You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
217 lines
6.4 KiB
217 lines
6.4 KiB
'use strict';
const util = require('util');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const winston = require('winston');
const meta = require('../meta');
const user = require('../user');
const privileges = require('../privileges');
const plugins = require('../plugins');
const auth = require('../routes/authentication');
const controllers = {
helpers: require('../controllers/helpers'),
module.exports = function (middleware) {
function authenticate(req, res, next, callback) {
if (req.loggedIn) {
return next();
if (plugins.hasListeners('response:middleware.authenticate')) {
return plugins.fireHook('response:middleware.authenticate', {
req: req,
res: res,
next: function (err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
auth.setAuthVars(req, res, function () {
if (req.loggedIn && req.user && req.user.uid) {
return next();
middleware.authenticate = function middlewareAuthenticate(req, res, next) {
authenticate(req, res, next, function () {
controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res, next);
const authenticateAsync = util.promisify(middleware.authenticate);
middleware.authenticateOrGuest = function authenticateOrGuest(req, res, next) {
authenticate(req, res, next, next);
middleware.ensureSelfOrGlobalPrivilege = function ensureSelfOrGlobalPrivilege(req, res, next) {
ensureSelfOrMethod(user.isAdminOrGlobalMod, req, res, next);
middleware.ensureSelfOrPrivileged = function ensureSelfOrPrivileged(req, res, next) {
ensureSelfOrMethod(user.isPrivileged, req, res, next);
async function ensureSelfOrMethod(method, req, res, next) {
The "self" part of this middleware hinges on you having used
middleware.exposeUid prior to invoking this middleware.
if (!req.loggedIn) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
if (req.uid === parseInt(res.locals.uid, 10)) {
return setImmediate(next);
const allowed = await method(req.uid);
if (!allowed) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
middleware.checkGlobalPrivacySettings = function checkGlobalPrivacySettings(req, res, next) {
winston.warn('[middleware], checkGlobalPrivacySettings deprecated, use canViewUsers or canViewGroups');
middleware.canViewUsers(req, res, next);
middleware.canViewUsers = async function canViewUsers(req, res, next) {
if (parseInt(res.locals.uid, 10) === req.uid) {
return next();
const canView = await'view:users', req.uid);
if (canView) {
return next();
controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
middleware.canViewGroups = async function canViewGroups(req, res, next) {
const canView = await'view:groups', req.uid);
if (canView) {
return next();
controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
middleware.checkAccountPermissions = async function checkAccountPermissions(req, res, next) {
// This middleware ensures that only the requested user and admins can pass
await authenticateAsync(req, res);
const uid = await user.getUidByUserslug(req.params.userslug);
let allowed = await privileges.users.canEdit(req.uid, uid);
if (allowed) {
return next();
if (/user\/.+\/info$/.test(req.path)) {
allowed = await'view:users:info', req.uid);
if (allowed) {
return next();
controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
middleware.redirectToAccountIfLoggedIn = async function redirectToAccountIfLoggedIn(req, res, next) {
if (req.session.forceLogin || req.uid <= 0) {
return next();
const userslug = await user.getUserField(req.uid, 'userslug');
controllers.helpers.redirect(res, '/user/' + userslug);
middleware.redirectUidToUserslug = async function redirectUidToUserslug(req, res, next) {
const uid = parseInt(req.params.uid, 10);
if (uid <= 0) {
return next();
const userslug = await user.getUserField(uid, 'userslug');
if (!userslug) {
return next();
const path = req.path.replace(/^\/api/, '')
.replace('uid', 'user')
.replace(uid, function () { return userslug; });
controllers.helpers.redirect(res, path);
middleware.redirectMeToUserslug = async function redirectMeToUserslug(req, res) {
const userslug = await user.getUserField(req.uid, 'userslug');
if (!userslug) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
const path = req.path.replace(/^(\/api)?\/me/, '/user/' + userslug);
controllers.helpers.redirect(res, path);
middleware.isAdmin = async function isAdmin(req, res, next) {
const isAdmin = await user.isAdministrator(req.uid);
if (!isAdmin) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
const hasPassword = await user.hasPassword(req.uid);
if (!hasPassword) {
return next();
const loginTime = req.session.meta ? req.session.meta.datetime : 0;
const adminReloginDuration = meta.config.adminReloginDuration * 60000;
const disabled = meta.config.adminReloginDuration === 0;
if (disabled || (loginTime && parseInt(loginTime, 10) > - adminReloginDuration)) {
const timeLeft = parseInt(loginTime, 10) - ( - adminReloginDuration);
if (req.session.meta && timeLeft < Math.min(300000, adminReloginDuration)) {
req.session.meta.datetime += Math.min(300000, adminReloginDuration);
return next();
let returnTo = req.path;
if (nconf.get('relative_path')) {
returnTo = req.path.replace(new RegExp('^' + nconf.get('relative_path')), '');
returnTo = returnTo.replace(/^\/api/, '');
req.session.returnTo = returnTo;
req.session.forceLogin = 1;
if (res.locals.isAPI) {
} else {
res.redirect(nconf.get('relative_path') + '/login?local=1');
middleware.requireUser = function (req, res, next) {
if (req.loggedIn) {
return next();
res.status(403).render('403', { title: '[[global:403.title]]' });
middleware.registrationComplete = function registrationComplete(req, res, next) {
// If the user's session contains registration data, redirect the user to complete registration
if (!req.session.hasOwnProperty('registration')) {
return setImmediate(next);
if (!req.path.endsWith('/register/complete')) {
// Append user data if present
req.session.registration.uid = req.uid;
controllers.helpers.redirect(res, '/register/complete');
} else {