@ -5,36 +5,141 @@ import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/menu_bar.dart';
import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/helper/utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/helper/utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/slider_direction.dart';
import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/slider_direction.dart';
/// SliderMenuContainer which have two [sliderMain] and [sliderMenu] parameter
///For Example :
/// SliderMenuContainer(
/// appBarColor: Colors.white,
/// sliderMenuOpenSize: 200,
/// title: Text(
/// title,
/// style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700),
/// ),
/// sliderMenu: MenuWidget(
/// onItemClick: (title) {
/// _key.currentState.closeDrawer();
/// setState(() {
/// this.title = title;
/// });
/// },
/// ),
/// sliderMain: MainWidget())
class SliderMenuContainer extends StatefulWidget {
class SliderMenuContainer extends StatefulWidget {
/// [Widget] which display when user open drawer
final Widget sliderMenu;
final Widget sliderMenu;
/// [Widget] main screen widget
final Widget sliderMain;
final Widget sliderMain;
/// [int] you can changes sliderDrawer open/close animation times with this [animationDuration]
/// parameter
final int animationDuration;
final int animationDuration;
/// [double] you can change open drawer size by this parameter [sliderMenuOpenSize]
final double sliderMenuOpenSize;
final double sliderMenuOpenSize;
///[double] you can change close drawer size by this parameter [sliderMenuCloseSize]
/// by Default it is 0. if you set 30 then drawer will not close full it will display 30 size of width always
final double sliderMenuCloseSize;
final double sliderMenuCloseSize;
///[bool] if you set [false] then swipe to open feature disable.
///By Default it's true
final bool isDraggable;
final bool isDraggable;
///[bool] if you set [false] then it will not display app bar
final bool hasAppBar;
final bool hasAppBar;
///[Color] you can change drawer icon by this parameter [drawerIconColor]
final Color drawerIconColor;
final Color drawerIconColor;
///[Widget] you can change drawer icon by this parameter [drawerIcon]
final Widget drawerIcon;
final Widget drawerIcon;
///[double] you can change drawer icon size by this parameter [drawerIconSize]
final double drawerIconSize;
final double drawerIconSize;
/// The primary color of the button when the drawer button is in the down (pressed) state.
/// The splash is represented as a circular overlay that appears above the
/// [highlightColor] overlay. The splash overlay has a center point that matches
/// the hit point of the user touch event. The splash overlay will expand to
/// fill the button area if the touch is held for long enough time. If the splash
/// color has transparency then the highlight and drawer button color will show through.
/// Defaults to the Theme's splash color, [ThemeData.splashColor].
final Color splashColor;
final Color splashColor;
/// [double] you can change appBar height by this parameter [appBarHeight]
final double appBarHeight;
final double appBarHeight;
/// [Widget] you can set appbar title by this parameter [title]
final Widget title;
final Widget title;
///[bool] you can set title in center by this parameter
/// By default it's [true]
final bool isTitleCenter;
final bool isTitleCenter;
///[bool] you can enable shadow of [sliderMain] Widget by this parameter
///By default it's [false]
final bool isShadow;
final bool isShadow;
///[Color] you can change shadow color by this parameter [shadowColor]
final Color shadowColor;
final Color shadowColor;
///[double] you can change blurRadius of shadow by this parameter [shadowBlurRadius]
final double shadowBlurRadius;
final double shadowBlurRadius;
///[double] you can change spreadRadius of shadow by this parameter [shadowSpreadRadius]
final double shadowSpreadRadius;
final double shadowSpreadRadius;
///[Widget] you can set trailing of appbar by this parameter [trailing]
final Widget trailing;
final Widget trailing;
///[Color] you can change appbar color by this parameter [appBarColor]
final Color appBarColor;
final Color appBarColor;
///[EdgeInsets] you can change appBarPadding by this parameter [appBarPadding]
final EdgeInsets appBarPadding;
final EdgeInsets appBarPadding;
///[slideDirection] you can change slide direction by this parameter [slideDirection]
///There are three type of [SlideDirection]
/// By default it's [SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT]
final SlideDirection slideDirection;
final SlideDirection slideDirection;
const SliderMenuContainer({
const SliderMenuContainer({
Key key,
Key key,
@required this.sliderMenu,
@required this.sliderMain,
this.isDraggable = true,
this.isDraggable = true,
this.animationDuration = 200,
this.animationDuration = 200,
this.sliderMenuOpenSize = 265,
this.sliderMenuOpenSize = 265,