You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

289 lines
9.9 KiB

'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var jsesc = require('jsesc');
var _ = require('lodash');
var db = require('../database');
var user = require('../user');
var topics = require('../topics');
var messaging = require('../messaging');
var meta = require('../meta');
var plugins = require('../plugins');
var navigation = require('../navigation');
var translator = require('../translator');
var privileges = require('../privileges');
var languages = require('../languages');
var utils = require('../utils');
var controllers = {
api: require('../controllers/api'),
helpers: require('../controllers/helpers'),
module.exports = function (middleware) {
middleware.buildHeader = function buildHeader(req, res, next) {
res.locals.renderHeader = true;
res.locals.isAPI = false;
function (next) {
if (req.uid >= 0) {
middleware.applyCSRF(req, res, next);
} else {
function (next) {
config: function (next) {
controllers.api.getConfig(req, res, next);
plugins: function (next) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:middleware.buildHeader', { req: req, locals: res.locals }, next);
}, next);
function (results, next) {
// Return no arguments
], next);
middleware.generateHeader = function generateHeader(req, res, data, callback) {
var registrationType = meta.config.registrationType || 'normal';
res.locals.config = res.locals.config || {};
var templateValues = {
title: meta.config.title || '',
'title:url': meta.config['title:url'] || '',
description: meta.config.description || '',
'cache-buster': meta.config['cache-buster'] || '',
'brand:logo': meta.config['brand:logo'] || '',
'brand:logo:url': meta.config['brand:logo:url'] || '',
'brand:logo:alt': meta.config['brand:logo:alt'] || '',
'brand:logo:display': meta.config['brand:logo'] ? '' : 'hide',
allowRegistration: registrationType === 'normal' || registrationType === 'admin-approval' || registrationType === 'admin-approval-ip',
searchEnabled: plugins.hasListeners('filter:search.query'),
config: res.locals.config,
relative_path: nconf.get('relative_path'),
bodyClass: data.bodyClass,
templateValues.configJSON = jsesc(JSON.stringify(res.locals.config), { isScriptContext: true });
function (next) {
isAdmin: function (next) {
user.isAdministrator(req.uid, next);
isGlobalMod: function (next) {
user.isGlobalModerator(req.uid, next);
isModerator: function (next) {
user.isModeratorOfAnyCategory(req.uid, next);
privileges: function (next) {, next);
user: function (next) {
user.getUserData(req.uid, next);
isEmailConfirmSent: function (next) {
if (!meta.config.requireEmailConfirmation || req.uid <= 0) {
return next(null, false);
db.get('uid:' + req.uid + ':confirm:email:sent', next);
languageDirection: function (next) {
translator.translate('[[language:dir]]', res.locals.config.userLang, function (translated) {
next(null, translated);
browserTitle: function (next) {
translator.translate(controllers.helpers.buildTitle(translator.unescape(data.title)), function (translated) {
next(null, translated);
navigation: async.apply(navigation.get, req.uid),
banned: async.apply(user.bans.isBanned, req.uid),
banReason: async.apply(user.bans.getReason, req.uid),
unreadData: async.apply(topics.getUnreadData, { uid: req.uid }),
unreadChatCount: async.apply(messaging.getUnreadCount, req.uid),
unreadNotificationCount: async.apply(user.notifications.getUnreadCount, req.uid),
}, next);
function (results, next) {
if (results.banned) {
return res.redirect('/');
const unreadData = {
'': {},
new: {},
watched: {},
unreplied: {},
results.user.unreadData = unreadData;
results.user.isAdmin = results.isAdmin;
results.user.isGlobalMod = results.isGlobalMod;
results.user.isMod = !!results.isModerator;
results.user.privileges = results.privileges;
results.user[results.user.status] = true; = String(;
results.user['email:confirmed'] = results.user['email:confirmed'] === 1;
results.user.isEmailConfirmSent = !!results.isEmailConfirmSent;
templateValues.bootswatchSkin = (parseInt(meta.config.disableCustomUserSkins, 10) !== 1 ? res.locals.config.bootswatchSkin : '') || meta.config.bootswatchSkin || '';
templateValues.config.bootswatchSkin = templateValues.bootswatchSkin || 'noskin'; // TODO remove in v1.12.0+
const unreadCounts = results.unreadData.counts;
var unreadCount = {
topic: unreadCounts[''] || 0,
newTopic: || 0,
watchedTopic: unreadCounts.watched || 0,
unrepliedTopic: unreadCounts.unreplied || 0,
chat: results.unreadChatCount || 0,
notification: results.unreadNotificationCount || 0,
Object.keys(unreadCount).forEach(function (key) {
if (unreadCount[key] > 99) {
unreadCount[key] = '99+';
const tidsByFilter = results.unreadData.tidsByFilter;
results.navigation = (item) {
function modifyNavItem(item, route, filter, content) {
if (item && item.originalRoute === route) {
unreadData[filter] = _.zipObject(tidsByFilter[filter], tidsByFilter[filter].map(() => true));
item.content = content;
if (unreadCounts[filter] > 0) {
item.iconClass += ' unread-count';
modifyNavItem(item, '/unread', '', unreadCount.topic);
modifyNavItem(item, '/unread?filter=new', 'new', unreadCount.newTopic);
modifyNavItem(item, '/unread?filter=watched', 'watched', unreadCount.watchedTopic);
modifyNavItem(item, '/unread?filter=unreplied', 'unreplied', unreadCount.unrepliedTopic);
return item;
templateValues.browserTitle = results.browserTitle;
templateValues.navigation = results.navigation;
templateValues.unreadCount = unreadCount;
templateValues.metaTags = data._header.tags.meta;
templateValues.linkTags =;
templateValues.isAdmin = results.user.isAdmin;
templateValues.isGlobalMod = results.user.isGlobalMod;
templateValues.showModMenu = results.user.isAdmin || results.user.isGlobalMod || results.user.isMod;
templateValues.canChat = results.canChat && meta.config.disableChat !== 1;
templateValues.user = results.user;
templateValues.userJSON = jsesc(JSON.stringify(results.user), { isScriptContext: true });
templateValues.useCustomCSS = meta.config.useCustomCSS && meta.config.customCSS;
templateValues.customCSS = templateValues.useCustomCSS ? (meta.config.renderedCustomCSS || '') : '';
templateValues.useCustomHTML = meta.config.useCustomHTML;
templateValues.customHTML = templateValues.useCustomHTML ? meta.config.customHTML : '';
templateValues.maintenanceHeader = meta.config.maintenanceMode && !results.isAdmin;
templateValues.defaultLang = meta.config.defaultLang || 'en-GB';
templateValues.userLang = res.locals.config.userLang;
templateValues.languageDirection = results.languageDirection;
templateValues.template = { name: res.locals.template };
templateValues.template[res.locals.template] = true;
if (req.route && req.route.path === '/') {
plugins.fireHook('filter:middleware.renderHeader', {
req: req,
res: res,
templateValues: templateValues,
}, next);
], function (err, data) {
callback(err, data.templateValues);
middleware.renderHeader = function renderHeader(req, res, data, callback) {
async.apply(middleware.generateHeader, req, res, data),
function (templateValues, next) {'header', templateValues, next);
], callback);
middleware.renderFooter = function renderFooter(req, res, data, callback) {
function (next) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:middleware.renderFooter', {
req: req,
res: res,
templateValues: data,
}, next);
function (data, next) {
scripts: async.apply(plugins.fireHook, 'filter:scripts.get', []),
timeagoLocale: (next) => {
(languageCodes, next) => {
const userLang = res.locals.config.userLang;
const timeagoCode = utils.userLangToTimeagoCode(userLang);
if (languageCodes.includes(userLang) && languages.timeagoCodes.includes(timeagoCode)) {
const pathToLocaleFile = '/vendor/jquery/timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.' + timeagoCode + '.js';
next(null, (nconf.get('relative_path') + '/assets' + pathToLocaleFile));
} else {
next(null, false);
], next);
}, function (err, results) {
next(err, data, results);
function (data, results, next) {
if (results.timeagoLocale) {
data.templateValues.scripts = (script) {
return { src: script };
data.templateValues.useCustomJS = meta.config.useCustomJS;
data.templateValues.customJS = data.templateValues.useCustomJS ? meta.config.customJS : '';
data.templateValues.isSpider = req.uid === -1;'footer', data.templateValues, next);
], callback);
function modifyTitle(obj) {
var title = controllers.helpers.buildTitle(meta.config.homePageTitle || '[[pages:home]]');
obj.browserTitle = title;
if (obj.metaTags) {
obj.metaTags.forEach(function (tag, i) {
if ( === 'og:title') {
obj.metaTags[i].content = title;
return title;