You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
6.9 KiB

'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var S = require('string');
var winston = require('winston');
var db = require('../database');
var user = require('../user');
var posts = require('../posts');
var notifications = require('../notifications');
var privileges = require('../privileges');
var meta = require('../meta');
var emailer = require('../emailer');
var plugins = require('../plugins');
module.exports = function(Topics) {
Topics.toggleFollow = function(tid, uid, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var isFollowing;
function (next) {
Topics.exists(tid, next);
function (exists, next) {
if (!exists) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'));
Topics.isFollowing([tid], uid, next);
function (_isFollowing, next) {
isFollowing = _isFollowing[0];
if (isFollowing) {
Topics.unfollow(tid, uid, next);
} else {
Topics.follow(tid, uid, next);
function(next) {
next(null, !isFollowing);
], callback);
Topics.follow = function(tid, uid, callback) {
setWatching(follow, unignore, 'action:topic.follow', tid, uid, callback);
Topics.unfollow = function(tid, uid, callback) {
setWatching(unfollow, unignore, 'action:topic.unfollow', tid, uid, callback);
Topics.ignore = function(tid, uid, callback) {
setWatching(ignore, unfollow, 'action:topic.ignore', tid, uid, callback);
function setWatching(method1, method2, hook, tid, uid, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) {
return callback();
function (next) {
Topics.exists(tid, next);
function (exists, next) {
if (!exists) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'));
method1(tid, uid, next);
function (next) {
method2(tid, uid, next);
async.apply(plugins.fireHook, hook, {uid: uid, tid: tid})
], callback);
function follow(tid, uid, callback) {
addToSets('tid:' + tid + ':followers', 'uid:' + uid + ':followed_tids', tid, uid, callback);
function unfollow(tid, uid, callback) {
removeFromSets('tid:'+ tid + ':followers', 'uid:' + uid + ':followed_tids', tid, uid, callback);
function ignore(tid, uid, callback) {
addToSets('tid:' + tid + ':ignorers', 'uid:' + uid + ':ignored_tids', tid, uid, callback);
function unignore(tid, uid, callback) {
removeFromSets('tid:'+ tid + ':ignorers', 'uid:' + uid + ':ignored_tids', tid, uid, callback);
function addToSets(set1, set2, tid, uid, callback) {
function (next) {
db.setAdd(set1, uid, next);
function(next) {
db.sortedSetAdd(set2,, tid, next);
], callback);
function removeFromSets(set1, set2, tid, uid, callback) {
function (next) {
db.setRemove(set1, uid, next);
function(next) {
db.sortedSetRemove(set2, tid, next);
], callback);
Topics.isFollowing = function(tids, uid, callback) {
isIgnoringOrFollowing('followers', tids, uid, callback);
Topics.isIgnoring = function(tids, uid, callback) {
isIgnoringOrFollowing('ignorers', tids, uid, callback);
function isIgnoringOrFollowing(set, tids, uid, callback) {
if (!Array.isArray(tids)) {
return callback();
if (!parseInt(uid, 10)) {
return callback(null, { return false; }));
var keys = {
return 'tid:' + tid + ':' + set;
db.isMemberOfSets(keys, uid, callback);
Topics.getFollowers = function(tid, callback) {
db.getSetMembers('tid:' + tid + ':followers', callback);
Topics.getIgnorers = function(tid, callback) {
db.getSetMembers('tid:' + tid + ':ignorers', callback);
Topics.filterIgnoringUids = function(tid, uids, callback) {
function (next){
db.isSetMembers('tid:' + tid + ':ignorers', uids, next);
function (isMembers, next){
var readingUids = uids.filter(function(uid, index) {
return uid && isMembers[index];
next(null, readingUids);
], callback);
Topics.notifyFollowers = function(postData, exceptUid, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var followers;
var title;
var titleEscaped;
function (next) {
Topics.getFollowers(postData.topic.tid, next);
function (followers, next) {
if (!Array.isArray(followers) || !followers.length) {
return callback();
var index = followers.indexOf(exceptUid.toString());
if (index !== -1) {
followers.splice(index, 1);
if (!followers.length) {
return callback();
privileges.topics.filterUids('read', postData.topic.tid, followers, next);
function (_followers, next) {
followers = _followers;
if (!followers.length) {
return callback();
title = postData.topic.title;
if (title) {
title = S(title).decodeHTMLEntities().s;
titleEscaped = title.replace(/%/g, '%').replace(/,/g, ',');
postData.content = posts.relativeToAbsolute(postData.content);
bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_posted_to, ' + postData.user.username + ', ' + titleEscaped + ']]',
bodyLong: postData.content,
path: '/post/' +,
nid: 'new_post:tid:' + postData.topic.tid + ':pid:' + + ':uid:' + exceptUid,
tid: postData.topic.tid,
from: exceptUid,
mergeId: 'notifications:user_posted_to|' + postData.topic.tid,
topicTitle: title
}, next);
function (notification, next) {
if (notification) {
notifications.push(notification, followers);
if (parseInt(meta.config.disableEmailSubscriptions, 10) === 1) {
return next();
async.eachLimit(followers, 3, function(toUid, next) {
userData: async.apply(user.getUserFields, toUid, ['username', 'userslug']),
userSettings: async.apply(user.getSettings, toUid)
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (data.userSettings.sendPostNotifications) {
emailer.send('notif_post', toUid, {
subject: '[' + (meta.config.title || 'NodeBB') + '] ' + title,
intro: '[[notifications:user_posted_to, ' + postData.user.username + ', ' + titleEscaped + ']]',
postBody: postData.content.replace(/"\/\//g, '"https://'),
site_title: meta.config.title || 'NodeBB',
username: data.userData.username,
userslug: data.userData.userslug,
url: nconf.get('url') + '/topic/' + postData.topic.tid,
topicSlug: postData.topic.slug,
postCount: postData.topic.postcount,
base_url: nconf.get('url')
}, next);
} else {
winston.debug('[topics.notifyFollowers] uid ' + toUid + ' does not have post notifications enabled, skipping.');
], callback);