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"home": "Domov",
"search": "Hľadať",
"buttons.close": "Zavrieť",
"403.title": "Prístup zamietnutý",
"403.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Stránka nenájdená",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"500.title": "Internal Error.",
"500.message": "Jejda, vyzerá, že sa niečo pokazilo.",
"400.title": "Bad Request.",
"400.message": "It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again. Otherwise, return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.",
"register": "Registrovať",
"login": "Prihlásiť sa",
"please_log_in": "Prosím, prihláste sa",
"logout": "Odhlásiť sa",
"posting_restriction_info": "Prispievanie je obmedzené len pre registrovaných, kliknite pre prihlásenie sa ",
"welcome_back": "Welcome Back",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "Úspešne si sa prihlásil",
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"": "Hľadať",
"header.profile": "Moj profil",
"header.navigation": "Navigation",
"notifications.loading": "Načítanie notifikácií",
"chats.loading": "Načítanie grafov",
"motd.welcome": "Vítajte na NodeBB, diskusná platforma budúcnosti.",
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"norecentposts": "Žiadne posledné príspevky",
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"updated.title": "fórum bolo aktualizované",
"updated.message": "Toto fórum bolo práve aktualizované k najnovšej verzii. Tu kliknite na aktualizáciu tejto stránky.",
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"unsaved-changes": "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you wish to navigate away?",
"reconnecting-message": "Looks like your connection to %1 was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect.",
"play": "Play"