You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
174 lines
5.6 KiB
174 lines
5.6 KiB
'use strict';
var winston = require('winston');
var jsesc = require('jsesc');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var semver = require('semver');
var user = require('../user');
var meta = require('../meta');
var plugins = require('../plugins');
var privileges = require('../privileges');
var utils = require('../../public/src/utils');
var versions = require('../admin/versions');
var helpers = require('./helpers');
var controllers = {
api: require('../controllers/api'),
helpers: require('../controllers/helpers'),
const middleware = module.exports;
middleware.buildHeader = helpers.try(async function (req, res, next) {
res.locals.renderAdminHeader = true;
res.locals.config = await controllers.api.loadConfig(req);
middleware.renderHeader = async (req, res, data) => {
var custom_header = {
plugins: [],
authentication: [],
res.locals.config = res.locals.config || {};
const results = await utils.promiseParallel({
userData: user.getUserFields(req.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'email', 'picture', 'email:confirmed']),
scripts: getAdminScripts(),
custom_header:'', custom_header),
configs: meta.configs.list(),
latestVersion: getLatestVersion(),
privileges: privileges.admin.get(req.uid),
var userData = results.userData;
userData.uid = req.uid;
userData['email:confirmed'] = userData['email:confirmed'] === 1;
userData.privileges = results.privileges;
var acpPath = req.path.slice(1).split('/');
acpPath.forEach(function (path, i) {
acpPath[i] = path.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + path.slice(1);
acpPath = acpPath.join(' > ');
var version = nconf.get('version');
res.locals.config.userLang = res.locals.config.acpLang || res.locals.config.userLang;
var templateValues = {
config: res.locals.config,
configJSON: jsesc(JSON.stringify(res.locals.config), { isScriptContext: true }),
relative_path: res.locals.config.relative_path,
adminConfigJSON: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(results.configs)),
user: userData,
userJSON: jsesc(JSON.stringify(userData), { isScriptContext: true }),
plugins: results.custom_header.plugins,
authentication: results.custom_header.authentication,
scripts: results.scripts,
'cache-buster': meta.config['cache-buster'] || '',
env: !!process.env.NODE_ENV,
title: (acpPath || 'Dashboard') + ' | NodeBB Admin Control Panel',
bodyClass: data.bodyClass,
version: version,
latestVersion: results.latestVersion,
upgradeAvailable: results.latestVersion &&, version),
showManageMenu: results.privileges.superadmin || ['categories', 'privileges', 'users', 'admins-mods', 'groups', 'tags', 'settings'].some(priv => results.privileges[`admin:${priv}`]),
templateValues.template = { name: res.locals.template };
templateValues.template[res.locals.template] = true;
// remove @1.17.0
({ templateData: templateValues } = await'filter:admin/', { req, res, templateData: templateValues }));
({ templateData: templateValues } = await'filter:middleware.renderAdminHeader', {
templateData: templateValues,
return await'admin/header', templateValues);
async function getAdminScripts() {
const scripts = await'filter:admin.scripts.get', []);
return (script) {
return { src: script };
async function getLatestVersion() {
try {
const result = await versions.getLatestVersion();
return result;
} catch (err) {
winston.error('[acp] Failed to fetch latest version' + err.stack);
return null;
middleware.renderFooter = async function (req, res, data) {
return await'admin/footer', data);
middleware.checkPrivileges = helpers.try(async (req, res, next) => {
// Kick out guests, obviously
if (req.uid <= 0) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
// Otherwise, check for privilege based on page (if not in mapping, deny access)
const path = req.path.replace(/^(\/api)?\/admin\/?/g, '');
if (path) {
const privilege = privileges.admin.resolve(path);
if (!await privileges.admin.can(privilege, req.uid)) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
} else {
// If accessing /admin, check for any valid admin privs
const privilegeSet = await privileges.admin.get(req.uid);
if (!Object.values(privilegeSet).some(Boolean)) {
return controllers.helpers.notAllowed(req, res);
// If user does not have password
const hasPassword = await user.hasPassword(req.uid);
if (!hasPassword) {
return next();
// Reject if they need to re-login (due to ACP timeout), otherwise extend logout timer
const loginTime = req.session.meta ? req.session.meta.datetime : 0;
const adminReloginDuration = meta.config.adminReloginDuration * 60000;
const disabled = meta.config.adminReloginDuration === 0;
if (disabled || (loginTime && parseInt(loginTime, 10) > - adminReloginDuration)) {
const timeLeft = parseInt(loginTime, 10) - ( - adminReloginDuration);
if (req.session.meta && timeLeft < Math.min(300000, adminReloginDuration)) {
req.session.meta.datetime += Math.min(300000, adminReloginDuration);
return next();
let returnTo = req.path;
if (nconf.get('relative_path')) {
returnTo = req.path.replace(new RegExp('^' + nconf.get('relative_path')), '');
returnTo = returnTo.replace(/^\/api/, '');
req.session.returnTo = returnTo;
req.session.forceLogin = 1;
await'response:auth.relogin', { req, res });
if (res.headersSent) {
if (res.locals.isAPI) {
} else {
res.redirect(nconf.get('relative_path') + '/login?local=1');