371 lines
10 KiB
371 lines
10 KiB
var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
utils = require('./../public/src/utils.js'),
user = require('./user.js'),
config = require('../config.js'),
categories = require('./categories.js'),
posts = require('./posts.js'),
marked = require('marked'),
threadTools = require('./threadTools.js'),
async = require('async');
breaks: true
(function(Topics) {
Topics.getTopicById = function(tid, current_user, callback) {
function getTopicData(next) {
.get('tid:' + tid + ':title')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':locked')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_name')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':deleted')
.get('tid:' + tid + ':pinned')
.exec(function(err, replies) {
next(null, {
topic_name: replies[0],
locked: replies[1] || 0,
category_name: replies[2],
category_slug: replies[3],
deleted: replies[4] || 0,
pinned: replies[5] || 0
function getTopicPosts(next) {
posts.getPostsByTid(tid, current_user, 0, 10, function(postData) {
next(null, postData);
function getPrivileges(next) {
threadTools.privileges(tid, current_user, function(privData) {
next(null, privData);
async.parallel([getTopicData, getTopicPosts, getPrivileges], function(err, results) {
var retrieved_posts = [],
main_posts = [];
var topicData = results[0],
postData = results[1].postData,
userData = results[1].userData,
voteData = results[1].voteData,
privileges = results[2];
if (!postData) {
for (var i=0, ii= postData.pid.length; i<ii; i++) {
var uid = postData.uid[i],
pid = postData.pid[i];
// ############ to be moved into posts.getPostsByTid ############
if (postData.deleted[i] === null || (postData.deleted[i] === '1' && privileges.view_deleted) || current_user === uid) {
var post_obj = {
'pid' : pid,
'uid' : uid,
'content' : marked(postData.content[i] || ''),
'post_rep' : postData.reputation[i] || 0,
'timestamp' : postData.timestamp[i],
'relativeTime': utils.relativeTime(postData.timestamp[i]),
'username' : userData[uid].username || 'anonymous',
'user_rep' : userData[uid].reputation || 0,
'gravatar' : userData[uid].picture || 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
'signature' : marked(userData[uid].signature || ''),
'fav_star_class' : voteData[pid] ? 'icon-star' : 'icon-star-empty',
'display_moderator_tools': (uid == current_user || privileges.editable) ? 'show' : 'none',
'edited-class': postData.editor[i] !== null ? '' : 'none',
'editor': postData.editor[i] !== null ? userData[postData.editor[i]].username : '',
'relativeEditTime': postData.editTime !== null ? utils.relativeTime(postData.editTime[i]) : '',
'deleted': postData.deleted[i] || '0'
if (i == 0) {
} else {
// ########## end to be moved into posts.getPostsByTid ############
'locked': parseInt(topicData.locked) || 0,
'deleted': parseInt(topicData.deleted) || 0,
'pinned': parseInt(topicData.pinned) || 0,
'topic_id': tid,
'expose_tools': privileges.editable ? 1 : 0,
'posts': retrieved_posts,
'main_posts': main_posts
Topics.get_topic = function(tid, uid, callback) {
var topicData = {};
function get_topic_data(next) {
'tid:' + tid + ':title',
'tid:' + tid + ':uid',
'tid:' + tid + ':timestamp',
'tid:' + tid + ':slug',
'tid:' + tid + ':postcount',
'tid:' + tid + ':locked',
'tid:' + tid + ':pinned',
'tid:' + tid + ':deleted'
], function(err, topic) {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
topicData.title = topic[0];
topicData.uid = topic[1];
topicData.timestamp = topic[2];
topicData.relativeTime = utils.relativeTime(topic[2]),
topicData.slug = topic[3];
topicData.post_count = topic[4];
topicData.locked = topic[5];
topicData.pinned = topic[6];
topicData.deleted = topic[7];
user.getUserField(topic[1], 'username', function(username) {
topicData.username = username;
function get_read_status(next) {
// posts.create calls this function - should be an option to skip this because its always true
if (uid && parseInt(uid) > 0) {
RDB.sismember('tid:' + tid + ':read_by_uid', uid, function(err, read) {
topicData.badgeclass = read ? '' : 'badge-important';
} else {
function get_teaser(next) {
Topics.get_teaser(tid, function(teaser) {
topicData.teaser_text = teaser.text;
topicData.teaser_username = teaser.username;
async.parallel([get_topic_data, get_read_status, get_teaser], function(err) {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
Topics.get_cid_by_tid = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.get('tid:' + tid + ':cid', function(err, cid) {
if (cid && parseInt(cid) > 0) {
} else {
Topics.markAsRead = function(tid, uid) {
// there is an issue with this fn. if you read a topic that is previously read you will mark the category as read anyways - there is no check
RDB.sadd('tid:' + tid + ':read_by_uid', uid);
Topics.get_cid_by_tid(tid, function(cid) {
RDB.sadd('cid:' + cid + ':read_by_uid', uid);
Topics.hasReadTopics = function(tids, uid, callback) {
var batch = RDB.multi();
for (var i=0, ii=tids.length; i<ii; i++) {
batch.sismember('tid:' + tids[i] + ':read_by_uid', uid);
batch.exec(function(err, hasRead) {
Topics.get_teasers = function(tids, callback) {
var requests = [];
if (Array.isArray(tids)) {
for(x=0,numTids=tids.length;x<numTids;x++) {
(function(tid) {
requests.push(function(next) {
Topics.get_teaser(tid, function(teaser_info) {
next(null, teaser_info);
async.parallel(requests, function(err, teasers) {
} else {
Topics.get_latest_undeleted_pid = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, -1, function(err, pids) {
var pidKeys = [],
numPids = pids.length;
if (numPids === 0) return callback(null);
for(var x=0,numPids=pids.length;x<numPids;x++) {
pidKeys.push('pid:' + pids[x] + ':deleted');
RDB.mget(pidKeys, function(err, posts) {
var numPosts = posts.length;
while(numPosts--) {
if (posts[numPosts] !== '1') {
Topics.get_teaser = function(tid, callback) {
Topics.get_latest_undeleted_pid(tid, function(pid) {
if (pid !== null) {
'pid:' + pid + ':content',
'pid:' + pid + ':uid'
], function(err, content) {
user.getUserField(content[1], 'username', function(username) {
var stripped = content[0];
stripped = utils.strip_tags(marked(content[0]));
"text": stripped,
"username": username
Topics.post = function(socket, uid, title, content, category_id) {
if (!category_id) throw new Error('Attempted to post without a category_id');
if (uid === 0) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'Since you are unregistered, your post is awaiting approval. Click here to register now.',
type: 'warning',
timeout: 7500,
clickfn: function() {
return; // for now, until anon code is written.
user.getUserField(uid, 'lastposttime', function(lastposttime) {
if(new Date().getTime() - lastposttime < config.post_delay) {
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Too many posts!',
message: 'You can only post every '+ (config.post_delay / 1000) + ' seconds.',
type: 'error',
timeout: 2000
RDB.incr('global:next_topic_id', function(err, tid) {
// Global Topics
if (uid == null) uid = 0;
if (uid !== null) {
RDB.sadd('topics:tid', tid);
} else {
// need to add some unique key sent by client so we can update this with the real uid later
RDB.lpush('topics:queued:tid', tid);
var slug = tid + '/' + utils.slugify(title);
// Topic Info
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':title', title);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':slug', slug);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':timestamp', new Date().getTime());
RDB.set('topic:slug:' + slug + ':tid', tid);
// Posts
posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
if (pid > 0) {
RDB.lpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
// Notify any users looking at the category that a new topic has arrived
Topics.get_topic(tid, uid, function(topicData) {
io.sockets.in('category_' + category_id).emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
Topics.markAsRead(tid, uid);
// User Details - move this out later
RDB.lpush('uid:' + uid + ':topics', tid);
socket.emit('event:alert', {
title: 'Thank you for posting',
message: 'You have successfully posted. Click here to view your post.',
type: 'notify',
timeout: 2000
// let everyone know that there is an unread topic in this category
RDB.del('cid:' + category_id + ':read_by_uid');
RDB.zadd('topics:recent', (new Date()).getTime(), tid);
//RDB.zadd('topics:active', tid);
// in future it may be possible to add topics to several categories, so leaving the door open here.
RDB.sadd('categories:' + category_id + ':tid', tid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', category_id);
categories.getCategories([category_id], function(data) {
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_name', data.categories[0].name);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':category_slug', data.categories[0].slug);
RDB.incr('cid:' + category_id + ':topiccount');
}(exports)); |