You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

496 lines
13 KiB

"use strict";
11 years ago
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
11 years ago
async = require('async'),
winston = require('winston'),
11 years ago
nconf = require('nconf'),
_ = require('underscore'),
less = require('less'),
11 years ago
fork = require('child_process').fork,
rimraf = require('rimraf'),
mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
11 years ago
utils = require('./../public/src/utils'),
translator = require('./../public/src/translator'),
11 years ago
db = require('./database'),
plugins = require('./plugins'),
User = require('./user');
11 years ago
(function (Meta) {
Meta.config = {};
Meta.configs = {
init: function (callback) {
delete Meta.config;
Meta.configs.list(function (err, config) {
11 years ago
if(err) {
11 years ago
return callback(err);
11 years ago
Meta.config = config;
list: function (callback) {
11 years ago
db.getObject('config', function (err, config) {
if(err) {
11 years ago
return callback(err);
11 years ago
config = config || {};
config.status = 'ok';
callback(err, config);
get: function (field, callback) {
11 years ago
db.getObjectField('config', field, callback);
getFields: function (fields, callback) {
11 years ago
db.getObjectFields('config', fields, callback);
set: function (field, value, callback) {
if(!field) {
return callback(new Error('invalid config field'));
11 years ago
db.setObjectField('config', field, value, function(err, res) {
if (callback) {
if(!err && Meta.config) {
12 years ago
Meta.config[field] = value;
callback(err, res);
// this might be a good spot to add a hook
if (field === 'defaultLang') {
setOnEmpty: function (field, value, callback) {
11 years ago
Meta.configs.get(field, function (err, curValue) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
if (!curValue) {
Meta.configs.set(field, value, callback);
} else {
remove: function (field) {
11 years ago
db.deleteObjectField('config', field);
Meta.themes = {
get: function (callback) {
var themePath = nconf.get('themes_path');
11 years ago
if (typeof themePath !== 'string') {
return callback(null, []);
fs.readdir(themePath, function (err, files) {
async.filter(files, function (file, next) {
fs.stat(path.join(themePath, file), function (err, fileStat) {
if (err) {
return next(false);
next((fileStat.isDirectory() && file.slice(0, 13) === 'nodebb-theme-'));
}, function (themes) {, function (theme, next) {
var config = path.join(themePath, theme, 'theme.json');
if (fs.existsSync(config)) {
fs.readFile(config, function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return next();
} else {
var configObj = JSON.parse(file.toString());
next(err, configObj);
} else {
}, function (err, themes) {
themes = themes.filter(function (theme) {
return (theme !== undefined);
callback(null, themes);
set: function(data, callback) {
var themeData = {
11 years ago
'theme:type': data.type,
'theme:staticDir': '',
'theme:templates': '',
'theme:src': ''
switch(data.type) {
case 'local':
function(next) {
fs.readFile(path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'),, 'theme.json'), function(err, config) {
if (!err) {
config = JSON.parse(config.toString());
next(null, config);
} else {
function(config, next) {
themeData['theme:staticDir'] = config.staticDir ? config.staticDir : '';
themeData['theme:templates'] = config.templates ? config.templates : '';
themeData['theme:src'] = config.frameworkCSS ? config.frameworkCSS : '';
db.setObject('config', themeData, next);
], callback);
case 'bootswatch':
db.setObjectField('config', 'theme:src', data.src, callback);
Meta.title = {
tests: {
isCategory: /^category\/\d+\/?/,
isTopic: /^topic\/\d+\/?/,
isUserPage: /^user\/[^\/]+(\/[\w]+)?/
build: function (urlFragment, callback) {
var user = require('./user');
Meta.title.parseFragment(decodeURIComponent(urlFragment), function(err, title) {
if (err) {
11 years ago
title = Meta.config.browserTitle || 'NodeBB';
} else {
11 years ago
title = (title ? title + ' | ' : '') + (Meta.config.browserTitle || 'NodeBB');
callback(null, title);
parseFragment: function (urlFragment, callback) {
var translated = ['', 'recent', 'unread', 'users', 'notifications'];
if (translated.indexOf(urlFragment) !== -1) {
if (!urlFragment.length) {
urlFragment = 'home';
translator.translate('[[pages:' + urlFragment + ']]', function(translated) {
callback(null, translated);
} else if (this.tests.isCategory.test(urlFragment)) {
var cid = urlFragment.match(/category\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./categories').getCategoryField(cid, 'name', function (err, name) {
callback(null, name);
} else if (this.tests.isTopic.test(urlFragment)) {
var tid = urlFragment.match(/topic\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./topics').getTopicField(tid, 'title', function (err, title) {
callback(null, title);
} else if (this.tests.isUserPage.test(urlFragment)) {
var matches = urlFragment.match(/user\/([^\/]+)\/?([\w]+)?/),
userslug = matches[1],
subpage = matches[2];
User.getUsernameByUserslug(userslug, function(err, username) {
if (subpage) {
translator.translate('[[pages:user.' + subpage + ', ' + username + ']]', function(translated) {
callback(null, translated);
} else {
callback(null, username);
} else {
Meta.js = {
cache: undefined,
prepared: false,
scripts: [
minFile: 'nodebb.min.js',
prepare: function (callback) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:scripts.get', this.scripts, function(err, scripts) {
11 years ago
var ctime,
jsPaths = (jsPath) {
jsPath = path.normalize(jsPath);
// The filter:scripts.get plugin will be deprecated as of v0.5.0, specify scripts in plugin.json instead
if (jsPath.substring(0, 7) === 'plugins') {
var matches =, function(realPath, mappedPath) {
if (jsPath.match(mappedPath)) {
return mappedPath;
} else {
return null;
}).filter(function(a) { return a; });
if (matches.length) {
var relPath = jsPath.slice(('plugins/' + matches[0]).length),
pluginId = matches[0].split(path.sep)[0];
winston.warn('[meta.scripts.get (' + pluginId + ')] filter:scripts.get is deprecated, consider using "scripts" in plugin.json');
return plugins.staticDirs[matches[0]] + relPath;
11 years ago
} else {
winston.warn('[meta.scripts.get] Could not resolve mapped path: ' + jsPath + '. Are you sure it is defined by a plugin?');
11 years ago
return null;
} else {
return path.join(__dirname, '..', '/public', jsPath);
// Remove scripts that could not be found (remove this line at v0.5.0)
Meta.js.scripts = jsPaths.filter(function(path) {
return path !== null;
// Add plugin scripts
Meta.js.scripts = Meta.js.scripts.concat(plugins.clientScripts);
Meta.js.prepared = true;
11 years ago
minify: function(minify) {
// Prepare js for minification/concatenation
var minifier = fork('minifier.js');
minifier.on('message', function(payload) {
if (payload.action !== 'error') {'[meta/js] Compilation complete');
Meta.js.cache =;
} else {
winston.error('[meta/js] Could not compile client-side scripts!');
winston.error('[meta/js] ' + payload.error.message);
this.prepare(function() {
action: minify ? 'js.minify' : 'js.concatenate',
scripts: Meta.js.scripts
/* Themes */
Meta.css = {};
Meta.css.cache = undefined;
Meta.css.minify = function() {'[meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS');
db.getObjectFields('config', ['theme:type', 'theme:id'], function(err, themeData) {
var themeId = (themeData['theme:id'] || 'nodebb-theme-vanilla'),
baseThemePath = path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), (themeData['theme:type'] && themeData['theme:type'] === 'local' ? themeId : 'nodebb-theme-vanilla')),
paths = [
path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules'),
path.join(__dirname, '../public/vendor/fontawesome/less')
source = '@import "./theme";\n@import "font-awesome";',
x, numLESS, numCSS;
// Add the imports for each LESS file
for(x=0,numLESS=plugins.lessFiles.length;x<numLESS;x++) {
source += '\n@import "./' + plugins.lessFiles[x] + '";';
// ... and for each CSS file
for(x=0,numCSS=plugins.cssFiles.length;x<numCSS;x++) {
source += '\n@import (inline) "./' + plugins.cssFiles[x] + '";';
var parser = new (less.Parser)({
paths: paths
parser.parse(source, function(err, tree) {
if (err) {
winston.error('[meta/css] Could not minify LESS/CSS: ' + err.message);
Meta.css.cache = tree.toCSS({
cleancss: true
});'[meta/css] Done.');
/* Sounds */
Meta.sounds = {};
Meta.sounds.init = function() {
var soundsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../public/sounds');
plugins.fireHook('filter:sounds.get', [], function(err, filePaths) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Could not initialise sound files:' + err.message);
// Clear the sounds directory
function(next) {
rimraf(soundsPath, next);
function(next) {
mkdirp(soundsPath, next);
], function(err) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Could not initialise sound files:' + err.message);
// Link paths
async.each(filePaths, function(filePath, next) {
fs.symlink(filePath, path.join(soundsPath, path.basename(filePath)), 'file', next);
}, function(err) {
if (!err) {'[sounds] Sounds OK');
} else {
winston.error('[sounds] Could not initialise sounds: ' + err.message);
Meta.sounds.getFiles = function(callback) {
// todo: Possibly move these into a bundled module?
fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, '../public/sounds'), function(err, files) {
var localList = {};
if (err) {
winston.error('Could not get local sound files:' + err.message);
return callback(null, []);
// Return proper paths
files.forEach(function(filename) {
11 years ago
localList[filename] = nconf.get('relative_path') + '/sounds/' + filename;
callback(null, localList);
Meta.sounds.getMapping = function(callback) {
db.getObject('settings:sounds', function(err, sounds) {
if (err || !sounds) {
// Send default sounds
var defaults = {
notification: 'notification.wav',
'chat-incoming': 'waterdrop-high.wav',
'chat-outgoing': 'waterdrop-low.wav'
return callback(null, defaults);
callback.apply(null, arguments);
/* Settings */
Meta.settings = {};
Meta.settings.get = function(hash, callback) {
hash = 'settings:' + hash;
db.getObject(hash, function(err, settings) {
if (err) {
} else {
callback(null, settings || {});
Meta.settings.getOne = function(hash, field, callback) {
hash = 'settings:' + hash;
db.getObjectField(hash, field, callback);
Meta.settings.set = function(hash, values, callback) {
hash = 'settings:' + hash;
db.setObject(hash, values, callback);
Meta.settings.setOne = function(hash, field, value, callback) {
hash = 'settings:' + hash;
db.setObjectField(hash, field, value, callback);
Meta.settings.setOnEmpty = function (hash, field, value, callback) {
Meta.settings.getOne(hash, field, function (err, curValue) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (!curValue) {
Meta.settings.setOne(hash, field, value, callback);
} else {
/* Assorted */
Meta.restart = function() {
if (process.send) {
action: 'restart'
} else {
winston.error('[meta.restart] Could not restart, are you sure NodeBB was started with `./nodebb start`?');