Chong Cheung 6c17fb49ef Update mongo.rst
1. Use db.createUser() instead of db.addUser() to add users to MongoDB. Deprecated since version 2.6
2. NodeBB causes mongo error during setup procedure. Change the role from "userAdmin" to "readWrite".
_themes/sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx theme
admin fixed some internal links
configuring Update mongo.rst
contributing Update style-guide.rst
help added FAQ entry for -- closed
helping update all docs with new url
installing update all docs with new url
modules updated docs for alert closefn/clickfn
plugins update all docs with new url
running converting md to rest
themes fixed ToC
upgrading update all docs with new url
widgets update all docs with new url
.gitignore .gitignore for sphinx
Makefile init sphinx docs changed the copyright from our usernames to just NodeBB
index.rst update all docs with new url
make.bat finished porting apache docs
resources.rst update all docs with new url