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"email-settings": "Email Settings",
"address": "E-mailAdres",
"address-help": "Het volgende e-mailadres refereert aan de e-mail die ontvanger ziet in de \"From\" en \"Reply To\" velden.",
"from": "From Naam",
"from-help": "De from naam om te tonen in de e-mail.",
"confirmation-settings": "Confirmation",
"confirmation.expiry": "Hours to keep email confirmation link valid",
"smtp-transport": "SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport-help": "Je kunt een bekende dienst uit de lijst selecteren of vul een aangepaste dienst in.",
"smtp-transport.service": "Selecteer een dienst",
"smtp-transport.service-custom": "Custom Service",
"smtp-transport.service-help": "Select a service name above in order to use the known information about it. Alternatively, select "Custom Service" and enter the details below.",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning1": "If you are using GMail as your email provider, you will have to generate an "App Password" in order for NodeBB to authenticate successfully. You can generate one at the <a href=\"https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords\">App Passwords <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a> page.",
"smtp-transport.gmail-warning2": "For more information about this workaround, <a href=\"https://nodemailer.com/usage/using-gmail/\">please consult this NodeMailer article <i class=\"fa fa-external-link\"></i></a> on the issue. An alternative would be to utilise a third-party emailer plugin such as SendGrid, Mailgun, etc. <a href=\"../extend/plugins\">Browse available plugins here</a>.",
"smtp-transport.auto-enable-toast": "It looks like you're configuring an SMTP transport. We enabled the \"SMTP Transport\" option for you.",
"smtp-transport.host": "SMTP Host",
"smtp-transport.port": "SMTP Poort",
"smtp-transport.security": "Connection security",
"smtp-transport.security-encrypted": "Versleuteld",
"smtp-transport.security-starttls": "StartTLS",
"smtp-transport.security-none": "Geen",
"smtp-transport.username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"smtp-transport.username-help": "<b>For the Gmail service,</b> voer het volledige email adres in, in het bijzonder als je gebruik maakt van een Google Apps managed domain.",
"smtp-transport.password": "Wachtwoord",
"smtp-transport.pool": "Enable pooled connections",
"smtp-transport.pool-help": "Pooling connections prevents NodeBB from creating a new connection for every email. This option only applies if SMTP Transport is enabled.",
"template": "Aanpassen E-mail Template",
"template.select": "Selecteer E-mail Template",
"template.revert": "Veranderingen ongedaan maken",
"testing": "E-mail Testen",
"testing.select": "Selecteer E-mail Template",
"testing.send": "Verzend Test E-mail",
"testing.send-help": "De test mail zal worden verstuurd naar het email adres van de op dit moment ingelogde gebruiker.",
"subscriptions": "E-mail digests",
"subscriptions.disable": "Schakel e-mail digests uit",
"subscriptions.hour": "Uur van Digest",
"subscriptions.hour-help": "Voer het nummer in dat het uur representeerd waarop scheduled email digests worden verstuurd (bv. <code>0</code> voor middernacht, <code>17</code> voor 17:00). Neem er s.v.p. notie van dat dit het uur is van de server self, dit hoeft niet exact overeen te komen met de klok van uw systeem.<br /> De tijd op de server is bij benadering: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> De volgende dagelijkse digest staat gepland om <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>",
"notifications.remove-images": "Remove images from email notifications",
"require-email-address": "Require new users to specify an email address",
"require-email-address-warning": "By default, users can opt-out of entering an email address by leaving the field blank. Enabling this option means they have to enter an email address in order to proceed with registration. <strong>It does not ensure user will enter a real email address, nor even an address they own.</strong>",
"send-validation-email": "Send validation emails when an email is added or changed",
"include-unverified-emails": "Send emails to recipients who have not explicitly confirmed their emails",
"include-unverified-warning": "By default, users with emails associated with their account have already been verified, but there are situations where this is not the case (e.g. SSO logins, grandfathered users, etc). <strong>Enable this setting at your own risk</strong> – sending emails to unverified addresses may be a violation of regional anti-spam laws.",
"prompt": "Prompt users to enter or confirm their emails",
"prompt-help": "If a user does not have an email set, or their email is not confirmed, a warning will be shown on screen.",
"sendEmailToBanned": "Send emails to users even if they have been banned"