57 lines
3.2 KiB
57 lines
3.2 KiB
"groups": "Group",
"view_group": "ดู Group",
"owner": "เจ้าของ Group",
"new_group": "สร้าง Group ใหม่",
"no_groups_found": "ยังไม่มี Group",
"pending.accept": "ยอมรับ",
"pending.reject": "ไม่ยอมรับ",
"pending.accept_all": "Accept All",
"pending.reject_all": "Reject All",
"pending.none": "There are no pending members at this time",
"invited.none": "There are no invited members at this time",
"invited.uninvite": "Rescind Invitation",
"invited.search": "Search for a user to invite to this group",
"invited.notification_title": "You have been invited to join <strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_title": "Group Membership Request from <strong>%1</strong>",
"request.notification_text": "<strong>%1</strong> has requested to become a member of <strong>%2</strong>",
"cover-save": "บันทึก",
"cover-saving": "กำลังบันทึก",
"details.title": "ข้อมูล Group",
"details.members": "รายชื่อสมาชิก",
"details.pending": "สมาชิกที่กำลังรอการตอบรับ",
"details.invited": "Invited Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "Group นี้ยังไม่มีโพสจากสมาชิก",
"details.latest_posts": "โพสล่าสุด",
"details.private": "ส่วนตัว",
"details.disableJoinRequests": "Disable join requests",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "เตะออก",
"details.owner_options": "การจัดการ Group",
"details.group_name": "ชื่อ Group",
"details.member_count": "Member Count",
"details.creation_date": "Creation Date",
"details.description": "คำอธิบาย",
"details.badge_preview": "Badge Preview",
"details.change_icon": "เปลี่ยนไอคอน",
"details.change_colour": "เปลี่ยนสี",
"details.badge_text": "Badge Text",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "แสดง Badge",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.hidden": "ซ่อน",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"details.delete_group": "Delete Group",
"details.private_system_help": "Private groups is disabled at system level, this option does not do anything",
"event.updated": "ข้อมูล Group ได้รับการบันทึกแล้ว",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted",
"membership.accept-invitation": "Accept Invitation",
"membership.invitation-pending": "Invitation Pending",
"membership.join-group": "Join Group",
"membership.leave-group": "Leave Group",
"membership.reject": "Reject",
"new-group.group_name": "Group Name:",
"upload-group-cover": "Upload group cover",
"bulk-invite-instructions": "Enter a list of comma separated usernames to invite to this group",
"bulk-invite": "Bulk Invite",
"remove_group_cover_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the cover picture?"
} |