94 lines
4.8 KiB
94 lines
4.8 KiB
"forum-traffic": "Foruma datplūsma",
"page-views": "Lapu skatījumi",
"unique-visitors": "Unikālie apmeklētāji",
"logins": "Logins",
"new-users": "New Users",
"posts": "Raksti",
"topics": "Temati",
"page-views-seven": "Pēdējās 7 dienās",
"page-views-thirty": "Pēdējās 30 dienās",
"page-views-last-day": "Pēdējās 24 stundās",
"page-views-custom": "Pielāgotais datumu diapazons",
"page-views-custom-start": "No",
"page-views-custom-end": "Līdz",
"page-views-custom-help": "Ievadīt datumu diapazonu, kā lapu skatījumu skaitu vēlies redzēt. Ja datumu atlasītājs nav pieejams, lietot formātu <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"page-views-custom-error": "Lūdzu, ievadīt derīgu datumu diapazonu formatā <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>",
"stats.yesterday": "Yesterday",
"stats.today": "Today",
"stats.last-week": "Last Week",
"stats.this-week": "This Week",
"stats.last-month": "Last Month",
"stats.this-month": "This Month",
"stats.all": "Visu laiku",
"updates": "Atjauninājumi",
"running-version": "Ir palaists <strong>NodeBB v<span id=\"version\">%1</span></strong>.",
"keep-updated": "Lūdzu, vienmēr pārliecināties, ka NodeBB ir atjaunināts ar jaunākajiem drošības ielāpiem un kļūdu labojumiem.",
"up-to-date": "You are <strong>up-to-date</strong> <i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i>",
"upgrade-available": "A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/upgrade/\" target=\"_blank\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.",
"prerelease-upgrade-available": "This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider <a href=\"https://docs.nodebb.org/configuring/upgrade/\" target=\"_blank\">upgrading your NodeBB</a>.",
"prerelease-warning": "This is a <strong>pre-release</strong> version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur. <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>",
"fallback-emailer-not-found": "Fallback emailer not found!",
"running-in-development": "Forum is running in development mode. The forum may be open to potential vulnerabilities; please contact your system administrator",
"latest-lookup-failed": "Failed to look up latest available version of NodeBB",
"notices": "Paziņojumi",
"restart-not-required": "Nav nepieciešama pārstartēšana",
"restart-required": "Nepieciešama pārstartēšana",
"search-plugin-installed": "Meklēšanas spraudnis instalēts",
"search-plugin-not-installed": "Meklēšanas spraudnis nav instalēts",
"search-plugin-tooltip": "Instalēt meklēšanas spraudni no spraudņu lapas, lai aktivizētu meklēšanu",
"control-panel": "Sistēmas kontrole",
"rebuild-and-restart": "Pārkompilēt & pārstartēt",
"restart": "Pārstartēt",
"restart-warning": "NodeBB pārkompilēšana vai pārstartēšana pārtrauks visus esošos savienojumus uz dažām sekundēm.",
"restart-disabled": "NodeBB pārkompilēšana un pārstartēšana ir atspējota, jo, šķiet, ka tā nav bijusi palaista ar atbilstošo dēmona procesu.",
"maintenance-mode": "Uzturēšanas režīms",
"maintenance-mode-title": "Klikšķināt, lai pārietu uz NodeBB uzturēšanas režīmu",
"realtime-chart-updates": "Reālā laika grafiku atjauninājumi",
"active-users": "Aktīvie lietotāji",
"active-users.users": "Lietotāji",
"active-users.guests": "Viesi",
"active-users.total": "Kopēji",
"active-users.connections": "Savienojumi",
"guest-registered-users": "Guest vs Registered Users",
"guest": "Guest",
"registered": "Reģistrētie",
"user-presence": "Lietotāju novietojums",
"on-categories": "Skatās kategorijas",
"reading-posts": "Lasa rakstus",
"browsing-topics": "Pārlūko tematus",
"recent": "Skatās nesenos rakstus",
"unread": "Skatās nelasītos rakstus",
"high-presence-topics": "Augstās klātesamības temati",
"popular-searches": "Popular Searches",
"graphs.page-views": "Lapu skatījumi",
"graphs.page-views-registered": "Lapu skatījumi no lietotājiem",
"graphs.page-views-guest": "Lapu skatījumi no viesiem",
"graphs.page-views-bot": "Lapu skatījumi no botiem",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "Unikālie apmeklētāji",
"graphs.registered-users": "Reģistrētie lietotāji",
"graphs.guest-users": "Guest Users",
"last-restarted-by": "Pēdējoreiz restartējis",
"no-users-browsing": "Nav pārlūkojošo lietotāju",
"back-to-dashboard": "Back to Dashboard",
"details.no-users": "No users have joined within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-topics": "No topics have been posted within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-searches": "No searches have been made within the selected timeframe",
"details.no-logins": "No logins have been recorded within the selected timeframe",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB only saves session data for %1 days, and so this table below will only show the most recently active sessions",
"details.logins-login-time": "Login Time",
"start": "Start",
"end": "End",
"filter": "Filter"