// this test currently needs to talk to the redis database. // get the redis config info from root directory's config.json: var winston = require('winston'); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { winston.error('Encountered error while running test suite: ' + err.message); }); var assert = require('assert'), db = require('../mocks/databasemock'); var User = require('../src/user'); describe('User', function() { var userData; beforeEach(function(){ userData = { name: 'John Smith', password: 'swordfish', email: 'john@example.com', callback: undefined }; }); describe('when created', function() { it('should be created properly', function(done){ User.create({usename: userData.name, password: userData.password, email: userData.email}, function(error,userId){ assert.equal(error, null, 'was created with error'); assert.ok(userId); done(); }); }); it('should have a valid email, if using an email', function() { assert.throws( User.create({username: userData.name, password: userData.password, email: 'fakeMail'},function(){}), Error, 'does not validate email' ); }); }); after(function() { db.flushdb(); }); });