
91 lines
3.7 KiB

"users": "Users",
"edit": "Edit",
"make-admin": "Make Admin",
"remove-admin": "Remove Admin",
"validate-email": "Validate Email",
"send-validation-email": "Send Validation Email",
"password-reset-email": "Send Password Reset Email",
"ban": "Ban User(s)",
"temp-ban": "Ban User(s) Temporarily",
"unban": "Unban User(s)",
"reset-lockout": "Reset Lockout",
"reset-flags": "Reset Flags",
"delete": "Delete User(s)",
"purge": "Delete User(s) and Content",
"download-csv": "Download CSV",
"invite": "Invite",
"new": "New User",
"pills.latest": "Latest Users",
"pills.unvalidated": "Not Validated",
"": "No Posts",
"": "Top Posters",
"": "Most Reputation",
"pills.inactive": "Inactive",
"pills.flagged": "Most Flagged",
"pills.banned": "Banned",
"": "User Search",
"search.username": "By User Name",
"search.username-placeholder": "Enter a username to search",
"": "By Email",
"": "Enter a email to search",
"search.ip": "By IP Address",
"search.ip-placeholder": "Enter an IP Address to search",
"search.not-found": "User not found!",
"inactive.3-months": "3 months",
"inactive.6-months": "6 months",
"inactive.12-months": "12 months",
"users.uid": "uid",
"users.username": "username",
"": "email",
"users.postcount": "postcount",
"users.reputation": "reputation",
"users.flags": "flags",
"users.joined": "joined",
"users.last-online": "last online",
"users.banned": "banned",
"create.username": "User Name",
"": "Email",
"": "Email of this user",
"create.password": "Password",
"create.password-confirm": "Confirm Password",
"temp-ban.length": "Ban Length",
"temp-ban.reason": "Reason <span class=\"text-muted\">(Optional)</span>",
"temp-ban.hours": "Hours",
"temp-ban.days": "Days",
"temp-ban.explanation": "Enter the length of time for the ban. Note that a time of 0 will be a considered a permanent ban.",
"alerts.confirm-ban": "Do you really want to ban this user <strong>permanently</strong>?",
"alerts.confirm-ban-multi": "Do you really want to ban these users <strong>permanently</strong>?",
"alerts.ban-success": "User(s) banned!",
"alerts.button-ban-x": "Ban %1 user(s)",
"alerts.unban-success": "User(s) unbanned!",
"alerts.lockout-reset-success": "Lockout(s) reset!",
"alerts.flag-reset-success": "Flags(s) reset!",
"": "You can't remove yourself as Administrator!",
"alerts.make-admin-success": "User(s) are now administrators.",
"alerts.confirm-remove-admin": "Do you really want to remove admins?",
"alerts.remove-admin-success": "User(s) are no longer administrators.",
"alerts.confirm-validate-email": "Do you want to validate email(s) of these user(s)?",
"alerts.validate-email-success": "Emails validated",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm": "Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.",
"alerts.delete-success": "User(s) Deleted!",
"alerts.confirm-purge": "<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s) and their content?<br/> This action is not reversable! All user data and content will be erased!",
"alerts.create": "Create User",
"alerts.button-create": "Create",
"alerts.button-cancel": "Cancel",
"alerts.error-passwords-different": "Passwords must match!",
"alerts.error-x": "<strong>Error</strong><p>%1</p>",
"alerts.create-success": "User created!",
"alerts.prompt-email": "Email: ",
"": "An invitation email has been sent to %1",
"alerts.x-users-found": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 ms."