Go to file
Baris Soner Usakli ddb7896df1 fixed post count in paginator and post bar when infinite loader kicked in
feeds ^ this person is awesome, what a commit!
install/data fontawesome 4 migration, closes
mocks updated error when no test db is defined -- also made an invalid "db" option a fatal error. Before, it was just defaulting to 0! Wiped out my test db hahaha
public fixed post count in paginator and post bar when infinite loader kicked in
src fixed post count in paginator and post bar when infinite loader kicked in
tests fontawesome 4 migration, closes
.editorconfig editorconfig end_of_line
.gitignore closed
.jsbeautifyrc format/jshint favourites.js
.jshintrc jshint: temporarily setting unused flag to false, low priority right now compared to the rest of our issues
LICENSE Resolving issue -- added GPLv3 license file and updated package.json
README.md Update README.md
app.js Minify socket.io js
nodebb /bin/bash to /bin/sh
package.json switching back to version numbers for vanilla, testing prereleases



NodeBB is a robust Node.js driven forum built on a redis database. It is powered by web sockets, and is compatible down to IE8.

NodeBB Main Category Listing

NodeBB Topic Page

How can I follow along/contribute?

  • Our feature roadmap is hosted on the project wiki's Version History / Roadmap
  • If you are a developer, feel free to check out the source and submit pull requests.
  • If you are a designer, NodeBB needs themes! NodeBB will accept any LESS or CSS file and use it in place of the default Twitter Bootstrap theme. Consider extending Bootstrap themes by extending the base bootstrap LESS file.


NodeBB requires the following software to be installed:

  • A version of Node.js at least 0.8 or greater
  • Redis, version 2.6 or greater.
  • nginx, version 1.3.13 or greater (only if intending to use nginx to proxy requests to a NodeBB)


First, we install our base software stack:

# apt-get install git nodejs redis-server npm build-essential imagemagick

If your package manager only installed a version of Node.js that is less than 0.8 (e.g. Ubuntu 12.10, 13.04):

# add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Next, clone this repository:

$ cd /path/to/nodebb/install/location
$ git clone git://github.com/designcreateplay/NodeBB.git nodebb

Obtain all of the dependencies required by NodeBB:

$ cd nodebb
$ npm install

Initiate the setup script by running the app with the --setup flag:

$ node app --setup

The default settings are for a local server running on the default port, with a redis store on the same machine/port.

Lastly, we run the forum.

$ node app

NodeBB can also be started with helper programs, such as supervisor and forever. Take a look at the options here.

(Optional) Some server configurations may install the node binary as nodejs instead of node. You can re-map it (so as to not break compatibility with node-supervisor) by running the following command:

# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/node node /usr/bin/nodejs 10

Upgrading NodeBB

Detailed upgrade instructions are listed in Upgrading NodeBB