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Misty Release Bot c246df4e3f Latest translations and fallbacks
.github chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v7 ()
.husky chore: bump deps ()
.tx feat: update transifex config with new language strings
build endpoint to download user attachments,
install fix(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.18.2 ()
logs added daemon capability to ./nodebb start, npm start/stop scripts
public Latest translations and fallbacks
src switch buttons
test fix: dont send 200 status on admin upload errors ()
.codeclimate.yml style: give me an A! 💯
.editorconfig Fix editorconfig syntax
.eslintignore Bootstrap5 ()
.eslintrc feat: replace eslint configs on server and client side to inherit rules from eslint-config-nodebb
.gitignore chore: add test.sh to gitignore
.mocharc.yml fix: remove deprecated mocha.opts
CHANGELOG.md chore: update changelog for v3.1.4
Dockerfile ci: multi-platform docker image ()
Gruntfile.js add interval var
LICENSE Resolving issue -- added GPLv3 license file and updated package.json
README.md docs: update readme with new screenshot and updated copy for Harmony
app.js feat: Allow defining active plugins in config ()
commitlint.config.js fix: updated commitlint config to allow longer subjects, because nobody anywhere uses an email client that limits subject lines to 72 characters
docker-compose.yml Add docker-compose.yml ()
loader.js feat: update mkdirp to 3.x, closes
nodebb CLI refactor with commander ()
nodebb.bat Fix ()
renovate.json chore: have renovate work off of `develop` branch instead
require-main.js Enable `require.main.require` in tests ()
webpack.common.js fix: closes , kudos to @pitaj
webpack.dev.js Bootstrap5 ()
webpack.installer.js Webpack5 ()
webpack.prod.js show progress



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NodeBB Forum Software is powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. It utilizes web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. NodeBB takes the best of the modern web: real-time streaming discussions, mobile responsiveness, and rich RESTful read/write APIs, while staying true to the original bulletin board/forum format → categorical hierarchies, local user accounts, and asynchronous messaging.

NodeBB by itself contains a "common core" of basic functionality, while additional functionality and integrations are enabled through the use of third-party plugins.

Try it now | Documentation


NodeBB's theming engine is highly flexible and does not restrict your design choices. Check out some themed installs in these screenshots below:

Our minimalist "Harmony" theme gets you going right away, no coding experience required.

Rendering of a NodeBB install on desktop and mobile devices

How can I follow along/contribute?

  • If you are a developer, feel free to check out the source and submit pull requests. We also have a wide array of plugins which would be a great starting point for learning the codebase.
  • If you are a designer, NodeBB needs themes! NodeBB's theming system allows extension of the base templates as well as styling via SCSS or CSS. NodeBB's base theme utilizes Bootstrap 5 as a frontend toolkit.
  • If you know languages other than English you can help us translate NodeBB. We use Transifex for internationalization.
  • Please don't forget to like, follow, and star our repo! Join our growing community to keep up to date with the latest NodeBB development.


NodeBB requires the following software to be installed:

  • A version of Node.js at least 16 or greater (installation/upgrade instructions)
  • MongoDB, version 3.6 or greater or Redis, version 2.8.9 or greater
  • If you are using clustering you need Redis installed and configured.
  • nginx, version 1.3.13 or greater (only if intending to use nginx to proxy requests to a NodeBB)


Please refer to platform-specific installation documentation

Securing NodeBB

It is important to ensure that your NodeBB and database servers are secured. Bear these points in mind:

  1. While some distributions set up Redis with a more restrictive configuration, Redis by default listens to all interfaces, which is especially dangerous when a server is open to the public. Some suggestions:
    • Set bind_address to so as to restrict access to the local machine only
    • Use requirepass to secure Redis behind a password (preferably a long one)
    • Familiarise yourself with Redis Security
  2. Use iptables to secure your server from unintended open ports. In Ubuntu, ufw provides a friendlier interface to working with iptables.
    • e.g. If your NodeBB is proxied, no ports should be open except 80 (and possibly 22, for SSH access)

Upgrading NodeBB

Detailed upgrade instructions are listed in Upgrading NodeBB


NodeBB is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).

Interested in a sublicense agreement for use of NodeBB in a non-free/restrictive environment? Contact us at sales@nodebb.org.