85 lines
2.9 KiB
85 lines
2.9 KiB
"state": "Stāvoklis",
"reports": "Reports",
"first-reported": "First Reported",
"no-flags": "Labi! Nav atzīmju.",
"assignee": "Piešķirtais",
"update": "Atjaunot",
"updated": "Atjaunots",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"target-purged": "Saturs, uz kā attiecas atzīme, ir iztīrīts un vairs nav pieejams.",
"graph-label": "Daily Flags",
"quick-filters": "Ātrie filtri",
"filter-active": "Atzīmju sarakstā ir aktīvs viens vai vairāki filtri",
"filter-reset": "Noņemt filtrus",
"filters": "Filtrēšanas opcijas",
"filter-reporterId": "Ziņotāja UID",
"filter-targetUid": "Atzīmētā raksta UID",
"filter-type": "Atzīmes veids",
"filter-type-all": "Viss saturs",
"filter-type-post": "Raksts",
"filter-type-user": "Lietotājs",
"filter-state": "Stāvoklis",
"filter-assignee": "Piešķirtā UID",
"filter-cid": "Kategorija",
"filter-quick-mine": "Piešķirts man",
"filter-cid-all": "Visas kategorijas",
"apply-filters": "Iespējot filtrus",
"more-filters": "More Filters",
"fewer-filters": "Fewer Filters",
"quick-actions": "Quick Actions",
"flagged-user": "Atzīmētais lietotājs",
"view-profile": "Skatīt profilu",
"start-new-chat": "Sākt jaunu sarunu",
"go-to-target": "Skatīt atzīmēto rakstu",
"assign-to-me": "Assign To Me",
"delete-post": "Delete Post",
"purge-post": "Purge Post",
"restore-post": "Restore Post",
"user-view": "Skatīt profilu",
"user-edit": "Rediģēt profilu",
"notes": "Atzīmju piezīmes",
"add-note": "Pievienot piezīmi",
"no-notes": "Nav kopīgu piezīmju.",
"delete-note-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this flag note?",
"note-added": "Piezīme pievienota",
"note-deleted": "Note Deleted",
"history": "Account & Flag History",
"no-history": "Nav atzīmju vēsture.",
"state-all": "Visi stāvokļi",
"state-open": "Sākt jaunu/atvērt",
"state-wip": "Darbība iesākta",
"state-resolved": "Atrisināts",
"state-rejected": "Noraidīts",
"no-assignee": "Nav piešķirts",
"sort": "Sort by",
"sort-newest": "Newest first",
"sort-oldest": "Oldest first",
"sort-reports": "Most reports",
"sort-all": "All flag types...",
"sort-posts-only": "Posts only...",
"sort-downvotes": "Most downvotes",
"sort-upvotes": "Most upvotes",
"sort-replies": "Most replies",
"modal-title": "Report Content",
"modal-body": "Lūdzu, norādi iemeslu, kāpēc %1 %2 ir atzīmēts pārskatīšanai. Citādi, izmanto vienu no ātrā ziņojuma pogām.",
"modal-reason-spam": "Mēstule",
"modal-reason-offensive": "Aizskarošs",
"modal-reason-other": "Cits (norādīt zemāk)",
"modal-reason-custom": "Iemesls, kāpēc ziņots par saturu...",
"modal-submit": "Iesniegt ziņojumu",
"modal-submit-success": "Saturs ir atzīmēts moderēšanai.",
"bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions",
"bulk-resolve": "Resolve Flag(s)",
"bulk-success": "%1 flags updated",
"flagged-timeago-readable": "Flagged <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%1\"></span> (%2)"
} |