@echo off rem %1 action rem %2 subaction setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 2>nul call :CASE_%1 if ERRORLEVEL 1 call :DEFAULT_CASE exit /B :CASE_start echo Starting NodeBB echo "nodebb.bat stop" to stop the NodeBB server echo "nodebb.bat log" to view server output rem Start the loader daemon node loader %* goto END_CASE :CASE_stop call :pidexists if %_result%==0 ( echo NodeBB is already stopped. ) else ( echo Stopping NodeBB. Goodbye! rem Doing this forcefully is probably not the best method taskkill /PID !_pid! /f>nul ) goto END_CASE :CASE_restart echo Unsupported goto END_CASE :CASE_reload echo Unsupported goto END_CASE :CASE_status call :pidexists if %_result%==0 ( echo NodeBB is not running echo "nodebb.bat start" to launch the NodeBB server ) else ( echo NodeBB Running ^(pid !_pid!^) echo "nodebb.bat stop" to stop the NodeBB server echo "nodebb.bat log" to view server output echo "nodebb.bat restart" to restart NodeBB ) goto END_CASE :CASE_log cls type .\logs\output.log goto END_CASE :CASE_upgrade call npm install call npm i nodebb-theme-vanilla nodebb-theme-lavender nodebb-widget-essentials node app --upgrade copy /b package.json +,,>nul goto END_CASE :CASE_setup node app --setup %* goto END_CASE :CASE_reset node app --reset --%2 goto END_CASE :CASE_dev echo Launching NodeBB in "development" mode. echo To run the production build of NodeBB, please use "forever". echo More Information: https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/running/index.html set NODE_ENV=development node loader --no-daemon %* goto END_CASE :CASE_watch echo Not supported goto END_CASE :DEFAULT_CASE echo Welcome to NodeBB echo Usage: nodebb.bat ^{start^|stop^|reload^|restart^|log^|setup^|reset^|upgrade^|dev^|watch^} goto END_CASE :END_CASE endlocal VER > NUL goto :EOF :pidexists if exist %~dp0pidfile ( set /p _pid=<pidfile for /f "usebackq" %%Z in (`tasklist /nh /fi "PID eq !_pid!"`) do ( if %%Z==INFO: ( del pidfile set _result=0 ) else ( set _result=1 ) ) ) else ( set _result=0 )