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"home": "Home Port",
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"403.title": "Not Enough Booty Power",
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"404.title": "T'ere be nut'in 'ere",
"404.message": "Ye seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to th' <a href='/'>home page</a>",
"500.title": "Broken beam.",
"500.message": "Looks like we've got somethin' in th' sails.",
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"posting_restriction_info": "Postin' be currently restricted to registered members only, click here to log in.",
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"": "Finderer",
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"motd.welcome": "Welcome to NodeBB, th' discussion platform 'o th' future.",
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"alert.success": "Success",
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"posted_in_ago_by": "posted in <a href=\"%1\"><i class=\"fa %2\"></i> %3</a> <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%4\"></span> by %5",
"posted_in_ago": "posted in <a href=\"%1\"><i class=\"fa %2\"></i> %3</a> <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%4\"></span>",
"replied_ago": "replied <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%1\"></span>",
"user_posted_ago": "<a href=\"%1\" itemprop=\"author\">%2</a> posted <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%3\"></span>",
"last_edited_by_ago": "last edited by <strong><a href=\"%1\">%2</a></strong> <span class=\"timeago\" title=\"%3\"></span>",
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"invisible": "Magic usin'",
"offline": "Dead",
"email": "Email",
"language": "Language"