31 lines
1.1 KiB
31 lines
1.1 KiB
"post-queue": "Cola de Mensajes",
"description": "No hay publicaciones en cola.<br>Para habilitar esta funcionalidad, ir a <a href=\"%1\">Ajustes/Publicar/Cola de Publicaciones</a>y habilitar <strong>Cola de publicaciones</strong>.",
"user": "Usuario",
"category": "Categoría",
"title": "Título",
"content": "Contenido",
"posted": "Publicado",
"reply-to": "Responder a %1",
"content-editable": "Click en el contenido para editar",
"category-editable": "Click en la categoría para editar",
"title-editable": "Click en el título para editar",
"reply": "Responder",
"topic": "Tema",
"accept": "Aceptar",
"reject": "Rechazar",
"remove": "Remove",
"notify": "Notify",
"notify-user": "Notify User",
"confirm-reject": "Do you want to reject this post?",
"bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions",
"accept-all": "Accept All",
"accept-selected": "Accept Selected",
"reject-all": "Reject All",
"reject-all-confirm": "Do you want to reject all posts?",
"reject-selected": "Reject Selected",
"reject-selected-confirm": "Do you want to reject %1 selected posts?",
"bulk-accept-success": "%1 posts accepted",
"bulk-reject-success": "%1 posts rejected"
} |