Peter Jaszkowiak 6432c02ab8 Add tests
database ESlint object-curly-spacing
files closes
helpers fix tests for subfolder installs
mocks ESlint no-useless-concat, no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
.eslintrc ESlint no-unused-vars
authentication.js ESlint object-curly-spacing
blacklist.js Resolve merge conflicts, minify only `.js` files
build.js Resolve merge conflicts, minify only `.js` files
categories.js privileges tests
controllers-admin.js privileges tests
controllers.js Fix ()
database.js ESlint padded-blocks
groups.js test for system group rename
locale-detect.js Add tests
messaging.js Resolve merge conflicts, minify only `.js` files
meta.js tests for
mocha.opts Fix return and tests
notifications.js ESlint object-curly-spacing
pagination.js ESlint object-curly-spacing
plugins.js ESlint object-curly-spacing
posts.js enable sigs after test
rewards.js ESlint no-unused-vars
search-admin.js ESlint indent
search.js ESlint object-curly-spacing closes
template-helpers.js fix tests for subfolder installs
topics.js closes
translator.js Fix ()
uploads.js Fix tests
user.js Rename to `uniqueUsername`
utils.js ESlint no-useless-escape, no-else-return