
62 lines
2.7 KiB

"banned": "Bannato",
"offline": "Non in linea",
"username": "Nome Utente",
"email": "Email",
"fullname": "Nome e Cognome",
"website": "Sito Internet",
"location": "Località",
"age": "Età",
"joined": "Iscrizione",
"lastonline": "Ultima volta in linea",
"profile": "Profilo",
"profile_views": "Visite al profilo",
"reputation": "Reputazione",
"favourites": "Favoriti",
"followers": "Da chi è seguito",
"following": "Chi segue",
"signature": "Firma",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"birthday": "Data di nascita",
"chat": "Chat",
"follow": "Segui",
"unfollow": "Smetti di seguire",
"profile_update_success": "Profile has been updated successfully!",
"change_picture": "Cambia Foto",
"edit": "Modifica",
"uploaded_picture": "Foto caricata",
"upload_new_picture": "Carica una nuova foto",
"current_password": "Password corrente",
"change_password": "Cambia la Password",
"change_password_error": "Invalid Password!",
"change_password_error_wrong_current": "Your current password is not correct!",
"change_password_error_length": "Password too short!",
"change_password_error_match": "Passwords must match!",
"change_password_error_privileges": "You do not have the rights to change this password.",
"change_password_success": "Your password is updated!",
"confirm_password": "Conferma la Password",
"password": "Password",
"username_taken_workaround": "The username you requested was already taken, so we have altered it slightly. You are now known as <strong>%1</strong>",
"upload_picture": "Carica foto",
"upload_a_picture": "Carica una foto",
"image_spec": "Puoi caricare solo file PNG, JPG o GIF",
"max": "massimo.",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"show_email": "Mostra la mia Email",
"digest_label": "Subscribe to Digest",
"digest_description": "Subscribe to email updates for this forum (new notifications and topics) according to a set schedule",
"digest_off": "Off",
"digest_daily": "Daily",
"digest_weekly": "Weekly",
"digest_monthly": "Monthly",
"has_no_follower": "Questo utente non è seguito da nessuno :(",
"follows_no_one": "Questo utente non segue nessuno :(",
"has_no_posts": "Questo utente non ha ancora postato nulla.",
"has_no_topics": "This user didn't post any topics yet.",
"email_hidden": "Email Nascosta",
"hidden": "nascosta",
"paginate_description": "Dividi argomenti e post in pagine anziché usare lo scroll infinito.",
"topics_per_page": "Argomenti per Pagina",
"posts_per_page": "Post per Pagina",
"notification_sounds": "Play a sound when you receive a notification."