"alerts.confirm-delete":"Opozorilo!</strong><p>Ali res želite izbrisati <strong>uporabnika(e)</strong>?</p><p>Tega dejanja ni mogoče razveljaviti! Izbrisan bo samo uporabniški račun, njegove objave in teme bodo ostale.</p>\n",
"alerts.confirm-delete-content":"<strong>Warning!</strong><p>Do you really want to delete these user(s) <strong>content</strong>?</p><p>This action is not reversible! The users' accounts will remain, but their posts and topics will be deleted.</p>",
"alerts.confirm-purge":"<strong>Warning!</strong><p>Do you really want to delete <strong>user(s) and their content</strong>?</p><p>This action is not reversible! All user data and content will be erased!</p>",