'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const url = require('url'); const async = require('async'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const request = require('request'); const requestAsync = require('request-promise-native'); const util = require('util'); const db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); const user = require('../src/user'); const utils = require('../src/utils'); const meta = require('../src/meta'); const plugins = require('../src/plugins'); const privileges = require('../src/privileges'); const api = require('../src/api'); const helpers = require('./helpers'); describe('authentication', () => { const jar = request.jar(); let regularUid; const dummyEmailerHook = async (data) => {}; before((done) => { // Attach an emailer hook so related requests do not error plugins.hooks.register('authentication-test', { hook: 'filter:email.send', method: dummyEmailerHook, }); user.create({ username: 'regular', password: 'regularpwd', email: 'regular@nodebb.org' }, (err, uid) => { assert.ifError(err); regularUid = uid; assert.strictEqual(uid, 1); done(); }); }); after(() => { plugins.hooks.unregister('authentication-test', 'filter:email.send'); }); it('should allow login with email for uid 1', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.allowLoginWith; meta.config.allowLoginWith = 'username-email'; const { res } = await helpers.loginUser('regular@nodebb.org', 'regularpwd'); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); meta.config.allowLoginWith = oldValue; }); it('second user should fail to login with email since email is not confirmed', async () => { const oldValue = meta.config.allowLoginWith; meta.config.allowLoginWith = 'username-email'; const uid = await user.create({ username: '2nduser', password: '2ndpassword', email: '2nduser@nodebb.org' }); const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('2nduser@nodebb.org', '2ndpassword'); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); assert.strictEqual(body, '[[error:invalid-login-credentials]]'); meta.config.allowLoginWith = oldValue; }); it('should fail to create user if username is too short', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: 'a', password: '123456', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to create user if userslug is too short', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: '----a-----', password: '123456', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to create user if userslug is too short', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: ' a', password: '123456', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to create user if userslug is too short', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: 'a ', password: '123456', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); done(); }); }); it('should register and login a user', (done) => { request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/config`, json: true, jar: jar, }, (err, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); request.post(`${nconf.get('url')}/register`, { form: { email: 'admin@nodebb.org', username: 'admin', password: 'adminpwd', 'password-confirm': 'adminpwd', userLang: 'it', gdpr_consent: true, }, json: true, jar: jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': body.csrf_token, }, }, async (err, response, body) => { const validationPending = await user.email.isValidationPending(body.uid, 'admin@nodebb.org'); assert.strictEqual(validationPending, true); assert.ifError(err); assert(body); assert(body.hasOwnProperty('uid') && body.uid > 0); const newUid = body.uid; request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/self`, json: true, jar: jar, }, (err, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(body); assert.equal(body.username, 'admin'); assert.equal(body.uid, newUid); user.getSettings(body.uid, (err, settings) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(settings.userLang, 'it'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should logout a user', (done) => { helpers.logoutUser(jar, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/me`, json: true, jar: jar, }, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 401); assert.strictEqual(body.status.code, 'not-authorised'); done(); }); }); }); it('should regenerate the session identifier on successful login', async () => { const matchRegexp = /express\.sid=s%3A(.+?);/; const { hostname, path } = url.parse(nconf.get('url')); const sid = String(jar._jar.store.idx[hostname][path]['express.sid']).match(matchRegexp)[1]; await helpers.logoutUser(jar); const newJar = (await helpers.loginUser('regular', 'regularpwd')).jar; const newSid = String(newJar._jar.store.idx[hostname][path]['express.sid']).match(matchRegexp)[1]; assert.notStrictEqual(newSid, sid); }); it('should revoke all sessions', (done) => { const socketAdmin = require('../src/socket.io/admin'); db.sortedSetCard(`uid:${regularUid}:sessions`, (err, count) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(count); socketAdmin.deleteAllSessions({ uid: 1 }, {}, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); db.sortedSetCard(`uid:${regularUid}:sessions`, (err, count) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(!count); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('login', () => { let username; let password; let uid; function getCookieExpiry(res) { assert(res.headers['set-cookie']); assert.strictEqual(res.headers['set-cookie'][0].includes('Expires'), true); const values = res.headers['set-cookie'][0].split(';'); return values.reduce((memo, cur) => { if (!memo) { const [name, value] = cur.split('='); if (name === ' Expires') { memo = new Date(value); } } return memo; }, undefined); } beforeEach(async () => { ([username, password] = [utils.generateUUID().slice(0, 10), utils.generateUUID()]); uid = await user.create({ username, password }); }); it('should login a user', async () => { const { jar, body: loginBody } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password); assert(loginBody); const body = await requestAsync({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/self`, json: true, jar, }); assert(body); assert.equal(body.username, username); const sessions = await db.getObject(`uid:${uid}:sessionUUID:sessionId`); assert(sessions); assert(Object.keys(sessions).length > 0); }); it('should set a cookie that only lasts for the life of the browser session', async () => { const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password); assert(res.headers); assert(res.headers['set-cookie']); assert.strictEqual(res.headers['set-cookie'][0].includes('Expires'), false); }); it('should set a different expiry if sessionDuration is set', async () => { const _sessionDuration = meta.config.sessionDuration; const days = 1; meta.config.sessionDuration = days * 24 * 60 * 60; const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password); const expiry = getCookieExpiry(res); const expected = new Date(); expected.setUTCDate(expected.getUTCDate() + days); assert.strictEqual(expiry.getUTCDate(), expected.getUTCDate()); meta.config.sessionDuration = _sessionDuration; }); it('should set a cookie that lasts for x days where x is loginDays setting, if asked to remember', async () => { const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password, { remember: 'on' }); const expiry = getCookieExpiry(res); const expected = new Date(); expected.setUTCDate(expected.getUTCDate() + meta.config.loginDays); assert.strictEqual(expiry.getUTCDate(), expected.getUTCDate()); }); it('should set the cookie expiry properly if loginDays setting is changed', async () => { const _loginDays = meta.config.loginDays; meta.config.loginDays = 5; const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password, { remember: 'on' }); const expiry = getCookieExpiry(res); const expected = new Date(); expected.setUTCDate(expected.getUTCDate() + meta.config.loginDays); assert.strictEqual(expiry.getUTCDate(), expected.getUTCDate()); meta.config.loginDays = _loginDays; }); it('should ignore loginDays if loginSeconds is truthy', async () => { const _loginSeconds = meta.config.loginSeconds; meta.config.loginSeconds = 60; const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(username, password, { remember: 'on' }); const expiry = getCookieExpiry(res); const expected = new Date(); expected.setUTCSeconds(expected.getUTCSeconds() + meta.config.loginSeconds); assert.strictEqual(expiry.getUTCDate(), expected.getUTCDate()); assert.strictEqual(expiry.getUTCMinutes(), expected.getUTCMinutes()); meta.config.loginSeconds = _loginSeconds; }); }); it('should fail to login if ip address is invalid', (done) => { const jar = request.jar(); request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/config`, json: true, jar: jar, }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } request.post(`${nconf.get('url')}/login`, { form: { username: 'regular', password: 'regularpwd', }, json: true, jar: jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': body.csrf_token, 'x-forwarded-for': '<script>alert("xss")</script>', }, }, (err, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 500); done(); }); }); }); it('should fail to login if user does not exist', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('doesnotexist', 'nopassword'); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:invalid-login-credentials]]'); }); it('should fail to login if username is empty', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('', 'some password'); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:invalid-username-or-password]]'); }); it('should fail to login if password is empty', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('someuser', ''); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:invalid-username-or-password]]'); }); it('should fail to login if username and password are empty', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('', ''); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:invalid-username-or-password]]'); }); it('should fail to login if user does not have password field in db', async () => { await user.create({ username: 'hasnopassword', email: 'no@pass.org' }); const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('hasnopassword', 'doesntmatter'); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:invalid-login-credentials]]'); }); it('should fail to login if password is longer than 4096', async () => { let longPassword; for (let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { longPassword += 'a'; } const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('someuser', longPassword); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:password-too-long]]'); }); it('should fail to login if local login is disabled', async () => { await privileges.global.rescind(['groups:local:login'], 'registered-users'); const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('regular', 'regularpwd'); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, '[[error:local-login-disabled]]'); await privileges.global.give(['groups:local:login'], 'registered-users'); }); it('should fail to register if registraton is disabled', (done) => { meta.config.registrationType = 'disabled'; helpers.registerUser({ username: 'someuser', password: 'somepassword', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(body, 'Forbidden'); done(); }); }); it('should return error if invitation is not valid', (done) => { meta.config.registrationType = 'invite-only'; helpers.registerUser({ username: 'someuser', password: 'somepassword', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { meta.config.registrationType = 'normal'; assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[register:invite.error-invite-only]]'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to register if username is falsy or too short', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: '', password: 'somepassword', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); helpers.registerUser({ username: 'a', password: 'somepassword', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-short]]'); done(); }); }); }); it('should fail to register if username is too long', (done) => { helpers.registerUser({ username: 'thisisareallylongusername', password: '123456', }, (err, jar, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-too-long]]'); done(); }); }); it('should queue user if ip is used before', (done) => { meta.config.registrationApprovalType = 'admin-approval-ip'; helpers.registerUser({ email: 'another@user.com', username: 'anotheruser', password: 'anotherpwd', gdpr_consent: 1, }, (err, jar, response, body) => { meta.config.registrationApprovalType = 'normal'; assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(body.message, '[[register:registration-added-to-queue]]'); done(); }); }); it('should be able to login with email', async () => { const email = 'ginger@nodebb.org'; const uid = await user.create({ username: 'ginger', password: '123456', email }); await user.setUserField(uid, 'email', email); await user.email.confirmByUid(uid); const { res } = await helpers.loginUser('ginger@nodebb.org', '123456'); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); }); it('should fail to login if login type is username and an email is sent', async () => { meta.config.allowLoginWith = 'username'; const { res, body } = await helpers.loginUser('ginger@nodebb.org', '123456'); meta.config.allowLoginWith = 'username-email'; assert.equal(res.statusCode, 400); assert.equal(body, '[[error:wrong-login-type-username]]'); }); it('should send 200 if not logged in', (done) => { const jar = request.jar(); request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/config`, json: true, jar: jar, }, (err, response, body) => { assert.ifError(err); request.post(`${nconf.get('url')}/logout`, { form: {}, json: true, jar: jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': body.csrf_token, }, }, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(body, 'not-logged-in'); done(); }); }); }); describe('banned user authentication', () => { const bannedUser = { username: 'banme', pw: '123456', uid: null, }; before(async () => { bannedUser.uid = await user.create({ username: 'banme', password: '123456', email: 'ban@me.com' }); }); it('should prevent banned user from logging in', async () => { await user.bans.ban(bannedUser.uid, 0, 'spammer'); const { res: res1, body: body1 } = await helpers.loginUser(bannedUser.username, bannedUser.pw); assert.equal(res1.statusCode, 403); delete body1.timestamp; assert.deepStrictEqual(body1, { banned_until: 0, banned_until_readable: '', expiry: 0, expiry_readable: '', reason: 'spammer', uid: bannedUser.uid, }); await user.bans.unban(bannedUser.uid); const expiry = Date.now() + 10000; await user.bans.ban(bannedUser.uid, expiry, ''); const { res: res2, body: body2 } = await helpers.loginUser(bannedUser.username, bannedUser.pw); assert.equal(res2.statusCode, 403); assert(body2.banned_until); assert(body2.reason, '[[user:info.banned-no-reason]]'); }); it('should allow banned user to log in if the "banned-users" group has "local-login" privilege', async () => { await privileges.global.give(['groups:local:login'], 'banned-users'); const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(bannedUser.username, bannedUser.pw); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); }); it('should allow banned user to log in if the user herself has "local-login" privilege', async () => { await privileges.global.rescind(['groups:local:login'], 'banned-users'); await privileges.categories.give(['local:login'], 0, bannedUser.uid); const { res } = await helpers.loginUser(bannedUser.username, bannedUser.pw); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); }); }); it('should lockout account on 3 failed login attempts', (done) => { meta.config.loginAttempts = 3; let uid; async.waterfall([ function (next) { user.create({ username: 'lockme', password: '123456' }, next); }, async (_uid) => { uid = _uid; return helpers.loginUser('lockme', 'abcdef'); }, async data => helpers.loginUser('lockme', 'abcdef'), async data => helpers.loginUser('lockme', 'abcdef'), async data => helpers.loginUser('lockme', 'abcdef'), async (data) => { meta.config.loginAttempts = 5; assert.equal(data.res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(data.body, '[[error:account-locked]]'); return helpers.loginUser('lockme', 'abcdef'); }, function (data, next) { assert.equal(data.res.statusCode, 403); assert.equal(data.body, '[[error:account-locked]]'); db.exists(`lockout:${uid}`, next); }, function (locked, next) { assert(locked); next(); }, ], done); }); it('should clear all reset tokens upon successful login', async () => { const code = await user.reset.generate(regularUid); await helpers.loginUser('regular', 'regularpwd'); const valid = await user.reset.validate(code); assert.strictEqual(valid, false); }); describe('api tokens', () => { let newUid; let userToken; let masterToken; before(async () => { newUid = await user.create({ username: 'apiUserTarget' }); userToken = await api.utils.tokens.generate({ uid: newUid, description: `api token for uid ${newUid}`, }); masterToken = await api.utils.tokens.generate({ uid: 0, description: 'api master token', }); }); it('should fail with invalid token', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.request('get', `/api/self`, { form: { _uid: newUid, }, json: true, jar: jar, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer sdfhaskfdja-jahfdaksdf`, }, }); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 401); assert.strictEqual(body, 'not-authorized'); }); it('should use a token tied to an uid', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.request('get', `/api/self`, { json: true, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userToken}`, }, }); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert.strictEqual(body.username, 'apiUserTarget'); }); it('should fail if _uid is not passed in with master token', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.request('get', `/api/self`, { form: {}, json: true, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${masterToken}`, }, }); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 500); assert.strictEqual(body.error, '[[error:api.master-token-no-uid]]'); }); it('should use master api token and _uid', async () => { const { res, body } = await helpers.request('get', `/api/self`, { form: { _uid: newUid, }, json: true, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${masterToken}`, }, }); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert.strictEqual(body.username, 'apiUserTarget'); }); }); });