'use strict'; var winston = require('winston'), async = require('async'); module.exports = function(Plugins) { /* `data` is an object consisting of (* is required): `data.hook`*, the name of the NodeBB hook `data.method`*, the method called in that plugin `data.priority`, the relative priority of the method when it is eventually called (default: 10) */ Plugins.registerHook = function(id, data, callback) { function register() { Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] = Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook] || []; Plugins.loadedHooks[data.hook].push(data); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } } var method; if (data.hook && data.method) { data.id = id; if (!data.priority) { data.priority = 10; } if (typeof data.method === 'string' && data.method.length > 0) { method = data.method.split('.').reduce(function(memo, prop) { if (memo !== null && memo[prop]) { return memo[prop]; } else { // Couldn't find method by path, aborting return null; } }, Plugins.libraries[data.id]); // Write the actual method reference to the hookObj data.method = method; register(); } else if (typeof data.method === 'function') { register(); } else { winston.warn('[plugins/' + id + '] Hook method mismatch: ' + data.hook + ' => ' + data.method); } } }; Plugins.fireHook = function(hook, params, callback) { callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function() {}; var hookList = Plugins.loadedHooks[hook]; if (!Array.isArray(hookList) || !hookList.length) { return callback(null, params); } var hookType = hook.split(':')[0]; switch (hookType) { case 'filter': fireFilterHook(hook, hookList, params, callback); break; case 'action': fireActionHook(hook, hookList, params, callback); break; case 'static': fireStaticHook(hook, hookList, params, callback); break; default: winston.warn('[plugins] Unknown hookType: ' + hookType + ', hook : ' + hook); break; } }; function fireFilterHook(hook, hookList, params, callback) { async.reduce(hookList, params, function(params, hookObj, next) { if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') { if (global.env === 'development') { winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.'); } return next(null, params); } hookObj.method(params, next); }, function(err, values) { if (err) { winston.error('[plugins] ' + hook + ', ' + err.message); } callback(err, values); }); } function fireActionHook(hook, hookList, params, callback) { async.each(hookList, function(hookObj, next) { if (typeof hookObj.method !== 'function') { if (global.env === 'development') { winston.warn('[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\' not found, skipping.'); } return next(); } hookObj.method(params); next(); }, callback); } function fireStaticHook(hook, hookList, params, callback) { async.each(hookList, function(hookObj, next) { if (typeof hookObj.method === 'function') { var timedOut = false; var timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { winston.warn('[plugins] Callback timed out, hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj.id + '\''); timedOut = true; next(); }, 5000); hookObj.method(params, function() { clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (!timedOut) { next.apply(null, arguments); } }); } else { next(); } }, callback); } Plugins.hasListeners = function(hook) { return !!(Plugins.loadedHooks[hook] && Plugins.loadedHooks[hook].length > 0); }; };