
184 lines
12 KiB

"banned": "Utestengt",
"offline": "Offline",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"username": "Brukernavn",
"joindate": "Registereringsdato",
"postcount": "Antall innlegg",
"email": "E-post",
"confirm_email": "Bekfreft e-post",
"account_info": "Account Info",
"admin_actions_label": "Administrative Actions",
"ban_account": "Utesteng kont",
"ban_account_confirm": "Vil du virkelig utestenge denne brukeren?",
"unban_account": "Opphev utestenging",
"delete_account": "Slett konto",
"delete_account_as_admin": "Delete <strong>Account</strong>",
"delete_content": "Delete Account <strong>Content</strong>",
"delete_all": "Delete <strong>Account</strong> and <strong>Content</strong>",
"delete_account_confirm": "Are you sure you want to anonymize your posts and delete your account?<br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any of your data</strong><br /><br />Enter your password to confirm that you wish to destroy this account.",
"delete_this_account_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this account while leaving its contents behind?<br /><strong>This action is irreversible, posts will be anonymized, and you will not be able to restore post associations with the deleted account</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_account_content_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this account's content (posts/topics/uploads)? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"delete_all_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this account and all of its content (posts/topics/uploads)? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />",
"account-deleted": "Konto slettet",
"account-content-deleted": "Account content deleted",
"fullname": "Fullt navn",
"website": "Nettsted",
"location": "Plassering",
"age": "Alder",
"joined": "Ble med",
"lastonline": "Senest online",
"profile": "Profil",
"profile_views": "Profilvisninger",
"reputation": "Rykte",
"bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"watched_categories": "Watched categories",
"change_all": "Change All",
"watched": "Overvåkede",
"ignored": "Ignored",
"default-category-watch-state": "Default category watch state",
"followers": "Følgere",
"following": "Følger",
"blocks": "Blocks",
"block_toggle": "Toggle Block",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"aboutme": "Om meg",
"signature": "Signatur",
"birthday": "Bursdag",
"chat": "Chat",
"chat_with": "Continue chat with %1",
"new_chat_with": "Start new chat with %1",
"flag-profile": "Flag Profile",
"follow": "Følg",
"unfollow": "Avfølg",
"more": "Mer",
"profile_update_success": "Profilen ble oppdatert!",
"change_picture": "Bytt bilde",
"change_username": "Change Username",
"change_email": "Change Email",
"email_same_as_password": "Please enter your current password to continue &ndash; you've entered your new email again",
"edit": "Endre",
"edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
"default_picture": "Default Icon",
"uploaded_picture": "Opplastet bilde",
"upload_new_picture": "Last opp nytt bidle",
"upload_new_picture_from_url": "Last opp nytt bilde fra URL",
"current_password": "Gjeldende passord",
"change_password": "Endre passord",
"change_password_error": "Ugyldig passord!",
"change_password_error_wrong_current": "Ditt gjeldende passord er ikke korrekt!",
"change_password_error_match": "Passordene må samsvare!",
"change_password_error_privileges": "Du har ikke rettigheter tli å endre dette passordet.",
"change_password_success": "Passordet ditt ble oppdatert!",
"confirm_password": "Bekreft passord",
"password": "Passord",
"username_taken_workaround": "Brukernavnet du ønsket er opptatt, så vi har endret ditt litt. Du er nå kjent som <strong>%1</string>",
"password_same_as_username": "Ditt passord er det samme som ditt brukernavn, vennligst velg et annet passord.",
"password_same_as_email": "Your password is the same as your email, please select another password.",
"weak_password": "Weak password.",
"upload_picture": "Last opp bilde",
"upload_a_picture": "Last opp et bilde",
"remove_uploaded_picture": "Fjern Opplastet Bilde",
"upload_cover_picture": "Upload cover picture",
"remove_cover_picture_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the cover picture?",
"crop_picture": "Crop picture",
"upload_cropped_picture": "Crop and upload",
"settings": "Innstillinger",
"show_email": "Vis min e-post",
"show_fullname": "Vis mitt fulle navn",
"restrict_chats": "Bare tillat chat-meldinger fra brukere jeg følger",
"digest_label": "Abonner på sammendrag",
"digest_description": "Abonner på e-post-oppdateringer for dette forumet (nye varsler og emner) i samsvar med valgte tidspunkt",
"digest_off": "Av",
"digest_daily": "Daglig",
"digest_weekly": "Ukentlig",
"digest_monthly": "Månedlig",
"has_no_follower": "Denne brukeren har ingen følgere :(",
"follows_no_one": "Denne brukeren følger ingen :(",
"has_no_posts": "Denne brukeren har ikke skrevet noe enda.",
"has_no_topics": "Denne brukeren har ikke skrevet noen emner enda.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "Denne brukeren har ikke overvåket noen emner enda.",
"has_no_ignored_topics": "This user hasn't ignored any topics yet.",
"has_no_upvoted_posts": "This user hasn't upvoted any posts yet.",
"has_no_downvoted_posts": "This user hasn't downvoted any posts yet.",
"has_no_voted_posts": "This user has no voted posts",
"has_no_blocks": "You have blocked no users.",
"email_hidden": "E-post skjult",
"hidden": "skjult",
"paginate_description": "Bruk sidevelger for emner og innlegg istedet for uendelig scrolling",
"topics_per_page": "Tråd per side",
"posts_per_page": "Innlegg per side",
"max_items_per_page": "Maximum %1",
"acp_language": "Admin Page Language",
"notification_sounds": "Spill en lyd når du mottar et varsel",
"notifications_and_sounds": "Notifications & Sounds",
"incoming-message-sound": "Incoming message sound",
"outgoing-message-sound": "Outgoing message sound",
"notification-sound": "Notification sound",
"no-sound": "No sound",
"upvote-notif-freq": "Upvote Notification Frequency",
"upvote-notif-freq.all": "All Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.first": "First Per Post",
"upvote-notif-freq.everyTen": "Every Ten Upvotes",
"upvote-notif-freq.threshold": "On 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200...",
"upvote-notif-freq.logarithmic": "On 10, 100, 1000...",
"upvote-notif-freq.disabled": "Disabled",
"browsing": "Surfeinnstillinger",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "Åpne utgående lenker i en ny fane",
"enable_topic_searching": "Aktiver søk-i-emne",
"topic_search_help": "Hvis søk-i-emne er aktivert, overstyres nettleserens standard sidesøk og gir mulighet til å søke gjennom hele emnet, ikke bare det som vises på skjermen",
"scroll_to_my_post": "After posting a reply, show the new post",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Watch topics that you reply to",
"follow_topics_you_create": "Watch topics you create",
"grouptitle": "Group Title",
"group-order-help": "Select a group and use the arrows to order titles",
"no-group-title": "Ingen gruppetittel",
"select-skin": "Velg et skin",
"select-homepage": "Select a Homepage",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"homepage_description": "Select a page to use as the forum homepage or 'None' to use the default homepage.",
"custom_route": "Custom Homepage Route",
"custom_route_help": "Enter a route name here, without any preceding slash (e.g. \"recent\", or \"popular\")",
"sso.title": "Single Sign-on Services",
"sso.associated": "Assosiert med",
"sso.not-associated": "Klikk her for å assosiere med",
"sso.dissociate": "Dissociate",
"sso.dissociate-confirm-title": "Confirm Dissociation",
"sso.dissociate-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to dissociate your account from %1?",
"info.latest-flags": "Latest Flags",
"": "No Flagged Posts Found",
"info.ban-history": "Recent Ban History",
"": "This user has never been banned",
"info.banned-until": "Banned until %1",
"info.banned-expiry": "Expiry",
"info.banned-permanently": "Banned permanently",
"info.banned-reason-label": "Reason",
"info.banned-no-reason": "No reason given.",
"info.username-history": "Username History",
"": "Email History",
"info.moderation-note": "Moderation Note",
"info.moderation-note.success": "Moderation note saved",
"info.moderation-note.add": "Add note",
"sessions.description": "This page allows you to view any active sessions on this forum and revoke them if necessary. You can revoke your own session by logging out of your account.",
"consent.title": "Your Rights &amp; Consent",
"consent.lead": "This community forum collects and processes your personal information.",
"consent.intro": "We use this information strictly to personalise your experience in this community, as well as to associate the posts you make to your user account. During the registration step you were asked to provide a username and email address, you can also optionally provide additional information to complete your user profile on this website.<br /><br />We retain this information for the life of your user account, and you are able to withdraw consent at any time by deleting your account. At any time you may request a copy of your contribution to this website, via your Rights &amp; Consent page.<br /><br />If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to this forum's administrative team.",
"consent.email_intro": "Occasionally, we may send emails to your registered email address in order to provide updates and/or to notify you of new activity that is pertinent to you. You can customise the frequency of the community digest (including disabling it outright), as well as select which types of notifications to receive via email, via your user settings page.",
"consent.digest_frequency": "Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community delivers email digests every %1.",
"consent.digest_off": "Unless explicitly changed in your user settings, this community does not send out email digests",
"consent.received": "You have provided consent for this website to collect and process your information. No additional action is required.",
"consent.not_received": "You have not provided consent for data collection and processing. At any time this website&apos;s administration may elect to delete your account in order to become compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.",
"consent.give": "Give consent",
"consent.right_of_access": "You have the Right of Access",
"consent.right_of_access_description": "You have the right to access any data collected by this website upon request. You can retrieve a copy of this data by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.right_to_rectification": "You have the Right to Rectification",
"consent.right_to_rectification_description": "You have the right to change or update any inaccurate data provided to us. Your profile can be updated by editing your profile, and post content can always be edited. If this is not the case, please contact this site&apos;s administrative team.",
"consent.right_to_erasure": "You have the Right to Erasure",
"consent.right_to_erasure_description": "At any time, you are able to revoke your consent to data collection and/or processing by deleting your account. Your individual profile can be deleted, although your posted content will remain. If you wish to delete both your account <strong>and</strong> your content, please contact the administrative team for this website.",
"consent.right_to_data_portability": "You have the Right to Data Portability",
"consent.right_to_data_portability_description": "You may request from us a machine-readable export of any collected data about you and your account. You can do so by clicking the appropriate button below.",
"consent.export_profile": "Export Profile (.json)",
"consent.export_uploads": "Export Uploaded Content (.zip)",
"consent.export_posts": "Export Posts (.csv)"