Baris Usakli 88a1fef941 bookmark for the post made
admin adding a confirm dialog behind the theme revert button in the acp
emails added email verification on registration
install install script + patching up integration with install wizard
noscript noscript for home and category view (although it's not quite working for
403.tpl new 403 page
404.tpl added 404 tpl, fix for 404 on topics, continuing refactor - categories
account.tpl follower and following count on account page
accountedit.tpl changed friends to following/followers, updated routes and the user.js functions
category.tpl noscript for home and category view (although it's not quite working for
config.json changed friends to following/followers, updated routes and the user.js functions
confirm.tpl added email verification on registration
followers.tpl changed friends to following/followers, updated routes and the user.js functions
following.tpl changed friends to following/followers, updated routes and the user.js functions
footer.tpl derp, footer has been pointing to the wrong site this whole time
header.tpl fixing user label when viewing with js disabled
home.tpl home page derp
login.tpl updating social login icons to use font-awesome equivalents instead of (possibly) proprietary icons
logout.tpl logout functionality
register.tpl identicon integration for twitter + fixing missing social icons for registration page
reset.tpl modified exec_body_scripts to load external scripts. finally moved all the js files out of tpls into their own js
reset_code.tpl modified exec_body_scripts to load external scripts. finally moved all the js files out of tpls into their own js
topic.tpl bookmark for the post made
users.tpl modified exec_body_scripts to load external scripts. finally moved all the js files out of tpls into their own js