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"authentication": "Autenticação",
"email-confirm-interval": "User may not resend a confirmation email until",
"email-confirm-interval2": "minutes have elapsed",
"allow-login-with": "Permitir início de sessão com",
"allow-login-with.username-email": "Nome de Utilizador ou E-mail",
"allow-login-with.username": "Nome de Utilizador Apenas",
"account-settings": "Definições de Conta",
"gdpr_enabled": "Enable GDPR consent collection",
"gdpr_enabled_help": "When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the <a href=\"https://ec.europa.eu/info/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules/eu-data-protection-rules_en\">General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</a>. <strong>Note</strong>: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.",
"disable-username-changes": "Desativar alterações aos nomes de utilizador",
"disable-email-changes": "Desativar alterações aos e-mails",
"disable-password-changes": "Desativar alterações de palavras-passe",
"allow-account-deletion": "Permitir eliminação da conta",
"hide-fullname": "Esconder o nome completo dos utilizadores",
"hide-email": "Esconder o e-mail dos utilizadores",
"show-fullname-as-displayname": "Show user's full name as their display name if available",
"themes": "Temas",
"disable-user-skins": "Impedir utilizadores de escolherem uma máscara personalizada",
"account-protection": "Proteção de Conta",
"admin-relogin-duration": "Admin relogin duration (minutes)",
"admin-relogin-duration-help": "After a set amount of time accessing the admin section will require re-login, set to 0 to disable",
"login-attempts": "Tentativas de início de sessão por hora",
"login-attempts-help": "If login attempts to a user's account exceeds this threshold, that account will be locked for a pre-configured amount of time",
"lockout-duration": "Account Lockout Duration (minutes)",
"login-days": "Days to remember user login sessions",
"password-expiry-days": "Force password reset after a set number of days",
"session-time": "Tempo de Sessão",
"session-time-days": "Dias",
"session-time-seconds": "Segundos",
"session-time-help": "These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no <i>seconds</i> value we fall back to <i>days</i>. If there is no <i>days</i> value we default to <i>14 days</i>.",
"online-cutoff": "Minutos após o utilizador ser considerado inativo",
"online-cutoff-help": "If user performs no actions for this duration, they are considered inactive and they do not receive realtime updates.",
"registration": "Registo de Utilizadores",
"registration-type": "Tipo de Registo",
"registration-approval-type": "Tipo de Aprovação de Registo",
"registration-type.normal": "Normal",
"registration-type.admin-approval": "Aprovado por um Administrador",
"registration-type.admin-approval-ip": "Aprovado por um Administrador para IPs",
"registration-type.invite-only": "Apenas por Convite",
"registration-type.admin-invite-only": "Apenas por Convite de um Administrador",
"registration-type.disabled": "Sem registo",
"registration-type.help": "Normal - Users can register from the /register page.<br/>\nInvite Only - Users can invite others from the <a href=\"%1/users\" target=\"_blank\">users</a> page.<br/>\nAdmin Invite Only - Only administrators can invite others from <a href=\"%1/users\" target=\"_blank\">users</a> and <a href=\"%1/admin/manage/users\">admin/manage/users</a> pages.<br/>\nNo registration - No user registration.<br/>",
"registration-approval-type.help": "Normal - Users are registered immediately.<br/>\nAdmin Approval - User registrations are placed in an <a href=\"%1/admin/manage/registration\">approval queue</a> for administrators.<br/>\nAdmin Approval for IPs - Normal for new users, Admin Approval for IP addresses that already have an account.<br/>",
"registration-queue-auto-approve-time": "Automatic Approval Time",
"registration-queue-auto-approve-time-help": "Hours before user is approved automatically. 0 to disable.",
"registration-queue-show-average-time": "Show users average time it takes to approve a new user",
"registration.max-invites": "Máximo de Convites por Utilizador",
"max-invites": "Máximo de Convites por Utilizador",
"max-invites-help": "Usa 0 para nenhuma restrição. Administradores têm convites infinitos.<br>Apenas aplicável quando selecionado \"Apenas por Convite\"",
"invite-expiration": "Data de validade do convite",
"invite-expiration-help": "# of days invitations expire in.",
"min-username-length": "Comprimento Mínimo do Nome de Utilizador",
"max-username-length": "Comprimento Máximo do Nome de Utilizador",
"min-password-length": "Comprimento Mínimo da Palavra-Passe",
"min-password-strength": "Força Mínima da Palavra-Passe",
"max-about-me-length": "Comprimento Máximo do \"Sobre Mim\"",
"terms-of-use": "Termos de Uso do Fórum <small>(Deixa em branco para desativar)</small>",
"user-search": "Procura de Utilizadores",
"user-search-results-per-page": "Número de resultados a mostrar",
"default-user-settings": "Definições Predefinidas do Utilizador",
"show-email": "Mostrar e-mail",
"show-fullname": "Mostrar nome completo",
"restrict-chat": "Apenas permitir mensagens de utilizadores que eu sigo",
"outgoing-new-tab": "Abrir links externos num novo separador",
"topic-search": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
"update-url-with-post-index": "Update url with post index while browsing topics",
"digest-freq": "Subscrever o Resumo",
"digest-freq.off": "Desligado",
"digest-freq.daily": "Diariamente ",
"digest-freq.weekly": "Semanalmente",
"digest-freq.biweekly": "Bi-Weekly",
"digest-freq.monthly": "Mensalmente",
"email-chat-notifs": "Enviar um e-mail se receber uma nova mensagem e não estiver online",
"email-post-notif": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"follow-created-topics": "Follow topics you create",
"follow-replied-topics": "Follow topics that you reply to",
"default-notification-settings": "Definições predefinidas das notificações",
"categoryWatchState": "Estado predefinido da subscrição de categorias",
"categoryWatchState.watching": "A seguir",
"categoryWatchState.notwatching": "A não seguir",
"categoryWatchState.ignoring": "A ignorar"