You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

683 lines
18 KiB

"use strict";
(function(module) {
var templates = {},
helpers = {},
globals = {},
cache = {},
templates.parse = function(template, obj, bind, callback) {
if (typeof bind === 'function') {
callback = bind;
bind = false;
obj = registerGlobals(obj || {});
bind = bind ? Math.random() : false;
if (bind) {
obj.__template = template;
if (loader && callback) {
if (!cache[template]) {
loader(template, function(err, loaded) {
if (loaded) {
cache[template] = loaded;
callback(err, parse(loaded, obj, bind));
} else {
callback(null, parse(cache[template], obj, bind));
} else {
return parse(template, obj, bind);
templates.registerHelper = function(name, func) {
helpers[name] = func;
templates.registerLoader = function(func) {
loader = func;
templates.setGlobal = function(key, value) {
globals[key] = value;
templates.getBlock = function(template, block) {
return template.replace(new RegExp("[\\s\\S]*<!--[\\s]*BEGIN " + block + "[\\s]*-->[\r\n]*([\\s\\S]*?)[\r\n]*<!--[\\s]*END " + block + "[\\s]*-->[\\s\\S]*", 'g'), '$1');
function express(filename, options, fn) {
var fs = require('fs'),
tpl = filename.replace(options.settings.views + '/', '');
if (!cache[tpl]) {
fs.readFile(filename, function(err, html) {
cache[tpl] = html.toString();
return fn(err, templates.parse(cache[tpl], options));
} else {
return fn(null, templates.parse(cache[tpl], options));
function replace(template, key, value) {
var searchRegex = new RegExp('{' + key + '}', 'g');
return template.replace(searchRegex, value);
function makeRegex(block) {
return new RegExp("<!--[\\s]*BEGIN " + block + "[\\s]*-->[\\s\\S]*<!--[\\s]*END " + block + "[\\s]*-->", 'g');
function makeConditionalRegex(block) {
return new RegExp("<!--[\\s]*IF " + block + "[\\s]*-->([\\s\\S]*?)<!--[\\s]*ENDIF " + block + "[\\s]*-->", 'g');
function makeStatementRegex(key) {
return new RegExp("([\\s]*<!--[\\s]*IF " + key + "[\\s]*-->[\\s]*)|([\\s]*<!--[\\s]*ENDIF " + key + "[\\s]*-->[\\s]*)", 'gi');
function registerGlobals(obj) {
for (var g in globals) {
if (globals.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
obj[g] = obj[g] || globals[g];
return obj;
function checkConditional(template, key, value) {
var conditional = makeConditionalRegex(key),
matches = template.match(conditional);
if (matches !== null) {
for (var i = 0, ii = matches.length; i < ii; i++) {
var conditionalBlock = matches[i].split(/\s*<!-- ELSE -->\s*/),
statement = makeStatementRegex(key);
if (conditionalBlock[1]) {
// there is an else statement
if (!value) {
template = template.replace(matches[i], conditionalBlock[1].replace(statement, '').replace(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/gi, ''));
} else {
template = template.replace(matches[i], conditionalBlock[0].replace(statement, '').replace(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/gi, ''));
} else {
// regular if statement
if (!value) {
template = template.replace(matches[i], '');
} else {
template = template.replace(matches[i], matches[i].replace(statement, '').replace(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/gi, ''));
return template;
function callMethod(method, parameters) {
return method.apply(templates, [, parameters.iterator, parameters.numblocks]);
function parseFunctions(block, result, parameters) {
var functions = block.match(/{function.*?}/gi, '');
for (var fn in functions) {
if (functions.hasOwnProperty(fn)) {
var func = functions[fn],
method = functions[fn].split('.').pop().split('}').shift();
if (helpers[method]) {
result = result.replace(new RegExp(func, 'gi'), callMethod(helpers[method], parameters));
return result;
function parseArray(template, array, key, namespace, bind) {
template = checkConditional(template, namespace + 'length', array[key].length);
template = checkConditional(template, '!' + namespace + 'length', !array[key].length);
var regex = makeRegex(key),
block = templates.getBlock(template, namespace.substring(0, namespace.length - 1));
if (typeof block === "undefined") {
return template;
var numblocks = array[key].length - 1,
iterator = 0,
result = "",
do {
parsedBlock = parse(block, array[key][iterator], bind, namespace, {iterator: iterator, total: numblocks}) + ((iterator < numblocks) ? '\r\n':'');
result += (!bind) ? parsedBlock : '<span data-binding="' + bind + namespace + iterator + '">' + parsedBlock + '</span>';
result = parseFunctions(block, result, {
data: array[key][iterator],
iterator: iterator,
numblocks: numblocks // seems unnecessary
if (bind) {
array[key][iterator].__template = block;
} while (iterator++ < numblocks);
return template.replace(regex, result);
function parseValue(template, key, value, blockInfo) {
value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') : value;
template = checkConditional(template, key, value);
template = checkConditional(template, '!' + key, !value);
if (blockInfo) {
template = checkConditional(template, '@first', blockInfo.iterator === 0);
template = checkConditional(template, '!@first', blockInfo.iterator !== 0);
template = checkConditional(template, '@last', blockInfo.iterator ===;
template = checkConditional(template, '!@last', blockInfo.iterator !==;
return replace(template, key, value);
function setupBindings(parameters) {
var obj = parameters.obj,
key = parameters.key,
namespace = parameters.namespace,
blockInfo = parameters.blockInfo,
bind = parameters.bind,
template = parameters.template,
value = obj[key];
obj.__namespace = namespace;
obj.__iterator = blockInfo ? blockInfo.iterator : false;
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
get: function() {
return this['__' + key];
set: function(value) {
this['__' + key] = value;
var els = document.querySelectorAll('[data-binding="' + (this.__iterator !== false ? (bind + this.__namespace + this.__iterator) : bind) + '"]');
for (var el in els) {
if (els.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
if (this.__parent) {
var parent = this.__parent();
els[el].innerHTML = parse(parent.template,, false);
} else {
els[el].innerHTML = parse(this.__template, obj, false, this.__namespace);
obj[key] = value;
function defineParent(obj, parent) {
obj.__parent = function() {
return {
data: parent,
template: parent.__template
function parse(template, obj, bind, namespace, blockInfo) {
if (!obj || obj.length === 0) {
template = '';
namespace = namespace || '';
originalObj = originalObj || obj;
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' || typeof obj[key] === 'function') {
} else if (obj[key] === null) {
template = replace(template, namespace + key, '');
} else if (obj[key].constructor === Array) {
template = parseArray(template, obj, key, namespace + key + '.', bind);
} else if (obj[key] instanceof Object) {
defineParent(obj[key], originalObj);
template = parse(template, obj[key], bind, namespace + key + '.');
} else {
template = parseValue(template, namespace + key, obj[key], blockInfo);
if (bind && obj[key]) {
obj: obj,
key: key,
namespace: namespace,
blockInfo: blockInfo,
bind: bind,
template: template
if (namespace) {
template = template.replace(new RegExp("{" + namespace + "[\\s\\S]*?}", 'g'), '');
namespace = '';
} else {
// clean up all undefined conditionals
template = template.replace(/\s*<!-- ELSE -->\s*/gi, 'ENDIF -->\r\n')
.replace(/\s*<!-- IF([\s\S]*?)ENDIF([\s\S]*?)-->/gi, '')
.replace(/\s*<!-- ENDIF ([\s\S]*?)-->\s*/gi, '');
if (bind) {
template = '<span data-binding="' + bind + '">' + template + '</span>';
return template;
module.exports = templates;
module.exports.__express = express;
if ('undefined' !== typeof window) {
window.templates = module.exports;
})('undefined' === typeof module ? {
module: {
exports: {}
} : module);
"use strict";
12 years ago
(function (module) {
12 years ago
var config = {},
fs = null,
path = null,
available_templates = [],
parsed_variables = {},
module.exports = templates = {
"globals": {}
templates.force_refresh = function(tpl) {
return !!config.force_refresh[tpl];
templates.get_custom_map = function(tpl) {
if (config.custom_mapping && tpl) {
for (var pattern in config.custom_mapping) {
if (tpl.match(pattern)) {
return (config.custom_mapping[pattern]);
return false;
templates.is_available = function(tpl) {
return $.inArray(tpl + '.tpl', available_templates) !== -1;
templates.prepare = function(raw_tpl) {
var template = {};
template.html = raw_tpl;
template.parse = parse;
template.blocks = {};
12 years ago
return template;
templates.render = function(filename, options, fn) {
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path');
if ('function' === typeof options) {
fn = options, options = false;
var tpl = filename
.replace(path.join(__dirname + '/../templates/'), '')
.replace('.' + options.settings['view engine'], '');
if (!templates[tpl]) {
fs.readFile(filename, function(err, html) {
templates[tpl] = templates.prepare(html.toString());
return fn(err, templates[tpl].parse(options));
} else {
return fn(null, templates[tpl].parse(options));
templates.preload_template = function(tpl_name, callback) {
11 years ago
if(templates[tpl_name]) {
return callback();
// TODO: This should be "load_template", and the current load_template
// should be named something else
// TODO: The "" in the line below is only there for development purposes.
// It should be removed at some point.
$.get(RELATIVE_PATH + '/templates/' + tpl_name + '.tpl?v=' +, function(html) {
var template = function() {
this.toString = function() {
return this.html;
template.prototype.parse = parse;
template.prototype.html = String(html);
template.prototype.blocks = {};
templates[tpl_name] = new template;
templates.load_template = function(callback, url, template) {
var location = document.location || window.location,
api_url = (url === '' || url === '/') ? 'home' : url,
tpl_url = templates.get_custom_map(api_url.split('?')[0]);
12 years ago
if (!tpl_url) {
tpl_url = ajaxify.getTemplateMapping(api_url);
12 years ago
var template_data = null;
if (!templates[tpl_url]) {
templates.preload_template(tpl_url, function() {
} else {
apiXHR = $.ajax({
url: RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/' + api_url,
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
if (!data) {
12 years ago
template_data = data;
error: function(data, textStatus) {
$('#content, #footer').stop(true, true).removeClass('ajaxifying');
if (data && data.status == 404) {
return ajaxify.go('404');
} else if (data && data.status === 403) {
return ajaxify.go('403');
} else if (textStatus !== "abort") {
function parse_template() {
if (!templates[tpl_url] || !template_data) {
12 years ago
template_data.relative_path = RELATIVE_PATH;
var template = templates[tpl_url].parse(template_data);
translator.translate(template, function(translatedTemplate) {
11 years ago
12 years ago
if (callback) {
templates.parseTemplateVariables = function() {
$('#content [template-variable]').each(function(index, element) {
var value = null;
switch ($(element).attr('template-type')) {
case 'boolean':
value = ($(element).val() === 'true' || $(element).val() === '1') ? true : false;
case 'int':
case 'integer':
value = parseInt($(element).val());
value = $(element).val();
11 years ago
templates.set($(element).attr('template-variable'), value);
templates.cancelRequest = function() {
if (apiXHR) {
templates.flush = function() {
parsed_variables = {};
templates.get = function(key) {
return parsed_variables[key];
templates.set = function(key, value) {
parsed_variables[key] = value;
templates.setGlobal = function(key, value) {
templates.globals[key] = value;
//modified from
var parse = function(data) {
var self = this;
function replace(key, value, template) {
var searchRegex = new RegExp('{' + key + '}', 'g');
return template.replace(searchRegex, value);
function makeRegex(block) {
return new RegExp("<!--[\\s]*BEGIN " + block + "[\\s]*-->[\\s\\S]*?<!--[\\s]*END " + block + "[\\s]*-->", 'g');
function makeConditionalRegex(block) {
return new RegExp("<!--[\\s]*IF " + block + "[\\s]*-->([\\s\\S]*?)<!--[\\s]*ENDIF " + block + "[\\s]*-->", 'g');
function getBlock(regex, block, template) {
12 years ago
data = template.match(regex);
if (data == null) {
if (self.blocks && block !== undefined) {
self.blocks[block] = data[0];
var begin = new RegExp("(\r\n)*<!-- BEGIN " + block + " -->(\r\n)*", "g"),
end = new RegExp("(\r\n)*<!-- END " + block + " -->(\r\n)*", "g");
return data[0]
.replace(begin, "")
.replace(end, "");
function setBlock(regex, block, template) {
return template.replace(regex, block);
var template = this.html,
regex, block;
for (var g in templates.globals) {
if (templates.globals.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
data[g] = data[g] || templates.globals[g];
return (function parse(data, namespace, template, blockInfo) {
if (!data || data.length == 0) {
template = '';
function checkConditional(key, value) {
var conditional = makeConditionalRegex(key),
matches = template.match(conditional);
if (matches !== null) {
for (var i = 0, ii = matches.length; i < ii; i++) {
var conditionalBlock = matches[i].split(/<!-- ELSE -->/);
11 years ago
var statement = new RegExp("(<!--[\\s]*IF " + key + "[\\s]*-->)|(<!--[\\s]*ENDIF " + key + "[\\s]*-->)", 'gi');
if (conditionalBlock[1]) {
// there is an else statement
if (!value) {
11 years ago
template = template.replace(matches[i], conditionalBlock[1].replace(statement, ''));
} else {
11 years ago
template = template.replace(matches[i], conditionalBlock[0].replace(statement, ''));
} else {
// regular if statement
if (!value) {
template = template.replace(matches[i], '');
} else {
11 years ago
template = template.replace(matches[i], matches[i].replace(statement, ''));
for (var d in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
12 years ago
if (typeof data[d] === 'undefined') {
} else if (data[d] === null) {
template = replace(namespace + d, '', template);
} else if (data[d].constructor == Array) {
checkConditional(namespace + d + '.length', data[d].length);
checkConditional('!' + namespace + d + '.length', !data[d].length);
namespace += d + '.';
12 years ago
var regex = makeRegex(d),
block = getBlock(regex, namespace.substring(0, namespace.length - 1), template);
if (block == null) {
namespace = namespace.replace(d + '.', '');
var numblocks = data[d].length - 1,
i = 0,
result = "";
do {
result += parse(data[d][i], namespace, block, {iterator: i, total: numblocks});
} while (i++ < numblocks);
namespace = namespace.replace(d + '.', '');
template = setBlock(regex, result, template);
} else if (data[d] instanceof Object) {
template = parse(data[d], namespace + d + '.', template);
} else {
11 years ago
var key = namespace + d,
value = typeof data[d] === 'string' ? data[d].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') : data[d];
checkConditional(key, value);
checkConditional('!' + key, !value);
if (blockInfo && blockInfo.iterator) {
checkConditional('@first', blockInfo.iterator === 0);
checkConditional('!@first', blockInfo.iterator !== 0);
checkConditional('@last', blockInfo.iterator ===;
checkConditional('!@last', blockInfo.iterator !==;
11 years ago
11 years ago
template = replace(key, value, template);
if (namespace) {
template = template.replace(new RegExp("{" + namespace + "[\\s\\S]*?}", 'g'), '');
namespace = '';
} else {
// clean up all undefined conditionals
11 years ago
template = template.replace(/<!-- ELSE -->/gi, 'ENDIF -->')
.replace(/<!-- IF([^@]*?)ENDIF([^@]*?)-->/gi, '')
.replace(/<!-- ENDIF ([^@]*?)-->/gi, '');
11 years ago
return template;
12 years ago
})(data, "", template);
module.exports.__express = module.exports.render;
if ('undefined' !== typeof window) {
window.templates = module.exports;
window.onload = function() {
$.when($.getJSON(RELATIVE_PATH + '/templates/config.json'), $.getJSON(RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/get_templates_listing')).done(function (config_data, templates_data) {
config = config_data[0];
available_templates = templates_data[0];
11 years ago
})('undefined' === typeof module ? {
module: {
exports: {}
} : module);