Go to file
Baris Usakli fc4d3d849d better this way
feeds figured it out. .gitignore can ignore itself, derp. - real commit: gitignore for feeds.
install/data categories.json updated with fixed github logo + new category to replace duplicate bug reports cat
public send back empty object if no data for user
src better this way
.gitignore updating social login icons to use font-awesome equivalents instead of (possibly) proprietary icons
.project log server errors in browser
LICENSE Resolving issue -- added GPLv3 license file and updated package.json
README.md added imagemagick to the installation instructions (re: issue )
app.js noscript for home and category view (although it's not quite working for
nodebb new header for meta title
package.json Resolving issue -- added GPLv3 license file and updated package.json


Please support NodeBB development! Check out our IndieGoGo campaign and like, share, and follow us :) NodeBB Homepage # IndieGoGo campaign # Follow on Twitter # Like us on Facebook


NodeBB is a robust Node.js driven forum built on a redis database. It is powered by web sockets, and is compatible down to IE8.

NodeBB Screenshot

NodeBB Login Page (with Social Logins)


NodeBB requires a version of Node.js at least 0.8 or greater, and a Redis version 2.6 or greater.


First, we install our base software stack:

# apt-get install git nodejs redis-server npm build-essential imagemagick

If your package manager only installed a version of Node.js that is less than 0.8:

# add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Next, clone this repository:

$ cd /path/to/nodebb/install/location
$ git clone git://github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB.git nodebb

Obtain all of the dependencies required by NodeBB:

$ cd nodebb
$ npm install

Initiate the setup script by running the app with the --setup flag:

$ node app --setup

The default settings are for a local server running on the default port, with a redis store on the same machine/port.

Lastly, we run the forum.

$ node app

(Optional) Some server configurations may install the node binary as nodejs instead of node. You can re-map it (so as to not break compatibility with node-supervisor) by running the following command:

# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/node node /usr/bin/nodejs 10