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60 lines
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60 lines
4.1 KiB
"test-email.subject": "Test Email",
"password-reset-requested": "Password Reset Requested!",
"welcome-to": "Sveiks %1",
"invite": "Uzaicinājums no %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Sveiki",
"greeting_with_name": "Sveiks %1",
"email.verify-your-email.subject": "Lūdzu, apstiprini savu e-pastu",
"email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address",
"email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. <strong>If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.</strong>",
"email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).",
"welcome.text1": "Paldies, ka reģistrējies %1!",
"welcome.text2": "Lai pilnībā aktivizētu Tavu kontu, mums ir jāpārliecinās, ka Tev pieder e-pasta adrese, ar ko reģistrējies.",
"welcome.text3": "Administrators ir apstiprinājis Tavu reģistrācijas pieteikumu. Tu tagad vari ielogoties ar savu lietotājvārdu un paroli.",
"welcome.cta": "Noklikšķini, lai apstiprinātu savu e-pasta adresi",
"invitation.text1": "%1 ir uzaicinājis Tevi pievienoties %2",
"invitation.text2": "Tavs ielūgums beigsies %1 dienu laikā.",
"invitation.cta": "Click here to create your account.",
"reset.text1": "Mēs saņēmām pieprasījumu atiestatīt Tavu paroli, iespējams, tāpēc, ka esi to aizmirsis. Ja tas tā nav, lūdzu, ignorē šo e-pastu.",
"reset.text2": "Lai turpinātu paroles atiestatīšanu, lūdzu, noklikšķini uz šīs saites:",
"reset.cta": "Noklikšķini, lai atiestatītu savu paroli",
"reset.notify.subject": "Parole veiksmīgi mainīta",
"reset.notify.text1": "Mēs Tevi informējam, ka %1 Tava parole tika veiksmīgi mainīta.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Ja neesi to pilnvarojis, nekavējoties informē administratoru par to.",
"digest.unread-rooms": "Unread rooms",
"": "%1 (%2 unread)",
"digest.latest_topics": "Jaunākie temati no %1",
"": "Top topics from %1",
"digest.popular-topics": "Popular topics from %1",
"digest.cta": "Noklikšķini, lai apmeklētu %1",
"": "Šis kopsavilkums tika nosūtīts Tev Tavu abonēšanas iestatījumu dēļ.",
"": "diena",
"digest.week": "nedēļa",
"digest.month": "mēness",
"digest.subject": "Kopsavilkums par %1",
"": "Your Daily Digest",
"digest.title.week": "Your Weekly Digest",
"digest.title.month": "Your Monthly Digest",
"": "Jauna saruna saņemta no %1",
"": "Noklikšķini, lai turpinātu sarunu",
"": "Sarunas paziņojums tika Tev nosūtīts Tavu abonēšanas iestatījumu dēļ.",
"": "Rakstu paziņojums tika Tev nosūtīts Tavu abonēšanas iestatījumu dēļ.",
"": "Alternatively, unsubscribe from future emails like this, by clicking",
"notif.cta": "To the forum",
"notif.cta-new-reply": "View Post",
"notif.cta-new-chat": "View Chat",
"notif.test.short": "Testing Notifications",
"notif.test.long": "This is a test of the notifications email. Send help!",
"test.text1": "Šis ir e-pasts, lai pārbaudītu, vai e-pasta sūtītājs ir pareizi iestatīts Tavā NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Noklikšķini, lai mainītu šos iestatījumus",
"unsubscribe": "unsubscribe",
"unsub.success": "You will no longer receive emails from the <strong>%1</strong> mailing list",
"unsub.failure.title": "Unable to unsubscribe",
"unsub.failure.message": "Unfortunately, we were not able to unsubscribe you from the mailing list, as there was an issue with the link. However, you can alter your email preferences by going to <a href=\"%2\">your user settings</a>.<br /><br />(error: <code>%1</code>)",
"banned.subject": "Tu esi bloķēts no %1",
"banned.text1": "Lietotājs %1 ir bloķēts no %2.",
"banned.text2": "Bloķēšana ilgs līdz %1.",
"banned.text3": "Šis ir iemesls, kāpēc Tu esi bloķēts:",
"closing": "Paldies!"
} |