
35 lines
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"title": "বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলো",
"no_notifs": "আপনার নতুন কোন বিজ্ঞপ্তি নেই",
"see_all": "See all notifications",
"mark_all_read": "Mark all notifications read",
"back_to_home": "ফিরুন %1",
"outgoing_link": "বহির্গামী লিঙ্ক",
"outgoing_link_message": "You are now leaving %1",
"continue_to": "%1 তে আগান",
"return_to": "%1 এ ফেরত যান",
"new_notification": "নতুন বিজ্ঞপ্তি",
"you_have_unread_notifications": "আপনার অপঠিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি আছে।",
"new_message_from": "<strong>%1</strong> থেকে নতুন বার্তা",
"upvoted_your_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> , <strong>%2</strong> এ আপানার পোষ্টকে আপভোট করেছেন। ",
"upvoted_your_post_in_dual": "<strong>%1</strong> and <strong>%2</strong> have upvoted your post in <strong>%3</strong>.",
"upvoted_your_post_in_multiple": "<strong>%1</strong> and %2 others have upvoted your post in <strong>%3</strong>.",
"moved_your_post": "<strong>%1</strong> has moved your post to <strong>%2</strong>",
"moved_your_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> has moved <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_flagged_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> flagged a post in <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_flagged_post_in_dual": "<strong>%1</strong> and <strong>%2</strong> flagged a post in <strong>%3</strong>",
"user_flagged_post_in_multiple": "<strong>%1</strong> and %2 others flagged a post in <strong>%3</strong>",
"user_posted_to": "<strong>%1</strong> একটি উত্তর দিয়েছেন: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_to_dual": "<strong>%1</strong> and <strong>%2</strong> have posted replies to: <strong>%3</strong>",
"user_posted_to_multiple": "<strong>%1</strong> and %2 others have posted replies to: <strong>%3</strong>",
"user_posted_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> has posted a new topic: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_started_following_you": "<strong>%1</strong> আপনাকে অনুসরন করা শুরু করেছেন।",
"user_started_following_you_dual": "<strong>%1</strong> and <strong>%2</strong> started following you.",
"user_started_following_you_multiple": "<strong>%1</strong> and %2 others started following you.",
"new_register": "<strong>%1</strong> sent a registration request.",
"new_register_multiple": "There are <strong>%1</strong> registration requests awaiting review.",
"email-confirmed": "ইমেইল নিশ্চিত করা হয়েছে",
"email-confirmed-message": "আপনার ইমেইল যাচাই করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ। আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টটি এখন সম্পূর্ণরূপে সক্রিয়।",
"email-confirm-error-message": "আপনার ইমেল ঠিকানার বৈধতা যাচাইয়ে একটি সমস্যা হয়েছে। সম্ভবত কোডটি ভুল ছিল অথবা কোডের মেয়াদ শেষ হয়ে গিয়েছে।",
"email-confirm-sent": "নিশ্চিতকরণ ইমেইল পাঠানো হয়েছে।"