You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
5.8 KiB

"users": "Lietotāji",
"edit": "Actions",
"make-admin": "Apstiprināt kā administratoru",
"remove-admin": "Noņemt administratora tiesības",
"validate-email": "Apstiprināt e-pasta adresi",
"send-validation-email": "Sūtīt apstiprināšanas e-pastu",
"password-reset-email": "Sūtīt paroles atiestatīšanas e-pastu",
"force-password-reset": "Force Password Reset & Log User Out",
"ban": "Bloķēt lietotāju(-s)",
"temp-ban": "Bloķēt lietotāju(-s) uz laiku",
"unban": "Atbloķēt lietotāju(-s)",
"reset-lockout": "Atiestatīt bloķēšanu",
"reset-flags": "Atiestatīt atzīmes",
"delete": "Delete <strong>User(s)</strong>",
"delete-content": "Delete User(s) <strong>Content</strong>",
"purge": "Delete <strong>User(s)</strong> and <strong>Content</strong>",
"download-csv": "Lejupielādēt .csv",
"manage-groups": "Manage Groups",
"add-group": "Add Group",
"invite": "Uzaicināt",
"new": "Izveidot jaunu lietotāju",
"filter-by": "Filter by",
"pills.unvalidated": "Neapstiprinātie",
"pills.validated": "Validated",
"pills.banned": "Bloķētie",
"50-per-page": "50 per page",
"100-per-page": "100 per page",
"250-per-page": "250 per page",
"500-per-page": "500 per page",
"search.uid": "Pēc lietotāja ID",
"search.uid-placeholder": "Meklējamais lietotāja ID",
"search.username": "Pēc lietotājvārda",
"search.username-placeholder": "Meklējamais lietotājvārds",
"": "Pēc e-pasta adreses",
"": "Meklējamā e-pasta adrese",
"search.ip": "Pēc IP adreses",
"search.ip-placeholder": "Meklējamā IP adrese",
"search.not-found": "Nav atrasts atbilstošs lietotājs!",
"inactive.3-months": "3 mēnešus",
"inactive.6-months": "6 mēnešus",
"inactive.12-months": "12 mēnešus",
"users.uid": "uid",
"users.username": "lietotājvārds",
"": "e-pasta adrese",
"": "(no email)",
"users.ip": "IP",
"users.postcount": "raksti",
"users.reputation": "ranga punkti",
"users.flags": "atzīmes",
"users.joined": "reģistrējies(-jusies)",
"users.last-online": "pēdējoreiz redzēts(-ēta)",
"users.banned": "bloķēts?",
"create.username": "Vārds",
"": "E-pasta adrese",
"": "E-pasta adrese",
"create.password": "Parole",
"create.password-confirm": "Atkārtot paroli",
"temp-ban.length": "Length",
"temp-ban.reason": "Iemesls <span class=\"text-muted\">(neobligāts)</span>",
"temp-ban.hours": "Stundas",
"temp-ban.days": "Dienas",
"temp-ban.explanation": "Ievadīt bloķēšanas termiņu, ņemot vērā, ka 0 tiks uzskatīts par pastāvīgu bloķēšanu.",
"alerts.confirm-ban": "Vai tiešām vēlies <strong>pastāvīgi</strong> bloķēt šo lietotāju?",
"alerts.confirm-ban-multi": "Vai tiešām vēlies <strong>pastāvīgi</strong> bloķēt šos lietotājus?",
"alerts.ban-success": "Lietotājs(-i) bloķēts(-i)!",
"alerts.button-ban-x": "Bloķēt %1 lietotāju(-s)",
"alerts.unban-success": "Lietotājs(-i) atbloķēts(-i)",
"alerts.lockout-reset-success": "Bloķēšana atiestatīta!",
"alerts.flag-reset-success": "Atzīme(-s) atiestīta(-s)!",
"": "Nevar sev noņemt administratora tiesības!",
"alerts.make-admin-success": "Lietotājs tagad ir administrators.",
"alerts.confirm-remove-admin": "Vai tiešām vēlies noņemt šo administratoru?",
"alerts.remove-admin-success": "Lietotājs tagad vairs nav administrators.",
"alerts.make-global-mod-success": "Lietotājs tagad ir globālais moderators.",
"alerts.confirm-remove-global-mod": "Vai tiešām vēlies noņemt šo globālo moderatoru?",
"alerts.remove-global-mod-success": "Lietotājs tagad vairs nav globālais moderators.",
"alerts.make-moderator-success": "Lietotājs tagad ir moderators.",
"alerts.confirm-remove-moderator": "Vai tiešām vēlies noņemt šo moderatoru?",
"alerts.remove-moderator-success": "Lietotājs tagad vairs nav moderators.",
"alerts.confirm-validate-email": "Vai vēlies apstiprināt šī(-o) lietotāja(-u) e-pasta adresi(-es)?",
"alerts.confirm-force-password-reset": "Are you sure you want to force the password reset and log out these user(s)?",
"alerts.validate-email-success": "E-pasti ir apstiprināti",
"alerts.validate-force-password-reset-success": "User(s) passwords have been reset and their existing sessions have been revoked.",
"alerts.password-reset-confirm": "Vai vēlies nosūtīt paroles atiestatīšanas e-pastu(-s) šim(-iem) lietotājam(-iem)?",
"alerts.confirm-delete": "<strong>Warning!</strong><p>Do you really want to delete <strong>user(s)</strong>?</p><p>This action is not reversible! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.</p>",
"alerts.delete-success": "Lietotājs(-i) izdzēsts(-i)!",
"alerts.confirm-delete-content": "<strong>Warning!</strong><p>Do you really want to delete these user(s) <strong>content</strong>?</p><p>This action is not reversible! The users' accounts will remain, but their posts and topics will be deleted.</p>",
"alerts.delete-content-success": "User(s) Content Deleted!",
"alerts.confirm-purge": "<strong>Warning!</strong><p>Do you really want to delete <strong>user(s) and their content</strong>?</p><p>This action is not reversible! All user data and content will be erased!</p>",
"alerts.create": "Izveidot lietotāju",
"alerts.button-create": "Izveidot",
"alerts.button-cancel": "Atcelt",
"alerts.error-passwords-different": "Parolēm jāsakrīt!",
"alerts.error-x": "<strong>Kļūda</strong><p>%1</p>",
"alerts.create-success": "Lietotājs izveidots!",
"alerts.prompt-email": "E-pasta adreses:",
"": "Ielūguma e-pasts ir nosūtīts %1",
"alerts.x-users-found": "%1 user(s) found, (%2 seconds)",
"export-users-started": "Exporting users as csv, this might take a while. You will receive a notification when it is complete.",
"export-users-completed": "Users exported as csv, click here to download."