) {
'title' : title[i],
'uid' : uid[i],
'username': userNames[i],
'timestamp' : timestamp[i],
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(timestamp[i]),
'slug' : slug[i],
'post_count' : postcount[i],
'lock-icon': locked[i] === '1' ? 'icon-lock' : 'none',
'deleted': deleted[i],
'pinned': parseInt(pinned[i] || 0), // For sorting purposes
'pin-icon': pinned[i] === '1' ? 'icon-pushpin' : 'none'
// Float pinned topics to the top
topics = topics.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.pinned - a.pinned;
'category_name' : category_id ? category_name : 'Recent',
'show_topic_button' : category_id ? 'show' : 'hidden',
'category_id': category_id || 0,
'topics': topics
else {
'category_name' : category_id ? category_name : 'Recent',
'show_topic_button' : category_id ? 'show' : 'hidden',
'category_id': category_id || 0,
'topics': []
} = function(socket, uid, title, content, category_id) {
if (!category_id) throw new Error('Attempted to post without a category_id');
if (uid === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'Since you are unregistered, your post is awaiting approval. Click here to register now.',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 7500,
clickfn: function() {
return; // for now, until anon code is written.
RDB.incr('global:next_topic_id', function(err, tid) {
// Global Topics
if (uid == null) uid = 0;
if (uid !== null) {
RDB.sadd('topics:tid', tid);
} else {
// need to add some unique key sent by client so we can update this with the real uid later
RDB.lpush('topics:queued:tid', tid);
var slug = tid + '/' + utils.slugify(title);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':title', title);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime());
RDB.set('topic:slug:' + slug + ':tid', tid);
// Posts
posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
if (pid > 0) RDB.lpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':topics', tid);
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'You have successfully posted. Click here to view your post.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
// in future it may be possible to add topics to several categories, so leaving the door open here.
RDB.sadd('categories:' + category_id + ':tid', tid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', category_id);
categories.get_category([category_id], function(data) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_name', data.categories[0].name);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug', data.categories[0].slug);
Topics.lock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as locked
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':locked', 1);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_locked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.unlock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as locked
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':locked');
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unlocked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.delete = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':deleted', 1);
Topics.lock(tid, uid);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_deleted', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.restore = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':deleted');
Topics.unlock(tid, uid);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_restored', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
} = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':pinned', 1);
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_pinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.unpin = function(tid, uid, socket) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(rep) {
if (rep >= configs.privilege_thresholds.manage_thread) {
// Mark thread as deleted
RDB.del('tid:' + tid + ':pinned');
if (socket) {'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unpinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
Topics.move = function(tid, cid, socket) {
RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':cid', function(err, oldCid) {
RDB.smove('categories:' + oldCid + ':tid', 'categories:' + cid + ':tid', tid, function(err, result) {
if (!err && result === 1) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', cid);
categories.get_category([cid], function(data) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_name', data.categories[0].name);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug', data.categories[0].slug);
socket.emit('api:topic.move', { status: 'ok' });'topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_moved', { tid: tid });
} else {
socket.emit('api:topic.move', { status: 'error' });

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff