You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
300 lines
9.4 KiB
300 lines
9.4 KiB
'use strict';
const validator = require('validator');
const _ = require('lodash');
const utils = require('../utils');
const user = require('../user');
const posts = require('../posts');
const topics = require('../topics');
const groups = require('../groups');
const meta = require('../meta');
const events = require('../events');
const privileges = require('../privileges');
const apiHelpers = require('./helpers');
const websockets = require('../');
const socketHelpers = require('../');
const postsAPI = module.exports;
postsAPI.get = async function (caller, data) {
const [userPrivileges, post, voted] = await Promise.all([
privileges.posts.get([], caller.uid),
posts.hasVoted(, caller.uid),
if (!post) {
return null;
Object.assign(post, voted);
const userPrivilege = userPrivileges[0];
if (! || !userPrivilege['topics:read']) {
return null;
post.ip = userPrivilege.isAdminOrMod ? post.ip : undefined;
const selfPost = caller.uid && caller.uid === parseInt(post.uid, 10);
if (post.deleted && !(userPrivilege.isAdminOrMod || selfPost)) {
post.content = '[[topic:post_is_deleted]]';
return post;
postsAPI.edit = async function (caller, data) {
if (!data || ! || (meta.config.minimumPostLength !== 0 && !data.content)) {
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
// Trim and remove HTML (latter for composers that send in HTML, like redactor)
const contentLen = utils.stripHTMLTags(data.content).trim().length;
if (data.title && data.title.length < meta.config.minimumTitleLength) {
throw new Error('[[error:title-too-short, ' + meta.config.minimumTitleLength + ']]');
} else if (data.title && data.title.length > meta.config.maximumTitleLength) {
throw new Error('[[error:title-too-long, ' + meta.config.maximumTitleLength + ']]');
} else if (meta.config.minimumPostLength !== 0 && contentLen < meta.config.minimumPostLength) {
throw new Error('[[error:content-too-short, ' + meta.config.minimumPostLength + ']]');
} else if (contentLen > meta.config.maximumPostLength) {
throw new Error('[[error:content-too-long, ' + meta.config.maximumPostLength + ']]');
data.uid = caller.uid;
data.req = apiHelpers.buildReqObject(caller);
const editResult = await posts.edit(data);
if (editResult.topic.isMainPost) {
await topics.thumbs.migrate(data.uuid, editResult.topic.tid);
if (editResult.topic.renamed) {
await events.log({
type: 'topic-rename',
uid: caller.uid,
ip: caller.ip,
tid: editResult.topic.tid,
oldTitle: validator.escape(String(editResult.topic.oldTitle)),
newTitle: validator.escape(String(editResult.topic.title)),
const postObj = await posts.getPostSummaryByPids([], caller.uid, {});
const returnData = { ...postObj[0], };
returnData.topic = { ...postObj[0].topic, };
if (! {
|'topic_' + editResult.topic.tid).emit('event:post_edited', editResult);
return returnData;
const memberData = await groups.getMembersOfGroups([
'Global Moderators',
'cid:' + editResult.topic.cid + ':privileges:moderate',
'cid:' + editResult.topic.cid + ':privileges:groups:moderate',
const uids = _.uniq(_.flatten(memberData).concat(String(caller.uid)));
uids.forEach(uid =>'uid_' + uid).emit('event:post_edited', editResult));
return returnData;
postsAPI.delete = async function (caller, data) {
await deleteOrRestore(caller, data, {
command: 'delete',
event: 'event:post_deleted',
type: 'post-delete',
postsAPI.restore = async function (caller, data) {
await deleteOrRestore(caller, data, {
command: 'restore',
event: 'event:post_restored',
type: 'post-restore',
async function deleteOrRestore(caller, data, params) {
if (!data || ! {
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
const postData = await[params.command](caller.uid,;
const results = await isMainAndLastPost(;
if (results.isMain && results.isLast) {
await deleteOrRestoreTopicOf(params.command,, caller);
|'topic_' + postData.tid).emit(params.event, postData);
await events.log({
type: params.type,
uid: caller.uid,
tid: postData.tid,
ip: caller.ip,
async function deleteOrRestoreTopicOf(command, pid, caller) {
const topic = await posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['tid', 'cid', 'deleted']);
// command: delete/restore
await apiHelpers.doTopicAction(command,
topic.deleted ? 'event:topic_restored' : 'event:topic_deleted',
{ tids: [topic.tid], cid: topic.cid }
postsAPI.purge = async function (caller, data) {
if (!data || !parseInt(, 10)) {
throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]');
const results = await isMainAndLastPost(;
if (results.isMain && !results.isLast) {
throw new Error('[[error:cant-purge-main-post]]');
const isMainAndLast = results.isMain && results.isLast;
const postData = await posts.getPostFields(, ['toPid', 'tid']);
| =;
const canPurge = await privileges.posts.canPurge(, caller.uid);
if (!canPurge) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]');
await posts.purge(, caller.uid);
|'topic_' + postData.tid).emit('event:post_purged', postData);
const topicData = await topics.getTopicFields(postData.tid, ['title', 'cid']);
await events.log({
type: 'post-purge',
uid: caller.uid,
ip: caller.ip,
tid: postData.tid,
title: String(topicData.title),
if (isMainAndLast) {
await apiHelpers.doTopicAction('purge', 'event:topic_purged',
{ tids: [postData.tid], cid: topicData.cid }
async function isMainAndLastPost(pid) {
const [isMain, topicData] = await Promise.all([
posts.getTopicFields(pid, ['postcount']),
return {
isMain: isMain,
isLast: topicData && topicData.postcount === 1,
postsAPI.move = async function (caller, data) {
const canMove = await Promise.all([
privileges.topics.isAdminOrMod(data.tid, caller.uid),
privileges.posts.canMove(, caller.uid),
if (!canMove.every(Boolean)) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]');
await topics.movePostToTopic(caller.uid,, data.tid);
const [postDeleted, topicDeleted] = await Promise.all([
posts.getPostField(, 'deleted'),
topics.getTopicField(data.tid, 'deleted'),
if (!postDeleted && !topicDeleted) {
socketHelpers.sendNotificationToPostOwner(, caller.uid, 'move', 'notifications:moved_your_post');
postsAPI.upvote = async function (caller, data) {
return await apiHelpers.postCommand(caller, 'upvote', 'voted', 'notifications:upvoted_your_post_in', data);
postsAPI.downvote = async function (caller, data) {
return await apiHelpers.postCommand(caller, 'downvote', 'voted', '', data);
postsAPI.unvote = async function (caller, data) {
return await apiHelpers.postCommand(caller, 'unvote', 'voted', '', data);
postsAPI.bookmark = async function (caller, data) {
return await apiHelpers.postCommand(caller, 'bookmark', 'bookmarked', '', data);
postsAPI.unbookmark = async function (caller, data) {
return await apiHelpers.postCommand(caller, 'unbookmark', 'bookmarked', '', data);
async function diffsPrivilegeCheck(pid, uid) {
const [deleted, privilegesData] = await Promise.all([
posts.getPostField(pid, 'deleted'),
privileges.posts.get([pid], uid),
const allowed = privilegesData[0]['posts:history'] && (deleted ? privilegesData[0]['posts:view_deleted'] : true);
if (!allowed) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]');
postsAPI.getDiffs = async (caller, data) => {
await diffsPrivilegeCheck(, caller.uid);
const timestamps = await posts.diffs.list(;
const post = await posts.getPostFields(, ['timestamp', 'uid']);
const diffs = await posts.diffs.get(;
const uids = => diff.uid || null);
let usernames = await user.getUsersFields(uids, ['username']);
usernames = => (userObj.uid ? userObj.username : null));
const cid = await posts.getCidByPid(;
const [isAdmin, isModerator] = await Promise.all([
privileges.users.isModerator(caller.uid, cid),
// timestamps returned by posts.diffs.list are strings
return {
timestamps: timestamps,
revisions:, idx) => ({
timestamp: timestamp,
username: usernames[idx],
// Only admins, global mods and moderator of that cid can delete a diff
deletable: isAdmin || isModerator,
// These and post owners can restore to a different post version
editable: isAdmin || isModerator || parseInt(caller.uid, 10) === parseInt(post.uid, 10),
postsAPI.loadDiff = async (caller, data) => {
await diffsPrivilegeCheck(, caller.uid);
return await posts.diffs.load(, data.since, caller.uid);
postsAPI.restoreDiff = async (caller, data) => {
const cid = await posts.getCidByPid(;
const canEdit = await privileges.categories.can('posts:edit', cid, caller.uid);
if (!canEdit) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]');
const edit = await posts.diffs.restore(, data.since, caller.uid, apiHelpers.buildReqObject(caller));
|'topic_' + edit.topic.tid).emit('event:post_edited', edit);