250 lines
6.7 KiB
250 lines
6.7 KiB
var winston = require('winston'),
async = require('async'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
validator = require('validator'),
db = require('./database'),
posts = require('./posts'),
topics = require('./topics'),
threadTools = require('./threadTools'),
user = require('./user'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils'),
plugins = require('./plugins'),
events = require('./events'),
meta = require('./meta'),
Feed = require('./feed');
(function(PostTools) {
PostTools.isMain = function(pid, tid, callback) {
db.getSortedSetRange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, 0, function(err, pids) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
callback(null, parseInt(pids[0], 10) === parseInt(pid, 10));
PostTools.privileges = function(pid, uid, callback) {
topicPrivs: function(next) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) {
threadTools.privileges(tid, uid, next);
isOwner: function(next) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'uid', function(err, author) {
next(null, parseInt(author, 10) === parseInt(uid, 10));
hasEnoughRep: function(next) {
if (parseInt(meta.config['privileges:disabled'], 10)) {
return next(null, false);
} else {
user.getUserField(uid, 'reputation', function(err, reputation) {
if (err) {
return next(null, false);
next(null, parseInt(reputation, 10) >= parseInt(meta.config['privileges:manage_content'], 10));
// [getThreadPrivileges, isOwnPost, hasEnoughRep]
}, function(err, results) {
read: results.topicPrivs.read,
editable: results.topicPrivs.editable || results.isOwner || results.hasEnoughRep,
view_deleted: results.topicPrivs.view_deleted || results.isOwner || results.hasEnoughRep
PostTools.edit = function(uid, pid, title, content) {
var websockets = require('./socket.io'),
success = function() {
posts.setPostFields(pid, {
edited: Date.now(),
editor: uid,
content: content
events.logPostEdit(uid, pid);
db.searchRemove('post', pid, function() {
db.searchIndex('post', content, pid);
function(next) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) {
PostTools.isMain(pid, tid, function(err, isMainPost) {
if (isMainPost) {
title = title.trim();
var slug = tid + '/' + utils.slugify(title);
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'title', title);
topics.setTopicField(tid, 'slug', slug);
db.searchRemove('topic', tid, function() {
db.searchIndex('topic', title, tid);
next(null, {
tid: tid,
isMainPost: isMainPost
function(next) {
PostTools.parse(content, next);
], function(err, results) {
websockets.in('topic_' + results[0].tid).emit('event:post_edited', {
pid: pid,
title: validator.sanitize(title).escape(),
isMainPost: results[0].isMainPost,
content: results[1]
PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:post.save', content, function(err, parsedContent) {
if (!err) content = parsedContent;
PostTools.delete = function(uid, pid, callback) {
var success = function() {
posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 1);
db.decrObjectField('global', 'postCount');
db.searchRemove('post', pid);
events.logPostDelete(uid, pid);
posts.getPostFields(pid, ['tid', 'uid'], function(err, postData) {
user.decrementUserFieldBy(postData.uid, 'postcount', 1, function(err, postcount) {
db.sortedSetAdd('users:postcount', postcount, postData.uid);
topics.getTopicField(postData.tid, 'cid', function(err, cid) {
if(!err) {
db.sortedSetRemove('categories:recent_posts:cid:' + cid, pid);
// Delete the thread if it is the last undeleted post
threadTools.getLatestUndeletedPid(postData.tid, function(err, pid) {
if (err && err.message === 'no-undeleted-pids-found') {
threadTools.delete(postData.tid, uid, function(err) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Could not delete topic (tid: ' + postData.tid + ')', err.stack);
} else {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'timestamp', function(err, timestamp) {
topics.updateTimestamp(postData.tid, timestamp);
posts.getPostField(pid, 'deleted', function(err, deleted) {
if(parseInt(deleted, 10) === 1) {
return callback(new Error('Post already deleted!'));
PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
PostTools.restore = function(uid, pid, callback) {
var success = function() {
posts.setPostField(pid, 'deleted', 0);
db.incrObjectField('global', 'postCount');
events.logPostRestore(uid, pid);
posts.getPostFields(pid, ['tid', 'uid', 'content'], function(err, postData) {
user.incrementUserFieldBy(postData.uid, 'postcount', 1);
threadTools.getLatestUndeletedPid(postData.tid, function(err, pid) {
posts.getPostField(pid, 'timestamp', function(err, timestamp) {
topics.updateTimestamp(postData.tid, timestamp);
topics.getTopicField(postData.tid, 'cid', function(err, cid) {
if(!err) {
db.sortedSetAdd('categories:recent_posts:cid:' + cid, timestamp, pid);
// Restore topic if it is the only post
topics.getTopicField(postData.tid, 'postcount', function(err, count) {
if (parseInt(count, 10) === 1) {
threadTools.restore(postData.tid, uid);
db.searchIndex('post', postData.content, pid);
posts.getPostField(pid, 'deleted', function(err, deleted) {
if(parseInt(deleted, 10) === 0) {
return callback(new Error('Post already restored'));
PostTools.privileges(pid, uid, function(privileges) {
if (privileges.editable) {
PostTools.parse = function(raw, callback) {
raw = raw || '';
plugins.fireHook('filter:post.parse', raw, function(err, parsed) {
callback(null, !err ? parsed : raw);
PostTools.parseSignature = function(raw, callback) {
raw = raw || '';
plugins.fireHook('filter:post.parseSignature', raw, function(err, parsedSignature) {
callback(null, !err ? parsedSignature : raw);