{ "topic": "Tema", "topics": "Temas", "no_topics_found": "No se encontraron temas!", "no_posts_found": "No posts found!", "profile": "Perfil", "posted_by": "Publicado por", "chat": "Chat", "notify_me": "Seras notificado cuando haya nuevas respuestas en este tema", "quote": "Citar", "reply": "Responder", "edit": "Editar", "delete": "Borrar", "move": "Mover", "fork": "Forkear", "banned": "banneado", "link": "Link", "share": "Compartir", "tools": "Herramientas", "flag": "Reportar", "flag_title": "Reportar este post a los moderadores", "deleted_message": "This thread has been deleted. Only users with thread management privileges can see it.", "thread_tools.title": "Herramientas del Tema", "thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Marcar como no leido", "thread_tools.pin": "Pin Topic", "thread_tools.unpin": "Unpin Topic", "thread_tools.lock": "Lock Topic", "thread_tools.unlock": "Unlock Topic", "thread_tools.move": "Move Topic", "thread_tools.fork": "Fork Topic", "thread_tools.delete": "Delete Topic", "thread_tools.restore": "Restore Topic", "load_categories": "Cargando Categorias", "disabled_categories_note": "Las categorías deshabilidas estan en gris", "confirm_move": "Mover", "confirm_fork": "Forkear", "favourite": "Favorito", "favourites": "Favoritos", "favourites.not_logged_in.title": "No estas conectado :(", "favourites.not_logged_in.message": "Por favor, conectate para agregar a favorito este post.", "favourites.has_no_favourites": "No tienes favoritos, puedes agregar alguno y volver a verlos aqui!", "vote.not_logged_in.title": "Not Logged In", "vote.not_logged_in.message": "Please log in in order to vote", "vote.cant_vote_self.title": "Invalid Vote", "vote.cant_vote_self.message": "You cannot vote for your own post", "loading_more_posts": "Cargando más posts", "move_topic": "Mover Tema", "move_post": "Mover post", "fork_topic": "Forkear Tema", "topic_will_be_moved_to": "Este tema sera movido a la categoría", "fork_topic_instruction": "Click en los posts que quieres forkear", "fork_no_pids": "No seleccionaste posts!", "fork_success": "Forkeado con exito!", "reputation": "Reputación", "posts": "Posts" }