merge fork with upstream master
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"": "Online",
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"403.message": "Olet päätynyt sivulle jolle sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia. Ehkäpä sinun tulisi <a href='/login'>kirjaudu sisään</a>?",
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"403.message": "Olet päätynyt sivulle, johon sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia. Sinun pitäisi kai <a href='/login'>kirjautua sisään</a>.",
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"404.message": "Olet päätynyt sivulle, jota ei ole olemassa. Palaa <a href='/'>etusivulle</a>.",
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"500.message": "Oho! Jotain meni pieleen!",
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"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "Olet onnistuneesti kirjautunut sisään",
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"logout.title": "Olet nyt kirjautunut ulos.",
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"motd.welcome": "Tervetuloa NodeBB:hen, tulevaisuuden keskustelualustalle.",
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"failed_login_attempt": "Sisäänkirjaantuminen epäonnistui, ole hyvä ja yritä uudestaan.",
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"chat.no_active": "Sinulla ei ole aktiivisia keskusteluita."
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"": "Oletuksena sähköposti osoitettasi ei näytetä muille .",
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"": "Oletuksena sähköpostiosoitettasi ei näytetä muille.",
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"favourites.has_no_favourites": "Sinulla ei ole yhtään suosikkiviestiä.",
"vote.not_logged_in.title": "Not Logged In",
"vote.not_logged_in.message": "Please log in in order to vote",
"vote.cant_vote_self.title": "Invalid Vote",
"vote.cant_vote_self.message": "You cannot vote for your own post",
"favourites.not_logged_in.title": "Et ole kirjautunut",
"favourites.not_logged_in.message": "Kirjaudu sisään, jotta voit lisätä tämän viestin suosikkeihisi",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "Sinulla ei ole yhtään suosikkiviestiä. Lisää joitakin viestejä suosikeiksi nähdäksesi ne täällä!",
"vote.not_logged_in.title": "Et ole kirjautunut",
"vote.not_logged_in.message": "Kirjaudu sisään äänestääksesi",
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"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Tämä keskustelu siirretään aihealueelle",
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"composer.new_topic": "New Topic"
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"composer.upload_instructions": "Lataa kuvia vetämällä & pudottamalla ne."
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"has_no_follower": "Kukaan ei seuraa tätä käyttäjää :(",
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"login_successful": "Login avvenuto con successo!"
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"failed_login_attempt": "Tentativo di accesso fallito, prova ancora.",
"login_successful": "Sei entrato con successo!"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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"chat.placeholder": "scrivi un messaggio qui, poi premi Invio",
"chat.send": "Invia",
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"chat.no_active": "Non hai discussioni attive."
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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"no_notifs": "Non hai nuove notifiche",
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"no_topics": "<strong>Er zijn geen onderwerpen in deze categorie.</strong><br />Waarom maak je er niet een aan?",
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"search": "Zoeken",
"buttons.close": "Sluiten",
"403.title": "Toegang Geweigerd",
"403.message": "Het lijkt erop dat je op een pagina beland bent waar je geen toegang tot hebt. Misschien moet je <a href='/login'>inloggen</a>?",
"404.title": "Niet Gevonden",
"404.message": "Het lijkt erop dat je op een pagina beland bent die niet bestaat. Ga terug naar de <a href='/'>home pagina</a>.",
"500.title": "Interne fout.",
"500.message": "Oeps! Het lijkt erop dat iets is fout gegaan!",
"register": "Registeren",
"login": "Inloggen",
"please_log_in": "Please Log In",
"posting_restriction_info": "Posting is currently restricted to registered members only, click here to log in.",
"welcome_back": "Welcome Back ",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "You have successfully logged in",
"logout": "Uitloggen",
"logout.title": "Je bent nu uitgelogd.",
"logout.message": "Je bent met succes uitgelogd van NodeBB",
"save_changes": "Aanpassingen Opslaan",
"close": "Sluiten",
"pagination": "Pagination",
"header.admin": "Admin",
"header.recent": "Recent",
"header.unread": "Ongelezen",
"header.popular": "Populair",
"header.users": "Gebruikers",
"header.chats": "Chats",
"header.notifications": "Notificaties",
"": "Zoeken",
"header.profile": "Profiel",
"notifications.loading": "Notificaties Laden",
"chats.loading": "Chats Laden",
"motd.welcome": "Welkom bij NodeBB, het discussie platform van de toekomst.",
"motd.get": "Verkrijg NodeBB",
"motd.fork": "Fork",
"": "Like",
"motd.follow": "Volgen",
"previouspage": "Vorige Pagina",
"nextpage": "Volgende Pagina",
"alert.success": "Succes",
"alert.error": "Fout",
"alert.banned": "Verbannen",
"alert.banned.message": "Je bent verbannen en zal uitgelogd worden!",
"alert.unfollow": "Je volgt niet langer %1!",
"alert.follow": "Je volgt nu %1!",
"posts": "Berichten",
"views": "Weergaven",
"posted": "geplaatst",
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"recentposts": "Recente Berichten",
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"away": "Afwezig",
"dnd": "Niet Storen",
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"offline": "Offline",
"privacy": "Privacy"
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"name": "Nederlands",
"code": "nl",
"dir": "ltr"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"login": "Inloggen",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
"remember_me": "Mij Onthouden?",
"forgot_password": "Wachtwoord Vergeten?",
"alternative_logins": "Alternatieve Logins",
"failed_login_attempt": "Mislukte inlog poging, probeer het later opnieuw.",
"login_successful": "Je bent succesvol ingelogd!"
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"chat.chatting_with": "Chat met <span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>",
"chat.placeholder": "type chat bericht hier, druk op enter om te verzenden",
"chat.send": "Verzenden",
"chat.no_active": "Je hebt geen actieve chats."
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"title": "Notificaties",
"no_notifs": "You have no new notifications",
"see_all": "Bekijk alle Notificaties",
"back_to_home": "Terug naar NodeBB",
"outgoing_link": "Uitgaande Link",
"outgoing_link_message": "Je verlaat nu",
"continue_to": "Doorgaan naar",
"return_to": "Teruggaan naar"
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"home": "Home",
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"popular": "Popular Topics",
"recent": "Recente Onderwerpen",
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"user.edit": "\"%1\" aanpassen",
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"user.followers": "Mensen die %1 Volgen",
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"title": "Recent",
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"week": "Week",
"month": "Maand",
"no_recent_topics": "Er zijn geen recente reacties."
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"register": "Registreren",
"": "Je email is standaard verborgen voor andere gebruikers.",
"help.username_restrictions": "Een unieke gebruikersnaam tussen %1 en %2 karakters. Anderen kunnen je vermelden met @<span id='yourUsername'>gebruikersnaam</span>.",
"help.minimum_password_length": "Je wachtwoord moet tenminste %1 karakters lang zijn.",
"email_address": "Email Adres",
"email_address_placeholder": "Vul Email Adres in",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"username_placeholder": "Vul Gebruikersnaam in",
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"password_placeholder": "Vul Wachtwoord in",
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"confirm_password_placeholder": "Bevestig Wachtwoord",
"register_now_button": "Nu Registreren",
"alternative_registration": "Alternatieve Registratie",
"terms_of_use": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden",
"agree_to_terms_of_use": "Ik ga akkoord van de Gebruiksvoorwaarden"
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"reset_password": "Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen",
"update_password": "Wachtwoord Updaten",
"password_changed.title": "Wachtwoord Veranderd",
"password_changed.message": "<p>Wachtwoord is met succes gereset, log a.u.b. <a href=\"/login\">opnieuw in</a>.",
"wrong_reset_code.title": "Incorrecte Reset Code",
"wrong_reset_code.message": "De ontvangen reset code is incorrect. Probeer het opnieuw, of <a href=\"/reset\">vraag een nieuwe code aan</a>.",
"new_password": "Nieuw Wachtwoord",
"repeat_password": "Bevestig Wachtwoord",
"enter_email": "Vul a.u.b. je <strong>email address</strong> in en we versturen je een email met de stappen hoe je je account reset.",
"password_reset_sent": "Wachtwoord Reset Verzonden",
"invalid_email": "Fout Email Adres / Email Adres bestaat niet!"
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
"topic": "Onderwerp",
"topics": "Onderwerpen",
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"no_posts_found": "Geen berichten gevonden!",
"profile": "Profiel",
"posted_by": "Geplaatst door",
"chat": "Chat",
"notify_me": "Krijg notificaties van nieuwe reacties op dit onderwerp",
"quote": "Citeren",
"reply": "Reageren",
"edit": "Aanpassen",
"delete": "Verwijderen",
"move": "Verplaatsen",
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"flag_title": "Dit bericht markeren voor moderatie",
"deleted_message": "Dit onderwerp is verwijderd. Alleen gebruikers met onderwerp management privileges kunnen dit onderwerp zien.",
"following_topic.title": "Following Topic",
"following_topic.message": "You will now be receiving notifications when somebody posts to this topic.",
"not_following_topic.title": "Not Following Topic",
"not_following_topic.message": "You will no longer receive notifications from this topic.",
"login_to_subscribe": "Please register or log in in order to subscribe to this topic",
"watch": "Watch",
"share_this_post": "Share this Post",
"thread_tools.title": "Thread Gereedschap",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Ongelezen Markeren",
"": "Onderwerp Vastmaken",
"thread_tools.unpin": "Onderwerp Losmaken",
"thread_tools.lock": "Onderwerp Sluiten",
"thread_tools.unlock": "Onderwerp Openen",
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"thread_tools.delete": "Onderwerp Verwijderen",
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"favourites": "Favorieten",
"favourites.not_logged_in.title": "Niet Ingelogd",
"favourites.not_logged_in.message": "Log a.u.b. in om dit bericht als Favoriet op te slaan",
"favourites.has_no_favourites": "Je hebt geen favorieten, sla een aantal berichten op als favoriet om ze hier te zien!",
"vote.not_logged_in.title": "Niet Ingelogd",
"vote.not_logged_in.message": "Log a.u.b. in om te kunnen stemmen",
"vote.cant_vote_self.title": "Ongeldige Stem",
"vote.cant_vote_self.message": "Je kan niet op je eigen berichten stemmen",
"loading_more_posts": "Meer Berichten Laden",
"move_topic": "Onderwerp Verplaatsen",
"move_post": "Bericht Verplaatsen",
"fork_topic": "Onderwerp Forken",
"topic_will_be_moved_to": "Dit onderwerp zal verplaatst worden naar de categorie",
"fork_topic_instruction": "Klik op de berichten die je wilt forken",
"fork_no_pids": "Geen berichten geselecteerd!",
"fork_success": "Onderwerp is met succes geforkt!",
"reputation": "Reputatie",
"posts": "Berichten",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Vul de titel voor het onderwerp hier in...",
"composer.write": "Schrijven",
"composer.preview": "Voorbeeld",
"composer.discard": "Annuleren",
"composer.submit": "Opslaan",
"composer.replying_to": "Reageren op",
"composer.new_topic": "Nieuw Onderwerp",
"composer.drag_and_drop_images": "Drag and Drop Images Here",
"composer.content_is_parsed_with": "Content is parsed with",
"composer.upload_instructions": "Upload images by dragging & dropping them."
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"title": "Ongelezen",
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"mark_all_read": "Alles markeren als Gelezen",
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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"edit": "Aanpassen",
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"upload_new_picture": "Nieuwe Afbeelding Uploaden",
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"password": "Wachtwoord",
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"upload_a_picture": "Upload een afbeelding",
"image_spec": "You may only upload PNG, JPG, or GIF files",
"max": "max.",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"show_email": "Laat Mijn Email Zien",
"has_no_follower": "Deze gebruiker heeft geen volgers :(",
"follows_no_one": "Deze gebruiker volgt niemand :(",
"has_no_posts": "Deze gebruiker heeft nog geen berichten geplaatst",
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"latest_users": "Nieuwste Gebruikers",
"top_posters": "Meest Actief",
"most_reputation": "Meeste Reputatie",
"online": "Online",
"search": "Zoeken",
"enter_username": "Vul een gebruikersnaam in om te zoeken",
"load_more": "Meer Laden"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"title": "消息",
"no_notifs": "You have no new notifications",
"see_all": "See all Notifications",
"title": "通知",
"no_notifs": "你没有新的通知",
"see_all": "查看所有通知",
"back_to_home": "返回主页",
"outgoing_link": "站外链接",
"outgoing_link_message": "你正在离开本站。",
"outgoing_link_message": "你正在离开本站",
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"return_to": "返回"
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"home": "Home",
"unread": "Unread Topics",
"popular": "Popular Topics",
"recent": "Recent Topics",
"users": "Registered Users",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"user.edit": "Editing \"%1\"",
"user.following": "People %1 Follows",
"user.followers": "People who Follow %1",
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"user.settings": "User Settings"
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"unread": "未读",
"popular": "受欢迎的主题",
"recent": "最新主题",
"users": "已注册用户",
"notifications": "提醒",
"user.edit": "编辑 \"%1\"",
"user.following": "%1的人关注",
"user.followers": "%1关注的人",
"user.favourites": "%1 喜爱的帖子",
"user.settings": "用户设置"
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"title": "Recent",
"title": "最近",
"day": "今日",
"week": "本周",
"month": "本月",
"no_recent_topics": "There are no recent topics."
"no_recent_topics": "没有最近的话题。"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"title": "Unread",
"title": "未读",
"no_unread_topics": "没有未读主题。",
"mark_all_read": "标记全部为已读",
"load_more": "载入更多"
Reference in New Issue