You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
386 lines
12 KiB
386 lines
12 KiB
'use strict';
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const db = require('../database');
const user = require('../user');
const posts = require('../posts');
const notifications = require('../notifications');
const categories = require('../categories');
const privileges = require('../privileges');
const meta = require('../meta');
const utils = require('../utils');
const plugins = require('../plugins');
module.exports = function (Topics) {
Topics.getTotalUnread = async function (uid, filter) {
filter = filter || '';
const counts = await Topics.getUnreadTids({ cid: 0, uid: uid, count: true });
return counts && counts[filter];
Topics.getUnreadTopics = async function (params) {
const unreadTopics = {
showSelect: true,
nextStart: 0,
topics: [],
let tids = await Topics.getUnreadTids(params);
unreadTopics.topicCount = tids.length;
if (!tids.length) {
return unreadTopics;
tids = tids.slice(params.start, params.stop !== -1 ? params.stop + 1 : undefined);
const topicData = await Topics.getTopicsByTids(tids, params.uid);
if (!topicData.length) {
return unreadTopics;
Topics.calculateTopicIndices(topicData, params.start);
unreadTopics.topics = topicData;
unreadTopics.nextStart = params.stop + 1;
return unreadTopics;
Topics.unreadCutoff = async function (uid) {
const cutoff = - (meta.config.unreadCutoff * 86400000);
const data = await'filter:topics.unreadCutoff', { uid: uid, cutoff: cutoff });
return parseInt(data.cutoff, 10);
Topics.getUnreadTids = async function (params) {
const results = await Topics.getUnreadData(params);
return params.count ? results.counts : results.tids;
Topics.getUnreadData = async function (params) {
const uid = parseInt(params.uid, 10);
params.filter = params.filter || '';
if (params.cid && !Array.isArray(params.cid)) {
params.cid = [params.cid];
const data = await getTids(params);
if (uid <= 0 || !data.tids || !data.tids.length) {
return data;
const result = await'filter:topics.getUnreadTids', {
uid: uid,
tids: data.tids,
counts: data.counts,
tidsByFilter: data.tidsByFilter,
cid: params.cid,
filter: params.filter,
query: params.query || {},
return result;
async function getTids(params) {
const counts = { '': 0, new: 0, watched: 0, unreplied: 0 };
const tidsByFilter = { '': [], new: [], watched: [], unreplied: [] };
if (params.uid <= 0) {
return { counts: counts, tids: [], tidsByFilter: tidsByFilter };
params.cutoff = await Topics.unreadCutoff(params.uid);
const [followedTids, ignoredTids, categoryTids, userScores, tids_unread] = await Promise.all([
user.getIgnoredTids(params.uid, 0, -1),
db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScoreWithScores(`uid:${params.uid}:tids_read`, 0, -1, '+inf', params.cutoff),
db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores(`uid:${params.uid}:tids_unread`, 0, -1),
const userReadTime = _.mapValues(_.keyBy(userScores, 'value'), 'score');
const isTopicsFollowed = {};
followedTids.forEach((t) => {
isTopicsFollowed[t.value] = true;
const unreadFollowed = await db.isSortedSetMembers(
`uid:${params.uid}:followed_tids`, => t.value)
tids_unread.forEach((t, i) => {
isTopicsFollowed[t.value] = unreadFollowed[i];
const unreadTopics = _.unionWith(categoryTids, followedTids, (a, b) => a.value === b.value)
.filter(t => !ignoredTids.includes(t.value) && (!userReadTime[t.value] || t.score > userReadTime[t.value]))
.concat(tids_unread.filter(t => !ignoredTids.includes(t.value)))
.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);
let tids = _.uniq( => topic.value)).slice(0, 200);
if (!tids.length) {
return { counts: counts, tids: tids, tidsByFilter: tidsByFilter };
const blockedUids = await user.blocks.list(params.uid);
tids = await filterTidsThatHaveBlockedPosts({
uid: params.uid,
tids: tids,
blockedUids: blockedUids,
recentTids: categoryTids,
tids = await privileges.topics.filterTids('topics:read', tids, params.uid);
const topicData = (await Topics.getTopicsFields(tids, ['tid', 'cid', 'uid', 'postcount', 'deleted'])).filter(t => !t.deleted);
const topicCids = _.uniq( => topic.cid)).filter(Boolean);
const categoryWatchState = await categories.getWatchState(topicCids, params.uid);
const userCidState = _.zipObject(topicCids, categoryWatchState);
const filterCids = params.cid && => parseInt(cid, 10));
topicData.forEach((topic) => {
if (topic && topic.cid && (!filterCids || filterCids.includes(topic.cid)) && !blockedUids.includes(topic.uid)) {
if (isTopicsFollowed[topic.tid] || userCidState[topic.cid] === categories.watchStates.watching) {
if (isTopicsFollowed[topic.tid]) {
if (topic.postcount <= 1) {
if (!userReadTime[topic.tid]) {
counts[''] = tidsByFilter[''].length;
counts.watched = tidsByFilter.watched.length;
counts.unreplied = tidsByFilter.unreplied.length;
| =;
return {
counts: counts,
tids: tidsByFilter[params.filter],
tidsByFilter: tidsByFilter,
async function getCategoryTids(params) {
if (plugins.hooks.hasListeners('filter:topics.unread.getCategoryTids')) {
const result = await'filter:topics.unread.getCategoryTids', { params: params, tids: [] });
return result.tids;
if (params.filter === 'watched') {
return [];
const cids = params.cid || await user.getWatchedCategories(params.uid);
const keys = => `cid:${cid}:tids:lastposttime`);
return await db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScoreWithScores(keys, 0, -1, '+inf', params.cutoff);
async function getFollowedTids(params) {
let tids = await db.getSortedSetMembers(`uid:${params.uid}:followed_tids`);
const filterCids = params.cid && => parseInt(cid, 10));
if (filterCids) {
const topicData = await Topics.getTopicsFields(tids, ['tid', 'cid']);
tids = topicData.filter(t => filterCids.includes(t.cid)).map(t => t.tid);
const scores = await db.sortedSetScores('topics:recent', tids);
const data =, index) => ({ value: String(tid), score: scores[index] }));
return data.filter(item => item.score > params.cutoff);
async function filterTidsThatHaveBlockedPosts(params) {
if (!params.blockedUids.length) {
return params.tids;
const topicScores = _.mapValues(_.keyBy(params.recentTids, 'value'), 'score');
const results = await db.sortedSetScores(`uid:${params.uid}:tids_read`, params.tids);
const userScores = _.zipObject(params.tids, results);
return await async.filter(params.tids, async tid => await doesTidHaveUnblockedUnreadPosts(tid, {
blockedUids: params.blockedUids,
topicTimestamp: topicScores[tid],
userLastReadTimestamp: userScores[tid],
async function doesTidHaveUnblockedUnreadPosts(tid, params) {
const { userLastReadTimestamp } = params;
if (!userLastReadTimestamp) {
return true;
let start = 0;
const count = 3;
let done = false;
let hasUnblockedUnread = params.topicTimestamp > userLastReadTimestamp;
if (!params.blockedUids.length) {
return hasUnblockedUnread;
while (!done) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const pidsSinceLastVisit = await db.getSortedSetRangeByScore(`tid:${tid}:posts`, start, count, userLastReadTimestamp, '+inf');
if (!pidsSinceLastVisit.length) {
return hasUnblockedUnread;
let postData = await posts.getPostsFields(pidsSinceLastVisit, ['pid', 'uid']);
postData = postData.filter(post => !params.blockedUids.includes(parseInt(post.uid, 10)));
done = postData.length > 0;
hasUnblockedUnread = postData.length > 0;
start += count;
return hasUnblockedUnread;
Topics.pushUnreadCount = async function (uid) {
if (!uid || parseInt(uid, 10) <= 0) {
const results = await Topics.getUnreadTids({ uid: uid, count: true });
require('../').in(`uid_${uid}`).emit('event:unread.updateCount', {
unreadTopicCount: results[''],
unreadWatchedTopicCount: results.watched,
unreadUnrepliedTopicCount: results.unreplied,
Topics.markAsUnreadForAll = async function (tid) {
await Topics.markCategoryUnreadForAll(tid);
Topics.markAsRead = async function (tids, uid) {
if (!Array.isArray(tids) || !tids.length) {
return false;
tids = _.uniq(tids).filter(tid => tid && utils.isNumber(tid));
if (!tids.length) {
return false;
const [topicScores, userScores] = await Promise.all([
Topics.getTopicsFields(tids, ['tid', 'lastposttime']),
db.sortedSetScores(`uid:${uid}:tids_read`, tids),
tids = topicScores.filter((t, i) => t.lastposttime && (!userScores[i] || userScores[i] < t.lastposttime))
.map(t => t.tid);
if (!tids.length) {
return false;
const now =;
const scores = => now);
const [topicData] = await Promise.all([
Topics.getTopicsFields(tids, ['cid']),
db.sortedSetAdd(`uid:${uid}:tids_read`, scores, tids),
db.sortedSetRemove(`uid:${uid}:tids_unread`, tids),
const cids = _.uniq( => t && t.cid).filter(Boolean));
await categories.markAsRead(cids, uid);
|'action:topics.markAsRead', { uid: uid, tids: tids });
return true;
Topics.markAllRead = async function (uid) {
const cutoff = await Topics.unreadCutoff(uid);
const tids = await db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('topics:recent', 0, -1, '+inf', cutoff);
Topics.markTopicNotificationsRead(tids, uid);
await Topics.markAsRead(tids, uid);
await db.delete(`uid:${uid}:tids_unread`);
Topics.markTopicNotificationsRead = async function (tids, uid) {
if (!Array.isArray(tids) || !tids.length) {
const nids = await user.notifications.getUnreadByField(uid, 'tid', tids);
await notifications.markReadMultiple(nids, uid);
Topics.markCategoryUnreadForAll = async function (tid) {
const cid = await Topics.getTopicField(tid, 'cid');
await categories.markAsUnreadForAll(cid);
Topics.hasReadTopics = async function (tids, uid) {
if (!(parseInt(uid, 10) > 0)) {
return => false);
const [topicScores, userScores, tids_unread, blockedUids] = await Promise.all([
db.sortedSetScores('topics:recent', tids),
db.sortedSetScores(`uid:${uid}:tids_read`, tids),
db.sortedSetScores(`uid:${uid}:tids_unread`, tids),
const cutoff = await Topics.unreadCutoff(uid);
const result =, index) => {
const read = !tids_unread[index] &&
(topicScores[index] < cutoff ||
!!(userScores[index] && userScores[index] >= topicScores[index]));
return { tid: tid, read: read, index: index };
return await, async (data) => {
if ( {
return true;
const hasUnblockedUnread = await doesTidHaveUnblockedUnreadPosts(data.tid, {
topicTimestamp: topicScores[data.index],
userLastReadTimestamp: userScores[data.index],
blockedUids: blockedUids,
if (!hasUnblockedUnread) {
| = true;
Topics.hasReadTopic = async function (tid, uid) {
const hasRead = await Topics.hasReadTopics([tid], uid);
return Array.isArray(hasRead) && hasRead.length ? hasRead[0] : false;
Topics.markUnread = async function (tid, uid) {
const exists = await Topics.exists(tid);
if (!exists) {
throw new Error('[[error:no-topic]]');
await db.sortedSetRemove(`uid:${uid}:tids_read`, tid);
await db.sortedSetAdd(`uid:${uid}:tids_unread`,, tid);
Topics.filterNewTids = async function (tids, uid) {
if (parseInt(uid, 10) <= 0) {
return [];
const scores = await db.sortedSetScores(`uid:${uid}:tids_read`, tids);
return tids.filter((tid, index) => tid && !scores[index]);
Topics.filterUnrepliedTids = async function (tids) {
const scores = await db.sortedSetScores('topics:posts', tids);
return tids.filter((tid, index) => tid && scores[index] !== null && scores[index] <= 1);