141 lines
5.6 KiB
141 lines
5.6 KiB
"home": "Acasă",
"search": "Căutare",
"buttons.close": "Închide",
"403.title": "Acces Interzis",
"403.message": "Se pare că ai ajuns pe o pagină la care nu ai acces",
"403.login": "Perhaps you should <a class=\"alert-link\" href='%1/login'>try logging in</a>?",
"404.title": "Nu a fost găsit",
"404.message": "You seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist.<br/><div class=\"text-sm text-muted\">Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.</div>",
"500.title": "Internal Error.",
"500.message": "Oops! Se pare că ceva a mers greșit!",
"400.title": "Bad Request.",
"400.message": "It looks like this link is malformed, please double-check and try again.<br/><div class=\"text-sm text-muted\">Return to the <a href='%1/'>home page</a>.</div>",
"register": "Înregistrare",
"login": "Autentificare",
"please_log_in": "Autentifică-te",
"logout": "Ieşire",
"posting_restriction_info": "Pentru a posta trebuie să fi înregistrat. Apasă aici pentru a te atentifica.",
"welcome_back": "Bine ai revenit",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "Te-ai conectat cu succes",
"save_changes": "Salvează Modificări",
"save": "Save",
"create": "Create",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Închide",
"pagination": "Paginație",
"pagination.out_of": "%1 din %2",
"pagination.enter_index": "Go to post index",
"header.admin": "Admin",
"header.categories": "Categorii",
"header.recent": "Recente",
"header.unread": "Necitite",
"header.tags": "Taguri",
"header.popular": "Populare",
"header.top": "Top",
"header.users": "Utilizatori",
"header.groups": "Grupuri",
"header.chats": "Conversații",
"header.notifications": "Notificări",
"header.search": "Căutare",
"header.profile": "Profil",
"header.account": "Account",
"header.navigation": "Navigare",
"header.manage": "Manage",
"header.drafts": "Drafts",
"notifications.loading": "Se încarcă notificările",
"chats.loading": "Se încarcă conversațiile",
"drafts.loading": "Loading Drafts",
"motd.welcome": "Bine ai venit la NodeBB, platforma de discuții a viitorului.",
"previouspage": "Pagina Precedentă",
"nextpage": "Următoarea Pagină",
"alert.success": "Succes",
"alert.error": "Eroare",
"alert.banned": "Banat",
"alert.banned.message": "You have just been banned, your access is now restricted.",
"alert.unbanned": "Unbanned",
"alert.unbanned.message": "Your ban has been lifted.",
"alert.unfollow": "Nu îl mai urmărești pe %1!",
"alert.follow": "Îl urmărești pe %1!",
"users": "Utilizatori",
"topics": "Subiecte",
"posts": "Mesaje",
"x-posts": "<span class=\"formatted-number\">%1</span> posts",
"x-topics": "<span class=\"formatted-number\">%1</span> topics",
"x-reputation": "<span class=\"formatted-number\">%1</span> reputation",
"best": "Cel mai bun",
"controversial": "Controversial",
"votes": "Votes",
"x-votes": "%1 votes",
"voters": "Voters",
"upvoters": "Upvoters",
"upvoted": "Upvoted",
"downvoters": "Downvoters",
"downvoted": "Downvoted",
"views": "Vizualizări",
"posters": "Posters",
"reputation": "Reputație",
"lastpost": "Last post",
"firstpost": "First post",
"about": "About",
"read_more": "citește mai mult",
"more": "Mai multe",
"none": "None",
"posted_ago_by_guest": "postat %1 de Vizitator",
"posted_ago_by": "postat %1 de %2",
"posted_ago": "postat %1",
"posted_in": "postat în %1",
"posted_in_by": "postat în %1 de %2",
"posted_in_ago": "postat în %1 %2",
"posted_in_ago_by": "postat în %1 %2 de %3",
"user_posted_ago": "%1 a postat %2",
"guest_posted_ago": "Vizitator a postat %1",
"last_edited_by": "ultima editare de %1",
"edited-timestamp": "Edited %1",
"norecentposts": "Nici un mesaj recent",
"norecenttopics": "Nici un subiect recent",
"recentposts": "Mesaje Recente",
"recentips": "Adrese IP autentificate recent",
"moderator_tools": "Moderator Tools",
"status": "Status",
"online": "Conectat",
"away": "Plecat",
"dnd": "Nu mă deranja",
"invisible": "Invizibil",
"offline": "Deconectat",
"email": "Email",
"language": "Limbă",
"guest": "Vizitator",
"guests": "Vizitatori",
"former_user": "A Former User",
"system-user": "System",
"unknown-user": "Unknown user",
"updated.title": "Forumul a fost actualizat",
"updated.message": "Acest forum a fost actualizat la ultima version. Apasă aici pentru a reîmprospăta pagina.",
"privacy": "Intimitate",
"follow": "Urmăreşte",
"unfollow": "Nu mai urmări",
"delete_all": "Şterge Tot",
"map": "Hartă",
"sessions": "Ședința de login",
"ip_address": "Adresa IP",
"enter_page_number": "Introdu numărul paginei",
"upload_file": "Încărcați fișierul",
"upload": "Încărcați",
"uploads": "Uploads",
"allowed-file-types": "Tipuri de fișiere permise sunt %1",
"unsaved-changes": "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you wish to navigate away?",
"reconnecting-message": "Looks like your connection to %1 was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect.",
"play": "Play",
"cookies.message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"cookies.accept": "Got it!",
"cookies.learn_more": "Learn More",
"edited": "Edited",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"select": "Select",
"copied": "Copied",
"user-search-prompt": "Type something here to find users...",
"hidden": "Hidden",
"sort": "Sort",
"actions": "Actions"
} |