{ "manage-categories": "Manage Categories", "add-category": "Add category", "jump-to": "Jump to...", "settings": "Category Settings", "edit-category": "Edit Category", "privileges": "Privileges", "back-to-categories": "Back to categories", "name": "Category Name", "description": "Category Description", "bg-color": "Background Colour", "text-color": "Text Colour", "bg-image-size": "Background Image Size", "custom-class": "Custom Class", "num-recent-replies": "# of Recent Replies", "ext-link": "External Link", "subcategories-per-page": "Subcategories per page", "is-section": "Treat this category as a section", "post-queue": "Post queue", "tag-whitelist": "Tag Whitelist", "upload-image": "Upload Image", "upload": "Upload", "delete-image": "Remove", "category-image": "Category Image", "image-and-icon": "Image & Icon", "parent-category": "Parent Category", "optional-parent-category": "(Optional) Parent Category", "top-level": "Top Level", "parent-category-none": "(None)", "copy-parent": "Copy Parent", "copy-settings": "Copy Settings From", "optional-clone-settings": "(Optional) Clone Settings From Category", "clone-children": "Clone Children Categories And Settings", "purge": "Purge Category", "enable": "Enable", "disable": "Disable", "edit": "Edit", "analytics": "Analytics", "view-category": "View category", "set-order": "Set order", "set-order-help": "Setting the order of the category will move this category to that order and update the order of other categories as necessary. Minimum order is 1 which puts the category at the top.", "select-category": "Select Category", "set-parent-category": "Set Parent Category", "privileges.description": "You can configure the access control privileges for portions of the site in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.", "privileges.category-selector": "Configuring privileges for ", "privileges.warning": "Note: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.", "privileges.section-viewing": "Viewing Privileges", "privileges.section-posting": "Posting Privileges", "privileges.section-moderation": "Moderation Privileges", "privileges.section-other": "Other", "privileges.section-user": "User", "privileges.search-user": "Add User", "privileges.no-users": "No user-specific privileges in this category.", "privileges.section-group": "Group", "privileges.group-private": "This group is private", "privileges.inheritance-exception": "This group does not inherit privileges from registered-users group", "privileges.banned-user-inheritance": "Banned users inherit privileges from banned-users group", "privileges.search-group": "Add Group", "privileges.copy-to-children": "Copy to Children", "privileges.copy-from-category": "Copy from Category", "privileges.copy-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy to All Categories", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-children": "Copy this group's privileges to the children of this category.", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy this group's privileges to all categories.", "privileges.copy-group-privileges-from": "Copy this group's privileges from another category.", "privileges.inherit": "If the registered-users group is granted a specific privilege, all other groups receive an implicit privilege, even if they are not explicitly defined/checked. This implicit privilege is shown to you because all users are part of the registered-users user group, and so, privileges for additional groups need not be explicitly granted.", "privileges.copy-success": "Privileges copied!", "analytics.back": "Back to Categories List", "analytics.title": "Analytics for \"%1\" category", "analytics.pageviews-hourly": "Figure 1 – Hourly page views for this category", "analytics.pageviews-daily": "Figure 2 – Daily page views for this category", "analytics.topics-daily": "Figur 3 – Daglige tråder publisert i denne kategorien", "analytics.posts-daily": "Figure 4 – Daily posts made in this category", "alert.created": "Created", "alert.create-success": "Category successfully created!", "alert.none-active": "You have no active categories.", "alert.create": "Create a Category", "alert.confirm-purge": "

Vil du virkelig renske kategorien \"%1\"?

Advarsel! Alle tråder og innlegg i denne kategorien vil bli rensket!

Rensking av en kategori vil fjerne alle tråder og innlegg, og slette kategorien fra databasen. Hvis du vil fjerne en kategori midlertidig, vil du \"deaktivere\" kategorien i stedet.

", "alert.purge-success": "Category purged!", "alert.copy-success": "Settings Copied!", "alert.set-parent-category": "Set Parent Category", "alert.updated": "Updated Categories", "alert.updated-success": "Category IDs %1 successfully updated.", "alert.upload-image": "Upload category image", "alert.find-user": "Find a User", "alert.user-search": "Search for a user here...", "alert.find-group": "Find a Group", "alert.group-search": "Search for a group here...", "alert.not-enough-whitelisted-tags": "Whitelisted tags are less than minimum tags, you need to create more whitelisted tags!", "collapse-all": "Collapse All", "expand-all": "Expand All", "disable-on-create": "Disable on create", "no-matches": "No matches" }