You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

316 lines
7.9 KiB

var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
topics = require('./topics.js'),
categories = require('./categories.js'),
user = require('./user.js'),
async = require('async'),
notifications = require('./notifications.js'),
posts = require('./posts'),
reds = require('reds'),
topicSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbtopicsearch'),
winston = require('winston'),
meta = require('./meta'),
nconf = require('nconf');
(function(ThreadTools) {
ThreadTools.exists = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.sismember('topics:tid', tid, function(err, ismember) {
if (err) RDB.handle(err);
callback( !! ismember || false);
ThreadTools.privileges = function(tid, uid, callback) {
//todo: break early if one condition is true
function getCategoryPrivileges(next) {
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'cid', function(err, cid) {
categories.privileges(cid, uid, function(privileges) {
next(null, privileges);
function hasEnoughRep(next) {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(err, reputation) {
if (err) return next(null, false);
next(null, parseInt(reputation, 10) >= parseInt(meta.config['privileges:manage_topic'], 10));
async.parallel([getCategoryPrivileges, hasEnoughRep], function(err, results) {
editable: results[0].editable || results[1],
view_deleted: results[0].view_deleted || results[1]
ThreadTools.lock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'locked', 1);
if (socket) {
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_locked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
socket.emit('api:topic.lock', {
status: 'ok',
tid: tid
ThreadTools.unlock = function(tid, uid, socket) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'locked', 0);
if (socket) {
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unlocked', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
socket.emit('api:topic.unlock', {
status: 'ok',
tid: tid
ThreadTools.delete = function(tid, uid, callback) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable || uid === -1) {
ThreadTools.lock(tid, uid);
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_deleted', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
} else callback(new Error('not-enough-privs'));
ThreadTools.restore = function(tid, uid, socket, callback) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
ThreadTools.unlock(tid, uid);
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_restored', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'title', function(err, title) {
topicSearch.index(title, tid);
} = function(tid, uid, socket) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'pinned', 1);
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'cid', function(err, cid) {
RDB.zadd('categories:' + cid + ':tid', Math.pow(2, 53), tid);
if (socket) {
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_pinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
socket.emit('', {
status: 'ok',
tid: tid
ThreadTools.unpin = function(tid, uid, socket) {
ThreadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'pinned', 0);
topics.getTopicFields(tid, ['cid', 'lastposttime'], function(err, topicData) {
RDB.zadd('categories:' + topicData.cid + ':tid', topicData.lastposttime, tid);
if (socket) {
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_unpinned', {
tid: tid,
status: 'ok'
socket.emit('api:topic.unpin', {
status: 'ok',
tid: tid
ThreadTools.move = function(tid, cid, socket) {
topics.getTopicFields(tid, ['cid', 'lastposttime'], function(err, topicData) {
var oldCid = topicData.cid;
var multi = RDB.multi();
multi.zrem('categories:' + oldCid + ':tid', tid);
multi.zadd('categories:' + cid + ':tid', topicData.lastposttime, tid);
multi.exec(function(err, result) {
if (!err && result[0] === 1 && result[1] === 1) {
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'cid', cid);
categories.moveRecentReplies(tid, oldCid, cid, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
categories.moveActiveUsers(tid, oldCid, cid, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
categories.incrementCategoryFieldBy(oldCid, 'topic_count', -1);
categories.incrementCategoryFieldBy(cid, 'topic_count', 1);
socket.emit('api:topic.move', {
status: 'ok'
io.sockets. in ('topic_' + tid).emit('event:topic_moved', {
tid: tid
} else {
socket.emit('api:topic.move', {
status: 'error'
ThreadTools.isFollowing = function(tid, current_user, callback) {
RDB.sismember('tid:' + tid + ':followers', current_user, function(err, following) {
ThreadTools.toggleFollow = function(tid, current_user, callback) {
ThreadTools.isFollowing(tid, current_user, function(following) {
if (!following) {
RDB.sadd('tid:' + tid + ':followers', current_user, function(err, success) {
if (callback) {
if (!err) {
status: 'ok',
follow: true
} else callback({
status: 'error'
} else {
RDB.srem('tid:' + tid + ':followers', current_user, function(err, success) {
if (callback) {
if (!err) {
status: 'ok',
follow: false
} else callback({
status: 'error'
ThreadTools.get_followers = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.smembers('tid:' + tid + ':followers', function(err, followers) {
callback(err, {
return parseInt(follower, 10);
ThreadTools.notify_followers = function(tid, exceptUid) {
function(next) {
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'title', function(err, title) {
topics.getTeaser(tid, function(err, teaser) {
if (!err) {
notifications.create('<strong>' + teaser.username + '</strong> has posted a reply to: "<strong>' + title + '</strong>"', nconf.get('relative_path') + '/topic/' + tid, 'topic:' + tid, function(nid) {
next(null, nid);
} else next(err);
function(next) {
ThreadTools.get_followers(tid, function(err, followers) {
exceptUid = parseInt(exceptUid, 10);
if (followers.indexOf(exceptUid) !== -1) followers.splice(followers.indexOf(exceptUid), 1);
next(null, followers);
], function(err, results) {
if (!err) notifications.push(results[0], results[1]);
// Otherwise, do nothing
ThreadTools.getLatestUndeletedPid = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, -1, function(err, pids) {
if (pids.length === 0) return callback(new Error('no-undeleted-pids-found'));
async.detectSeries(pids, function(pid, next) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'deleted', function(deleted) {
if (deleted === '0') next(true);
else next(false);
}, function(pid) {
if (pid) callback(null, pid);
else callback(new Error('no-undeleted-pids-found'));