You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
164 lines
4.4 KiB
164 lines
4.4 KiB
'use strict';
var async = require('async'),
db = require('./../database'),
emitter = require('./../emitter'),
favourites = require('./../favourites'),
posts = require('./../posts'),
postTools = require('./../postTools');
module.exports = function(Topics) {
Topics.onNewPostMade = function(postData) {
Topics.updateTimestamp(postData.tid, postData.timestamp);
Topics.addPostToTopic(postData.tid,, postData.timestamp);
emitter.on('event:newpost', Topics.onNewPostMade);
Topics.getTopicPosts = function(tid, start, end, uid, reverse, callback) {
posts.getPostsByTid(tid, start, end, reverse, function(err, postData) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
if (Array.isArray(postData) && !postData.length) {
return callback(null, []);
for(var i=0; i<postData.length; ++i) {
postData[i].index = start + i;
var pids = {
favourites : function(next) {
favourites.getFavouritesByPostIDs(pids, uid, next);
voteData : function(next) {
favourites.getVoteStatusByPostIDs(pids, uid, next);
userData : function(next) {
async.each(postData, posts.addUserInfoToPost, next);
privileges : function(next) {
|, function (pid, next) {
postTools.privileges(pid, uid, next);
}, next);
}, function(err, results) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
for (var i = 0; i < postData.length; ++i) {
postData[i].deleted = parseInt(postData[i].deleted, 10) === 1;
postData[i].favourited = results.favourites[i];
postData[i].upvoted = results.voteData[i].upvoted;
postData[i].downvoted = results.voteData[i].downvoted;
postData[i].votes = postData[i].votes || 0;
postData[i].display_moderator_tools = parseInt(uid, 10) !== 0 && results.privileges[i].editable;
postData[i].display_move_tools = results.privileges[i].move;
postData[i].selfPost = parseInt(uid, 10) === parseInt(postData[i].uid, 10);
if(postData[i].deleted && !results.privileges[i].view_deleted) {
postData[i].content = '[[topic:post_is_deleted]]';
callback(null, postData);
Topics.getLatestUndeletedPost = function(tid, callback) {
Topics.getLatestUndeletedPid(tid, function(err, pid) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
posts.getPostData(pid, callback);
Topics.getLatestUndeletedPid = function(tid, callback) {
db.getSortedSetRevRange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, -1, function(err, pids) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
if (!pids || !pids.length) {
return callback(null, null);
async.detectSeries(pids, function(pid, next) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'deleted', function(err, deleted) {
next(parseInt(deleted, 10) === 0);
}, function(pid) {
callback(null, pid ? pid : null);
Topics.addPostToTopic = function(tid, pid, timestamp, callback) {
db.sortedSetAdd('tid:' + tid + ':posts', timestamp, pid, callback);
Topics.removePostFromTopic = function(tid, pid, callback) {
db.sortedSetRemove('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid, callback);
Topics.getPids = function(tid, callback) {
db.getSortedSetRange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, -1, callback);
Topics.increasePostCount = function(tid, callback) {
incrementFieldAndUpdateSortedSet(tid, 'postcount', 1, 'topics:posts', callback);
Topics.decreasePostCount = function(tid, callback) {
incrementFieldAndUpdateSortedSet(tid, 'postcount', -1, 'topics:posts', callback);
Topics.increaseViewCount = function(tid, callback) {
incrementFieldAndUpdateSortedSet(tid, 'viewcount', 1, 'topics:views', callback);
function incrementFieldAndUpdateSortedSet(tid, field, by, set, callback) {
db.incrObjectFieldBy('topic:' + tid, field, by, function(err, value) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
db.sortedSetAdd(set, value, tid, callback);
Topics.getTitleByPid = function(pid, callback) {
Topics.getTopicFieldByPid('title', pid, callback);
Topics.getTopicFieldByPid = function(field, pid, callback) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) {
Topics.getTopicField(tid, field, callback);
Topics.getTopicDataByPid = function(pid, callback) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) {
Topics.getTopicData(tid, callback);