You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
2.4 KiB

define('search', ['navigator'], function(nav) {
"use strict";
/* globals socket, ajaxify */
var Search = {
current: {}
Search.query = function(term, callback) {
// Detect if a tid was specified
var topicSearch = term.match(/in:topic-([\d]+)/);
if (!topicSearch) {
term = term.replace(/^[ ?#]*/, '');
try {
term = encodeURIComponent(term);
} catch(e) {
return app.alertError('[[error:invalid-search-term]]');
ajaxify.go('search/' + term);
} else {
var cleanedTerm = term.replace(topicSearch[0], ''),
tid = topicSearch[1];
Search.queryTopic(tid, cleanedTerm, callback);
Search.queryTopic = function(tid, term, callback) {
socket.emit('', {
tid: tid,
term: term
}, function(err, pids) {
// Sort pids numerically & store
Search.current = {
results: pids.sort(function(a, b) {
return a-b;
tid: tid,
term: term
Search.checkPagePresence = function(tid, callback) {
if (!ajaxify.currentPage.match(new RegExp('^topic/' + tid))) {
ajaxify.go('topic/' + tid, callback);
} else {
Search.topicDOM = {};
Search.topicDOM.prev = function() {
Search.topicDOM.update((Search.current.index === 0) ? Search.current.results.length-1 : Search.current.index-1);
}; = function() {
Search.topicDOM.update((Search.current.index === Search.current.results.length-1) ? 0 : Search.current.index+1);
Search.topicDOM.update = function(index) {
var topicSearchEl = $('.topic-search');
Search.current.index = index;
if (Search.current.results.length > 0) {
topicSearchEl.find('.count').html((index+1) + ' / ' + Search.current.results.length);
topicSearchEl.removeClass('hidden').find('.prev, .next').removeAttr('disabled');
Search.checkPagePresence(Search.current.tid, function() {
socket.emit('posts.getPidIndex', Search.current.results[index], function(err, postIndex) {
nav.scrollToPost(postIndex-1, true); // why -1? Ask @barisusakli
} else {
translator.translate('[[search:no-matches]]', function(text) {
topicSearchEl.removeClass('hidden').find('.prev, .next').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
Search.topicDOM.end = function() {
return Search;