{ "forum-traffic": "Prevádzka fóra", "page-views": "Zobrazenia stránok", "unique-visitors": "Unikátne návštevy", "users": "Užívatelia", "posts": "Príspevky", "topics": "Témy", "page-views-last-month": "Zobrazenia stránok za posledný mesiac", "page-views-this-month": "Zobrazenia stránok za tento mesiac", "page-views-last-day": "Zobrazenia stránok za posledných 24 hodín", "stats.day": "Deň", "stats.week": "Týždeň", "stats.month": "Mesiac", "stats.all": "Celé obdobie", "updates": "Aktualizácie", "running-version": "You are running NodeBB v%1.", "keep-updated": "Always make sure that your NodeBB is up to date for the latest security patches and bug fixes.", "up-to-date": "
You are up-to-date
", "upgrade-available": "A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-upgrade-available": "This is an outdated pre-release version of NodeBB. A new version (v%1) has been released. Consider upgrading your NodeBB.
", "prerelease-warning": "This is a pre-release version of NodeBB. Unintended bugs may occur.
", "notices": "Upozornenie", "restart-not-required": "Reštart nie je potrebný", "restart-required": "Reštart je potrebný", "search-plugin-installed": "Vyhľadávací doplnok bol nainštalovaný", "search-plugin-not-installed": "Vyhľadávací doplnok nebol nainštalovaný", "search-plugin-tooltip": "Install a search plugin from the plugin page in order to activate search functionality", "control-panel": "System Control", "reload": "Obnoviť", "restart": "Reštartovať", "restart-warning": "Reloading or Restarting your NodeBB will drop all existing connections for a few seconds.", "maintenance-mode": "Maintenance Mode", "maintenance-mode-title": "Click here to set up maintenance mode for NodeBB", "realtime-chart-updates": "Realtime Chart Updates", "active-users": "Aktívny užívatelia", "active-users.users": "Užívatelia", "active-users.guests": "Hostia", "active-users.total": "Celkovo", "active-users.connections": "Pripojení", "anonymous-registered-users": "Neznámy vs Zaregistrovaný užívatelia", "anonymous": "Neznámy", "registered": "Zaregistrovaný", "user-presence": "User Presence", "on-categories": "On categories list", "reading-posts": "Reading posts", "browsing-topics": "Browsing topics", "recent": "Nedávne", "unread": "Neprečitané", "high-presence-topics": "High Presence Topics", "graphs.page-views": "Zobrazenia stránok", "graphs.unique-visitors": "Unikátny navštevníci", "graphs.registered-users": "Zarestrovaný užívatelia", "graphs.anonymous-users": "Neznámy užívatelia" }