You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
82 lines
2.4 KiB
82 lines
2.4 KiB
'use strict';
const async = require('async');
const db = require('../../database');
const batch = require('../../batch');
// var user = require('../../user');
module.exports = {
name: 'Upgrade bans to hashes',
timestamp: Date.UTC(2018, 8, 24),
method: function (callback) {
const { progress } = this;
batch.processSortedSet('users:joindate', (uids, next) => {
async.eachSeries(uids, (uid, next) => {
bans: function (next) {
db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores(`uid:${uid}:bans`, 0, -1, next);
reasons: function (next) {
db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores(`banned:${uid}:reasons`, 0, -1, next);
userData: function (next) {
db.getObjectFields(`user:${uid}`, ['banned', 'banned:expire', 'joindate', 'lastposttime', 'lastonline'], next);
}, (err, results) => {
function addBan(key, data, callback) {
function (next) {
db.setObject(key, data, next);
function (next) {
db.sortedSetAdd(`uid:${uid}:bans:timestamp`, data.timestamp, key, next);
], callback);
if (err) {
return next(err);
// has no ban history and isn't banned, skip
if (!results.bans.length && !parseInt(results.userData.banned, 10)) {
return next();
// has no history, but is banned, create plain object with just uid and timestmap
if (!results.bans.length && parseInt(results.userData.banned, 10)) {
const banTimestamp = results.userData.lastonline || results.userData.lastposttime || results.userData.joindate ||;
const banKey = `uid:${uid}:ban:${banTimestamp}`;
addBan(banKey, { uid: uid, timestamp: banTimestamp }, next);
// process ban history
async.eachSeries(results.bans, (ban, next) => {
function findReason(score) {
return results.reasons.find(reasonData => reasonData.score === score);
const reasonData = findReason(ban.score);
const banKey = `uid:${uid}:ban:${ban.score}`;
const data = {
uid: uid,
timestamp: ban.score,
expire: parseInt(ban.value, 10),
if (reasonData) {
data.reason = reasonData.value;
addBan(banKey, data, next);
}, (err) => {
}, next);
}, {
progress: this.progress,
}, callback);