
67 lines
3.6 KiB

"chat.chatting_with": "Chat with",
"chat.placeholder": "Įrašykite žinutę čia ir spauskite \"enter\" norėdami išsiųsti",
"chat.send": "Siųsti",
"chat.no_active": "Jūs neturite aktyvių susirašinėjimų.",
"chat.user_typing": "%1 dabar rašo...",
"chat.user_has_messaged_you": "%1 parašė jums.",
"chat.see_all": "See all chats",
"chat.mark_all_read": "Mark all chats read",
"": "Prašome pasirikti gavėją, norėdami peržiūrėti žinučių istoriją",
"": "No users in this room",
"chat.recent-chats": "Paskutiniai susirašinėjimai",
"chat.contacts": "Kontaktai",
"chat.message-history": "Žinučių istorija",
"chat.message-deleted": "Message Deleted",
"chat.options": "Chat options",
"chat.pop-out": "Iššokančio lango pokalbiai",
"chat.minimize": "Minimize",
"chat.maximize": "Padininti",
"chat.seven_days": "7 dienos",
"chat.thirty_days": "30 dienų",
"chat.three_months": "3 mėnesiai",
"chat.delete_message_confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete this message?",
"chat.retrieving-users": "Retrieving users...",
"chat.manage-room": "Manage Chat Room",
"chat.add-user-help": "Search for users here. When selected, the user will be added to the chat. The new user will not be able to see chat messages written before they were added to the conversation. Only room owners (<i class=\"fa fa-star text-warning\"></i>) may remove users from chat rooms.",
"chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user": "This user has set their status to DnD(Do not disturb). Do you still want to chat with them?",
"chat.rename-room": "Rename Room",
"chat.rename-placeholder": "Enter your room name here",
"chat.rename-help": "The room name set here will be viewable by all participants in the room.",
"chat.leave": "Leave Chat",
"chat.leave-prompt": "Are you sure you wish to leave this chat?",
"chat.leave-help": "Leaving this chat will remove you from future correspondence in this chat. If you are re-added in the future, you will not see any chat history from prior to your re-joining.",
"": "In this room",
"chat.kick": "Kick",
"": "Show IP",
"chat.owner": "Room Owner",
"chat.system.user-join": "%1 has joined the room",
"chat.system.user-leave": "%1 has left the room",
"": "%2 has renamed this room: %1",
"composer.compose": "Sukomponuoti",
"composer.show_preview": "Rodyti pavyzdį",
"composer.hide_preview": "Slėpti pavyzdį",
"composer.user_said_in": "%1 parašė į %2:",
"composer.user_said": "%1 parašė:",
"composer.discard": "Ar tikrai norite sunaikinti šį pranešimą?",
"composer.submit_and_lock": "Pateikti ir užrakinti",
"composer.toggle_dropdown": "Perjungti Nukritimą",
"composer.uploading": "Uploading %1",
"composer.formatting.bold": "Bold",
"composer.formatting.italic": "Italic",
"composer.formatting.list": "List",
"composer.formatting.strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"composer.formatting.code": "Code",
"": "Link",
"composer.formatting.picture": "Picture",
"composer.upload-picture": "Upload Image",
"composer.upload-file": "Upload File",
"composer.zen_mode": "Zen Mode",
"composer.select_category": "Select a category",
"bootbox.ok": "OK",
"bootbox.cancel": "Cancel",
"bootbox.confirm": "Confirm",
"cover.dragging_title": "Cover Photo Positioning",
"cover.dragging_message": "Drag the cover photo to the desired position and click \"Save\"",
"cover.saved": "Cover photo image and position saved"