Baris Soner Usakli d83b45a427 changed placed
admin We must advance!
emails removed handlebars dependency for emailer, using ANDREWBARS now
noscript removed teaser_text
403.tpl internationalization: 404 and 403
404.tpl internationalization: 404 and 403
500.tpl closes
account.tpl changed placed
accountedit.tpl fixes
accountposts.tpl fixes
accountsettings.tpl fixes
category.tpl closes
chat.tpl updating stati to use sibling classes
composer.tpl title is no longer centered in composer
config.json closes , user profile changes
confirm.tpl added relative_path to templates
favourites.tpl fixes
followers.tpl fixes
following.tpl fixes
footer.tpl We must advance!
header.tpl added status to template
home.tpl can set image class for categories
login.tpl fixed
logout.tpl added relative_path to templates
notifications.tpl removed "mark all as read" language strings and removed button from notifications page -- fixes
outgoing.tpl fixed
popular.tpl fixed
recent.tpl fixed
recentreplies.tpl closes
register.tpl added optional forum terms of use to ACP, closes
reset.tpl added relative_path to templates
reset_code.tpl more fixes
search.tpl closes
topic.tpl updating stati to use sibling classes
unread.tpl unread fix
users.tpl closes , closes