@ -98,4 +98,72 @@ mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
unOverflowTables ( ) ;
unOverflowTables ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , unOverflowTables ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , unOverflowTables ) ;
/ * *
* Sticky scrollbars maybe ? !
* /
$content . find ( '.content-table' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var $table , $tableWrapper , $spoof , $scrollbar ;
$tableWrapper = $ ( this ) ;
$table = $tableWrapper . children ( 'table' ) . first ( ) ;
// Assemble our silly crap and add to page
$scrollbar = $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'content-table-scrollbar inactive' ) . width ( $content . width ( ) ) ;
$spoof = $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'content-table-spoof' ) . width ( $table . outerWidth ( ) ) ;
$tableWrapper . parent ( ) . prepend ( $scrollbar . prepend ( $spoof ) ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Scoll table when scrolling scrollbar and visa - versa lololol wut
* /
$content . find ( '.content-table' ) . on ( 'scroll' , function ( ) {
// Only do this here if we're not already mirroring the spoof
var $mirror = $ ( this ) . siblings ( '.inactive' ) . first ( ) ;
$mirror . scrollLeft ( $ ( this ) . scrollLeft ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$content . find ( '.content-table-scrollbar' ) . on ( 'scroll' , function ( ) {
var $mirror = $ ( this ) . siblings ( '.content-table' ) . first ( ) ;
// Only do this here if we're not already mirroring the table
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
if ( ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'inactive' ) ) {
$mirror . scrollLeft ( $ ( this ) . scrollLeft ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Set active when actually over the table it applies to ...
* /
function determineActiveSpoofScrollbars ( ) {
$content . find ( '.overflowed .content-table' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var $scrollbar = $ ( this ) . siblings ( '.content-table-scrollbar' ) . first ( ) ,
tableTop , tableBottom , viewBottom ;
tableTop = $ ( this ) . offset ( ) . top ;
tableBottom = tableTop + $ ( this ) . outerHeight ( ) ;
viewBottom = window . scrollY + document . documentElement . clientHeight ;
if ( tableTop < viewBottom && tableBottom > viewBottom ) {
$scrollbar . removeClass ( 'inactive' ) ;
} else {
$scrollbar . addClass ( 'inactive' ) ;
} ) ;
determineActiveSpoofScrollbars ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( 'scroll resize' , determineActiveSpoofScrollbars ) ;
/ * *
* Make sure tablespoofs remain correctly - sized ?
* /
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , function ( ) {
$content . find ( '.content-table-scrollbar' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var width = $ ( this ) . siblings ( ) . first ( ) . find ( 'table' ) . first ( ) . width ( ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( '.content-table-spoof' ) . first ( ) . width ( width ) ;
$ ( this ) . width ( $content . width ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;