You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
518 lines
14 KiB
518 lines
14 KiB
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const url = require('url');
const path = require('path');
const prompt = require('prompt');
const winston = require('winston');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const _ = require('lodash');
const util = require('util');
const promptGet = util.promisify((schema, callback) => prompt.get(schema, callback));
const utils = require('./utils.js');
const install = module.exports;
const questions = {};
questions.main = [
name: 'url',
description: 'URL used to access this NodeBB',
nconf.get('url') || 'http://localhost:4567',
pattern: /^http(?:s)?:\/\//,
message: 'Base URL must begin with \'http://\' or \'https://\'',
name: 'secret',
description: 'Please enter a NodeBB secret',
default: nconf.get('secret') || utils.generateUUID(),
name: 'submitPluginUsage',
description: 'Would you like to submit anonymous plugin usage to nbbpm?',
default: 'yes',
name: 'database',
description: 'Which database to use',
default: nconf.get('database') || 'mongo',
questions.optional = [
name: 'port',
default: nconf.get('port') || 4567,
function checkSetupFlag() {
let setupVal = install.values;
try {
if (nconf.get('setup')) {
setupVal = JSON.parse(nconf.get('setup'));
} catch (err) {
winston.error('Invalid json in nconf.get(\'setup\'), ignoring setup values');
if (setupVal && typeof setupVal === 'object') {
if (setupVal['admin:username'] && setupVal['admin:password'] && setupVal['admin:password:confirm'] && setupVal['admin:email']) {
install.values = setupVal;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated setup:');
if (!setupVal['admin:username']) {
winston.error(' admin:username');
if (!setupVal['admin:password']) {
winston.error(' admin:password');
if (!setupVal['admin:password:confirm']) {
winston.error(' admin:password:confirm');
if (!setupVal['admin:email']) {
winston.error(' admin:email');
} else if (nconf.get('database')) {
install.values = install.values || {};
install.values.database = nconf.get('database');
function checkCIFlag() {
var ciVals;
try {
ciVals = JSON.parse(nconf.get('ci'));
} catch (e) {
ciVals = undefined;
if (ciVals && ciVals instanceof Object) {
if (ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port') && ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
install.ciVals = ciVals;
} else {
winston.error('Required values are missing for automated CI integration:');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('host')) {
winston.error(' host');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('port')) {
winston.error(' port');
if (!ciVals.hasOwnProperty('database')) {
winston.error(' database');
async function setupConfig() {
const configureDatabases = require('../install/databases');
// prompt prepends "prompt: " to questions, let's clear that.
prompt.message = '';
prompt.delimiter = '';
prompt.colors = false;
let config = {};
if (install.values) {
// Use provided values, fall back to defaults
const redisQuestions = require('./database/redis').questions;
const mongoQuestions = require('./database/mongo').questions;
const postgresQuestions = require('./database/postgres').questions;
const allQuestions = questions.main.concat(questions.optional).concat(redisQuestions).concat(mongoQuestions).concat(postgresQuestions);
allQuestions.forEach(function (question) {
if (install.values.hasOwnProperty( {
config[] = install.values[];
} else if (question.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
config[] = question.default;
} else {
config[] = undefined;
} else {
config = await promptGet(questions.main);
await configureDatabases(config);
await completeConfigSetup(config);
async function completeConfigSetup(config) {
// Add CI object
if (install.ciVals) {
config.test_database = {};
for (var prop in install.ciVals) {
if (install.ciVals.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
config.test_database[prop] = install.ciVals[prop];
// Add package_manager object if set
if (nconf.get('package_manager')) {
config.package_manager = nconf.get('package_manager');
const db = require('./database');
await db.init();
if (db.hasOwnProperty('createIndices')) {
await db.createIndices();
// Sanity-check/fix url/port
if (!/^http(?:s)?:\/\//.test(config.url)) {
config.url = 'http://' + config.url;
var urlObj = url.parse(config.url);
if (urlObj.port) {
config.port = urlObj.port;
// Remove trailing slash from non-subfolder installs
if (urlObj.path === '/') {
urlObj.path = '';
urlObj.pathname = '';
config.url = url.format(urlObj);
// ref:
delete config.type;
const meta = require('./meta');
await meta.configs.set('submitPluginUsage', config.submitPluginUsage === 'yes' ? 1 : 0);
delete config.submitPluginUsage;
async function setupDefaultConfigs() {
console.log('Populating database with default configs, if not already set...');
const meta = require('./meta');
const defaults = require(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/defaults.json'));
await meta.configs.setOnEmpty(defaults);
await meta.configs.init();
async function enableDefaultTheme() {
const meta = require('./meta');
const id = await meta.configs.get('theme:id');
if (id) {
console.log('Previous theme detected, skipping enabling default theme');
const defaultTheme = nconf.get('defaultTheme') || 'nodebb-theme-persona';
console.log('Enabling default theme: ' + defaultTheme);
await meta.themes.set({
type: 'local',
id: defaultTheme,
async function createAdministrator() {
const Groups = require('./groups');
const memberCount = await Groups.getMemberCount('administrators');
if (memberCount > 0) {
console.log('Administrator found, skipping Admin setup');
return await createAdmin();
async function createAdmin() {
const User = require('./user');
const Groups = require('./groups');
let password;
winston.warn('No administrators have been detected, running initial user setup\n');
let questions = [{
name: 'username',
description: 'Administrator username',
required: true,
type: 'string',
}, {
name: 'email',
description: 'Administrator email address',
pattern: /.+@.+/,
required: true,
const passwordQuestions = [{
name: 'password',
description: 'Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string',
}, {
name: 'password:confirm',
description: 'Confirm Password',
required: true,
hidden: true,
type: 'string',
async function success(results) {
if (!results) {
throw new Error('aborted');
if (results['password:confirm'] !== results.password) {
winston.warn('Passwords did not match, please try again');
return await retryPassword(results);
try {
} catch (err) {
winston.warn('Password error, please try again. ' + err.message);
return await retryPassword(results);
const adminUid = await User.create({
username: results.username,
password: results.password,
await Groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
await Groups.ownership.grant(adminUid, 'administrators');
return password ? results : undefined;
async function retryPassword(originalResults) {
// Ask only the password questions
const results = await promptGet(passwordQuestions);
// Update the original data with newly collected password
originalResults.password = results.password;
originalResults['password:confirm'] = results['password:confirm'];
// Send back to success to handle
return await success(originalResults);
// Add the password questions
questions = questions.concat(passwordQuestions);
if (!install.values) {
const results = await promptGet(questions);
return await success(results);
// If automated setup did not provide a user password, generate one, it will be shown to the user upon setup completion
if (!install.values.hasOwnProperty('admin:password') && !nconf.get('admin:password')) {
console.log('Password was not provided during automated setup, generating one...');
password = utils.generateUUID().slice(0, 8);
const results = {
username: install.values['admin:username'] || nconf.get('admin:username') || 'admin',
email: install.values['admin:email'] || nconf.get('admin:email') || '',
password: install.values['admin:password'] || nconf.get('admin:password') || password,
'password:confirm': install.values['admin:password:confirm'] || nconf.get('admin:password') || password,
return await success(results);
async function createGlobalModeratorsGroup() {
const groups = require('./groups');
const exists = await groups.exists('Global Moderators');
if (exists) {
|'Global Moderators group found, skipping creation!');
} else {
await groups.create({
name: 'Global Moderators',
userTitle: 'Global Moderator',
description: 'Forum wide moderators',
hidden: 0,
private: 1,
disableJoinRequests: 1,
await'Global Moderators');
async function giveGlobalPrivileges() {
const privileges = require('./privileges');
const defaultPrivileges = [
'groups:chat', 'groups:upload:post:image', 'groups:signature', 'groups:search:content',
'groups:search:users', 'groups:search:tags', 'groups:view:users', 'groups:view:tags', 'groups:view:groups',
await, 'registered-users');
'groups:ban', 'groups:upload:post:file', 'groups:view:users:info',
]), 'Global Moderators');
await['groups:view:users', 'groups:view:tags', 'groups:view:groups'], 'guests');
await['groups:view:users', 'groups:view:tags', 'groups:view:groups'], 'spiders');
async function createCategories() {
const Categories = require('./categories');
const db = require('./database');
const cids = await db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1);
if (Array.isArray(cids) && cids.length) {
console.log('Categories OK. Found ' + cids.length + ' categories.');
console.log('No categories found, populating instance with default categories');
const default_categories = JSON.parse(
await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/categories.json'), 'utf8')
for (const categoryData of default_categories) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await Categories.create(categoryData);
async function createMenuItems() {
const db = require('./database');
const exists = await db.exists('navigation:enabled');
if (exists) {
const navigation = require('./navigation/admin');
const data = require('../install/data/navigation.json');
async function createWelcomePost() {
const db = require('./database');
const Topics = require('./topics');
const [content, numTopics] = await Promise.all([
fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/'), 'utf8'),
db.getObjectField('global', 'topicCount'),
if (!parseInt(numTopics, 10)) {
console.log('Creating welcome post!');
uid: 1,
cid: 2,
title: 'Welcome to your NodeBB!',
content: content,
async function enableDefaultPlugins() {
console.log('Enabling default plugins');
let defaultEnabled = [
let customDefaults = nconf.get('defaultplugins') || nconf.get('defaultPlugins');
|'[install/defaultPlugins] customDefaults', customDefaults);
if (customDefaults && customDefaults.length) {
try {
customDefaults = Array.isArray(customDefaults) ? customDefaults : JSON.parse(customDefaults);
defaultEnabled = defaultEnabled.concat(customDefaults);
} catch (e) {
// Invalid value received
|'[install/enableDefaultPlugins] Invalid defaultPlugins value received. Ignoring.');
defaultEnabled = _.uniq(defaultEnabled);
|'[install/enableDefaultPlugins] activating default plugins', defaultEnabled);
const db = require('./database');
const order =, index) => index);
await db.sortedSetAdd('plugins:active', order, defaultEnabled);
async function setCopyrightWidget() {
const db = require('./database');
const [footerJSON, footer] = await Promise.all([
fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/footer.json'), 'utf8'),
db.getObjectField('widgets:global', 'footer'),
if (!footer && footerJSON) {
await db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'footer', footerJSON);
async function checkUpgrade() {
const upgrade = require('./upgrade');
try {
await upgrade.check();
} catch (err) {
if (err.message === 'schema-out-of-date') {
throw err;
install.setup = async function () {
try {
await setupConfig();
await setupDefaultConfigs();
await enableDefaultTheme();
await createCategories();
const adminInfo = await createAdministrator();
await createGlobalModeratorsGroup();
await giveGlobalPrivileges();
await createMenuItems();
await createWelcomePost();
await enableDefaultPlugins();
await setCopyrightWidget();
await checkUpgrade();
const data = {
return data;
} catch (err) {
if (err) {
winston.warn('NodeBB Setup Aborted.\n ' + err.stack);
| = async function (server_conf) {
let serverConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, '../config.json');
if (nconf.get('config')) {
serverConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../', nconf.get('config'));
await fs.promises.writeFile(serverConfigPath, JSON.stringify(server_conf, null, 4));
console.log('Configuration Saved OK');
file: serverConfigPath,